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Intro to Java. Or, CS1 in one week or less! (part 1). Java Classes. In Java, everything is encapsulated no such thing as a “non-member function ” Java program consists of a series of class descriptions A class is a blueprint for an object
Intro to Java Or, CS1 in one week or less! (part 1)
Java Classes • In Java, everything is encapsulated • no such thing as a “non-member function ” • Java program consists of a series of class descriptions • A class is a blueprint for an object • member fields (aka attributes, variables) store data • methods (functions) specify operations
Class interactions • A function call in Java is called a message • One object interacts with another by sending and receiving messages • sender is the client • receiver is the server
Java Code Example import java.lang.*; public class ProgEx1 { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println (“Obligatory first example”); } } Outer set of brackets enclose the definition of class ProgEx1 Inner set enclose the definition of method main( )
Editing & compiling Java code • Save file with a .java extension • can use any text editor (e.g. NotePad) • An IDE provides richer editing tools – can use one specifically for Java, or use generic or different language editor (e.g. dev) • Set up environment: • Java’s \bin directory needs to be in your PATH • Java’s \lib directory needs to be in your CLASSPATH
Compiling & executing Java code • To compile example from previous slide, type javac ProgEx1.java - if compilation is successful, will create ProgEx1.class • To run the compiled code, type java ProgEx1
Code organization • Java source code files have .java suffix; public classes must be in a file with the same name • Compiled code has .class suffix • No header files: class methods are defined within the class definition, and import statements bring in classes from the Java API
Code organization • A program consists of one or more classes in one or more files • Can organize source code files into packages, which can be imported (analogous to, but different from, #include and libraries in C++)
Code organization • Files can use classes from another file in 2 different ways: • import class from another package - can then use name of class without prefix • can use class directly (without import) by prefixing class name with package name
The big picture: Java API • The Java API, or Application Programming Interface, is analogous to the standard libraries of C++ • The statement import java.lang.* makes a package from the API (java.lang) visible to the class description that follows it • This line requests that the code in java.lang be treated as part of this program
When to use import statements • A class’s full name consists of its package name followed by its class name; examples from the Java library include: • java.util.ArrayList (ArrayList is a class in the java.util package) • javax.swing.JOptionPane (JOptionPane is a class in the javax.swing package) • We use import statements to minimize the necessity of using a class’s full name
When to use import statements • For example, to use the ArrayList class in a program without its prefix, include the statement: import java.util.ArrayList; // or import java.util.*; • Second example above imports all classes from the java.util package • Classes from the java.lang packages (including String and Math) can be used without prefix or import statement (so import java.lang.*; is really unnecessary and rarely used)
Closer look at Java code Class definition consists of header: public class ProgEx1 And body: { // data fields & methods } Note there is no semicolon at the end of the class definition, as there would be in C++
Method definition: header public static void main (String [] args) • public and static are modifiers • public is an access modifier, meaning this method can be seen by other objects - other options include private and protected • static is a lifetime modifier: static means only one instance of this method exists, and it is shared by all objects of this class - since it is independent of class instances, it exists even if there are none
Method definition: header public static void main (String [] args) • void is the return type, main is the method name • the argument list is in parentheses; the standard argument list for main is shown • allows for command-line arguments • args is an array of strings; can access individual arguments using [] notation • number of arguments is stored in attribute args.length
Method definition: body System.out.println(“Obligatory first program”); • System is the name of one of the classes defined in the Java API (in package java.lang) • out is a static variable defined in System: outside their classes, static variables can be accessed by preceding them with class name • println is a method associated with out’s data type; analogous to operator <<, with out analogous to cout
More on println method • Prints one line of output to screen, then moves cursor to next line • C++ equivalent would be something like: std::cout << “Obligatory first example” << endl; • There is also a print method - works like println, but doesn’t print the end of line character
Typical structure of Java application • Consists of collection of classes • One class has main() method • actually, any and all classes can have a main(), but only one per program is actually executed • can include main() in any class for testing purposes
More typical example public class Greeter { public Greeter (String aName) { name = aName; } public String sayHello() { return “Hello, ” + name + “!”; } private String name; } Class features: Constructor: creates new instances of class Method(s): algorithm(s) applied to class objects Field(s): object’s data member(s)
Constructor in Java • Invoked using operator new (unlike C++, where declaration automatically invokes constructor) • new returns a reference to a newly-created object, which is an instance of the class • can use a variable to store the reference
Test program for Greeter class public class GreeterTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Greeter worldGreeter = new Greeter(“world”); // invokes constructor, stores resulting object reference String greeting = worldGreeter.sayHello(); System.out.println(greeting); } }
Java byte (signed, 8 bits) short (signed, 16 bits) int (signed, 32 bits) long (signed, 64 bits) boolean (true/false) char (16 bits, Unicode) float (32 bits) double (64 bits) void String C++ char (sort of) int, short long, int long bool char (sort of - 8 bit ASCII) float double void string Java data types and their C++ counterparts Note: string type is not primitive, built-in type in either language
Variable declaration in Java • Variables can be declared classwide or local to a method • Identifiers follow similar rules as C++ • name must start with a letter • in Unicode, the symbol ‘$’ is considered a letter, so names can start with this • Primitive type variables similar to variables in C++
Variable declaration in Java • Object & array variables work differently • they are references (think pointers) to the data-type-sized memory they can be associated with • have to allocate memory before you can assign a value to them - this is done using the new operator with the constructor, as seen previously
Declaring & manipulating simple variables • Looks exactly like C++ - examples: int x, y; x = 10; y = x + 4; • Unless declared static, data variables are instance members • tied in with individual instances of class or method • every instance of the class has its own copy
Characters in Java • Use 16-bit Unicode instead of 8-bit ASCII; much richer character set (see www.unicode.org) • Escape sequences similar to those in C++; e.g. ‘\n’ is newline character, ‘\t’ is horizontal tab, ‘\b’ is backspace, ‘\\’ is backslash character • Can use ‘\uxxxx’ where x is a hex digit to denote an arbitrary Unicode character
Arithmetic operators in Java • Same as C++: *, /, %, +, - • same meanings, same precedence, same associativity • In Java, % is defined for floating-point operands • computes r = a - (b * q) where integer q<=a/b and with the same sign • for example, 6.9 % 1.2 = .9 because .9 = 6.9 - (1.2 * 5)
Mixed-type expressions • Similar to C++: • “lower” types are promoted, result is “highest” type of operand in expression • explicit cast is required to “demote” a data type • Java also retains the combination arithmetic/assignment operators (+=, etc.) and pre and post increment and decrement (++, --)
Type conversions • If no information loss is involved (converting short to int, for example), no explicit cast required • Can convert char to int • Can convert all integer types to float or double (even though information loss may be possible) • Conversion of any floating point type to any integer type requires explicit cast • Can’t convert booleans to numbers
Java’s Math class • Implements several useful mathematical methods • All methods are static, so they don’t operate on objects, and must be invoked by referencing the class name • Examples: Math.sqrt(x) returns square root of double argument x Math.pow(x,y) returns xy (where x, y and result are all type double)
Relational/Logical Expressions • Same relational operators as C++: >, <, >=, <=, != and == • Same logical operators: • && • || • ! • Both && and || use short-circuit evaluation • Java also has the ternary operator
Control Structures • Syntax for while, for, do/while, if, if/else and switch are identical to the same structures in C++ • As in C++, brackets are required around blocks of code that contain more than one statement
Java vs. C++: 1 • Java classes look different because: • methods are defined inside class definitions (not in separate implementation file) • everything is a class - including the driver class, which contains main( ) • Java programs can contain multiple instances of main() (but only one will execute)
Java vs. C++: 2 • Java has no pointers (at least none you can manipulate directly) • You can’t overload operators in Java • You don’t have to worry about manual garbage collection in Java • There are no such things as structs, unions, enums, typedefs, friend functions, or templates
Java vs. C++: 3 • There is no default type for Java methods (unlike C++, where functions are assumed to return int unless otherwise specified) • Explicit casts are required to convert from int to char • Modulus works on floating-point numbers • Java doesn’t have keyword const - can use final to declare constant data values: final float PI = 3.14159;
Intro to Java Or, CS1 in one week or less! (part 1)