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Challenging extremism. Using every kind of human knowledge AGAINST INFRAHUMANIZATION CALEM – 2010 (Paris – France) Confederation of associations LGBTQI, European and Muslim A conference organized on the initiative of HM2F, thanks to our sister organizations. SUMMARY.
Challenging extremism Using every kind of human knowledge AGAINST INFRAHUMANIZATION CALEM – 2010 (Paris – France) Confederation of associations LGBTQI, European and Muslim A conference organized on the initiative of HM2F, thanks to our sister organizations.
SUMMARY A – Infrahumanization, theoretically B –Infrahumanizing sexual minorities C – Is Islam a homophobic religion by nature ? CONCLUSION : Islam is a living, breathing, humanist religion ! http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
A - THEORETICALY http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
What is Infrahumanization ? SOCIAL PHENOMENON That social phenomenon is tacitly held by an unconscious belief that one’s in-group is more human than an out-group http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Unconscious or deliberate ? UNCONTROLABLE Produced by an individual or a group of individuals ; here is the “recipe” to ostracize someone without feeling guilty about it… (doesn’t mean they are not guilty !) http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Endangered in-group ANIMAL INSTINCT Infrahumanization is a basic, instinctive reaction ; endangered groups reinforce their group frontiers; scapegoats to catharsis in-group fears ! http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Seldom endorsed by individuals ! NO emotions, NO faith • Endorsed by a majority, against a minority • Being more numerous helps to thing you are right • Denial of Humanity (“they have no true human emotions” - “they are beasts” - “they have no human faith” - “it is not a sin to hurt them”...) • Robust scientific proofs • The more participants infrahumanize the out-group member the less likely they were to help. http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
How far ? MORTAL SOCIAL ILLUSION “Denial of humanness associated with extreme intergroup violence such as genocide” (Leyens & al.) [1] Leyens & al. (2009). “From infra-humanization to discrimination: The mediation of symbolic threat needs egalitarian norms”. Journal of experimental social psychology; 45-2, p.336-344. http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
B - INFRAHUMANIZING sexual minorities (personnalreflexion, no true or faulse answer…) http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
« I am not guilty ! » Why is it so important for them insist on homosexuality, as “one of the most sensitive issues facing Muslims living in the West, particularly in Europe” ? (like Leyens & al. said that violence, sometimes could genocide an entire population : Nazis, apartheid, sexual minorities… scapegoat !) http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
« I am not guilty ! » • This is a question we need to think of all together. HM2F concrete proposals for our network : • The Manifesto, telling who we are and what are we fighting for • An article,“Homosexuality and Islam” ; he deconstruction of the homophobic violents opinions from some islamists. • And more inch’Allah … http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Our truth We shall insist on “Rahma”, an entire surat dedicated to empathy The executioner need infrahumanization to violate the victim’s human dignity Infrahumanization makes the victim suffering, it certainly alienates the executioner http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Instaure a peacefull dialogue Peaceful dialogue to educate, purify ourselves, others representation Continue pointing at stigma, & discrimination, fight prejudices 18th century European doctors were wrong, direct - indirect violence Neither Islam nor LGBT have anything to win from direct nor indirect violence of infrahumanization , dehumanization !!! [2] http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/ [3] American Psychiatric Association - DSMIV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual :http://www.psych.org/mainmenu/research/dsmiv/dsmivtr.aspx [4] Amnesty international report : http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL30/003/2008/en/d77ce647-4cd3-11dd-bca2-bb9d43f3e059/pol300032008eng.pdf http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Human dignity, much wider issue http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
C -ISLAM is not HOMOPHOBIC! http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Infrahumanization is not Islam We shall never forget our prophet’s wisdom ASWS : “Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.” (many other hadiths and Quran’s verse about jurisdictional right / wrong : collected anyway 200 years after our prophet’s death ASWS)) What could be more important for a free willing Muslim than his/her human dignity !? http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Our prophet tradition is love & peace Our Prophet Mohammed • Accepted that « mukhannathun » served his children and wives. • He defended what we call today transidentitary Muslims against what we call today « homophobia. • People of Loth quoted in the quran are about violent sexual relationships, devoted to a pagan goddess (nothing to do with “homosexuality” or love between same sex consentent individuals). http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Tradition is not religion ! • Religion is not about rules, but about secularized humanism… • “Rules” are confounded with traditions • Traditions change from one spatiotemporal context to another • We have to embrace the Islamic humanism ! • (Scott Siraj al-Aqq – “Homosexuality and Islam”, 2010) http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Excluding 20% of humanity !? • That is a global renewal that Islam needs, feminists LGBT Muslims are at the forefront of it, and infrahumanization has no place in such Islamic humanism … • We have no choice but to see the truth : Religion claims to come from the Universal our Lord • Imams and philosophers for human rights, against homophobia(imam T. Oubrou) • Modern humanist representation added to the Islamic theological corpus (A. Bidar) • We are building our own • “LGBTQI Islamic Theology liberation” http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Conclusion http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
COnclusion Sexuality is a benediction that ought to be leaved in Peace – Islam means being in Peace. We have to fight back, peacefully, the violence of infrahumanization – which is an animal, instinctive group social reaction. We are lucky and blessed to be a part of that rising Islamic LGBTQI activism. www..homosexuels-musulmans.org
“Light upon light” “But lo! with hardship goeth ease , Lo! with hardship goeth ease ; So when thou art relieved , still toil 94.8 . And strive to please thy Lord.” (Quran : 95, 5-8) اللة اعلم http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html
Bibliography [1] Leyens & al. (2009). “From infra-humanization to discrimination: The mediation of symbolic threat needs egalitarian norms”. Journal of experimental social psychology; 45-2, p.336-344. [2] http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/ [3] American Psychiatric Assocaition - DSMIV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual :http://www.psych.org/mainmenu/research/dsmiv/dsmivtr.aspx [4] Amnesty international report : http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/POL30/003/2008/en/d77ce647-4cd3-11dd-bca2-bb9d43f3e059/pol300032008eng.pdf M. Hendricks answer to T. Ramadan’s article entitled “Islam and homosexuality” : http://theinnercircle.org.za/?p=1497 Hegemonic masculinity : http://history.anu.edu.au/files/documents/Connell&Mess_HegemonicMasc.pdf A. Bidar (2008). « L'islam sans soumission: pour un existentialisme musulman », p.36. Albin Michel, Paris S.S.A. Kugle (2010). “homosexuality and Islam”. Oneworld Publications; Oxford, England. M. Al-Ghazali (1981). « Le Tabernacle des lumières », traduction de Roger Deladrière. Editions du Seuil, Paris. I. Ibn-Kathir (2007). « As-Sira : la biographie du prophète Mohammed, les débuts de l’islam », traduction de Messaoud Boudjenoun. EditionsUniversel, Paris. F. Lenoir (2008). “Petit traité de l’histoire des religions”. Plon, Paris. http://www.homosexuels-musulmans.org/gay_muslims.html