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Participation of SME in the the Sixth Framework Program. Xabier Goenaga Warsaw, 25 November 2002 European Commission DG Research - Research and SMEs. EU SMEs ~ THEIR IMPORTANCE. MOTOR OF EUROPE’S CHANGING ECONOMY. by GENERATING NEW PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES High tech SMEs create twice
Participation of SME in the the Sixth Framework Program Xabier Goenaga Warsaw, 25 November 2002 European Commission DG Research - Research and SMEs
EU SMEs ~ THEIR IMPORTANCE MOTOR OF EUROPE’S CHANGING ECONOMY by GENERATING NEW PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES High tech SMEs create twice more innovations per employee than large companies by SUPPORTING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF LARGE COMPANIES 50% of SMEs are subcontractors byCREATING EMPLOYMENT SMEs and especially micro-firms are the main source of new jobs
SME definition SME (Small or Medium-sized Enterprise) Has fewer than 250 employees Has either - an annual turnover not exceeding € 40 million - an annual balance-sheet total not exceeding € 27 million Is independent, i.e. not 25% or more owned by one or more organisations which are not an SME (except public investment corporations,venture capital companies and funds and institutional investors)
SME participation in FP6 Part 1 The 7 Thematic Priorities Part 2 Specific Schemes for SME Part 3 Information and Assistance
SME participation EC Objective = to allocate at least 15% of the seven thematic priorities budget (1.7 billion Euro) to SME Special measures to encourage SME participation in the new types of projects
Specific measures to encourage SME participation Participation of SME groupings 1 Evaluation criteria related to SME 2 Targeting of calls in areas relevant for SME 3 Pre-allocated budget for take-up measures 4 Possibility to extend FP6 contracts to include new SME 5
Participation of SME groupings Possible for the different activities Management, Research Technology transfer, Training Dissemination of results Stronger impact Higher efficiency « Enterprise grouping means any legal entity made up for the most part of SME and representing their interest » (Rules of participation)
Evaluation criteria related to SME For Integrated Projects and Specific Targeted Research Projects Criterion « Quality of the consortium » « The extent to which the opportunity of involving SME in the project has been adequately addressed» When appropriate, possibility to add special criteria in calls to take account of the contribution of the proposals to promote competitiveness of SME
Targeting of calls in areas relevant for SME In some thematic priorities, subjects are described as particularly relevant for SME • Depending on characteristics such as: • maturity of the field of research (fundamental/applied) • number of SME already involved in the subject • possibility to create start-ups • number of high-tech SME • need to transform traditional industries • need or presence of SME able to transfer knowledge
SME partners identified and involved at the proposal stage SME to be identified after contract signature (budget set aside for new partners, call by the consortium) Pre-allocated budget for take-up measures Take-up activities Promotion of the early or broad application of technologies Assessment, trial, validation of technologies Transfer of best practices for early exploitation of technologies Ideal platforms for presenting SME with the results of the research undertaken
Possibility to extend contracts to include new participants « The Commission may increase its financial contribution to an indirect action already under way in order to expand its scope to cover new activities which may involve new participants » (Rules of participation) = An opportunity for SME to enter into running projects The addition of new participants would be done by way of calls for proposals launched by the Commission and subsequent evaluation according to the normal procedure
Horizontal Research Activities Specific schemes: Collective Research Projects and Cooperative Research Projects on any subject across the whole range of Science and Technology Individual SME Cooperative Research (CRAFT) Industrial associations or SME groupings Collective Research
Co-operative Research Financing Up to 7% of EC contribution
Collective Research Pilot Action • Pilot Action in FP5 • On the basis of this experience, new scheme for FP6 • Typical goals • Common problems, challenges (e.g.environmental, safety issues) • Pre-normative research (S&T base for norms and standards) • Development of technological tools (e.g.diagnosis, safety equipment)
Collective Research Participation • At least • 2 Business Associations or groupings from 2 MS/AC OR • 1 European Industrial Association • (e.g. European Economical Interest Group) • In addition • SME core group (minimum 2 SME) AND • 2 RTD performers (MS or AS)
Collective ResearchFinancing Up to 7% of EC contribution
Calls for proposals Launch of Call for Proposals at end 2002 • Cooperative Research • Deadlines in April 2003 and November 2003 • Collective Research • Deadline in March 2003 • Proposals following a two-step approach • Step 1 - Outline • Step 2 - Detailed proposal
Adequate information and assistance Economic and Technological Intelligence 1 Specific Support Actions (7 thematic priorities) 2 SME National Contact Points (NCP) 3 SME website and helpdesk 4
Specific Support Actions in the 7 thematic priorities Depending on the specificity of each priority thematic area As appropriate: Conferences, seminars, studies, analyses, working groups, expert groups, operational support and dissemination, information and communication activities
SME National Contact Points Network Network of intermediaries in each country dedicated to provide information and assistance to potential SME participants Informing RTD programmes, rules of participation, submission of proposals Advising Creation of SME groupings, administrative procedure, contractual issues AssistingPartner-search activities, instruments and thematic priorities identification Training Seminar on specific topics NetworkingFeedback to the Commission, collaboration with Euro Info Centres, Innovation Relay Centres
Support SME participation in FP6 • CORDIS: http://sme.cordis.lu/research/fp6_support.cfm and http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/sme.htm • EUROPA SME page: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/sme/ index_en.html • EUROPA instruments page http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/ networks-ip.html
More Information SME-Helpdesk European Commission Research Directorate General Rue de la Loi, 200 1049 Brussels, Belgium Telephone (32-2) 298.41.60 Fax (32-2) 295.71.10 E-Mail research-sme@cec.eu.int Website www.cordis.lu/sme SME National Contact Points sme.cordis.lu/assistance/NCPs.cfm