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Learn about the self-drive tour scheme, which allows Hong Kong private car owners to drive to Guangdong for a short stay. Discover the benefits and challenges of this scheme and its impact on the quality of life in Hong Kong.
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Introduction According to the “Ad Hoc Quota Trial Scheme for Cross Boundary Private Cars” (also known as “Self-drive Tour Scheme"), during the first stage, qualified Hong Kong private car owners may apply for such quotas to drive to Guangdong for a short stay. The specific arrangements for the second phase, which allows cars from the mainland to enter Hong Kong, will be further studied after the smooth operation of the first phase. All mainland drivers and cars must comply with local traffic ordinances and regulations while driving in Hong Kong. The announcement of the scheme has aroused considerable public concern.
Reference Information (Please click on the icons below for reference information) Background Information Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" • Questions for Reflection : • What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? • As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? • What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? Government’s Response • Questions for Reflection : • How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”?
Reference Information - Background (Last updated : 2012, February 28) • News.gov.hk (2012, February 15). LCQ3: Implementation of the cross-boundary private cars ad hoc quota trial scheme. Retrieved from:http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201202/15/P201202150303.htm • News.gov.hk (2012, February 13). Infrastructure & Logistics - Mainland driving trial unveiled. Retrieved from :http://www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/infrastructure/html/2012/02/20120213_150822.shtml • News.gov.hk (2012, February 7). Infrastructure & Logistics - No timetable set for Mainland cars to enter HK. Retrieved from :http://www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/infrastructure/html/2012/02/20120207_225246.shtml Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?(Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Viewpoints (For ): • Chinadaily (2012, February 14). Ad hoc quota plan necessary. p. H03. • Chinadaily (2012, February 21). Ad hoc quota plan can work. P. H03. • Mingpao(2012, February 21). Good Scheme Loses Lustre Because of Government Inefficiency. P. D07. • Chinadaily (2012, March 2). ‘Self-drive’ debate shameful. p. H03. • 陳勇(2012)< 循序漸進推動「自駕遊」>,《大公報》,A23,2月15日。(另見:http://www.takungpao.com.hk/news/12/02/15/LTA-1450796.htm ) [Chinese Only] • 何子文(2012)<何子文抹黑「自駕游」不利兩地融合>,《香港商報》,A04,2月13日。(另見:http://www.hkcd.com.hk/content/2012-02/13/content_2900755.htm ) [Chinese Only] • 宋立功(2012)< 大道之行:兩地政府從嚴把關>,《東方日報》,A32,2月16日。(另見:http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20120216/00184_008.html ) [Chinese Only] More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Viewpoints (For ): • 陳振寧(2012)< 善用「自駕遊」刺激區域發展>,《文匯報》,A15,2月15日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/15/PL1202150003.htm ) [Chinese Only] • 卓偉 (2012)< 「自駕遊」政策可討論完善 但不應妖魔化>,《文匯報》,A18,2月17日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/17/PL1202170002.htm ) [Chinese Only] • 劉夢熊(2012)< 指點江山:煽動「反『自駕遊』運動」是「隱性港獨」再版>,《文匯報》,A19,2月20日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/20/PL1202200001.htm ) [Chinese Only] • <劉兆佳倡粵港流通經濟圈> (2012)《香港商報》,A13,2月16日。(另見:http://www.hkcd.com.hk/content/2012-02/27/content_2910503.htm ) [Chinese Only] More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Viewpoints (For ): • 亞洲電視(2012)< ATV焦點>,2月7日。(取自:http://app2.hkatv.com/v5/video/video.php?id=103898&p=1000246&c=&cn=) [Chinese Only] • <林健鋒:內地交通已非20年前>(2012) 《文匯報》,A22,2月17日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/17/HK1202170026.htm ) [Chinese Only] • 張學明(2012)< 「自駕遊」利大於弊 做好配套求共識>,《文匯報》,A14,2月22日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/22/PL1202220002.htm ) [Chinese Only] More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Viewpoints (Against): • Hong Kong Standard (2012, February 28). Rocky road ahead for integration drive. p. P24. • Stuart Lau (2012, February 13). Pledge on mainland cars fails to impress protesters. South China Morning Post. P. EDT1. • <反對內地車香港自駕遊> (2012)《Facebook》。取自http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=125926840764420 • <港府漠視市民反對自駕遊、10萬人齊齊發聲以示不滿>(2012) 《Facebook》。取自 http://zh-tw.facebook.com/pages/%E6%B8%AF%E5%BA%9C%E6%BC%A0%E8%A6%96%E5%B8%82%E6%B0%91%E5%8F%8D%E5%B0%8D%E8%87%AA%E9%A7%95%E9%81%8A10%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E9%BD%8A%E9%BD%8A%E7%99%BC%E8%81%B2%E4%BB%A5%E7%A4%BA%E4%B8%8D%E6%BB%BF/291548870909482 More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Viewpoints (Against): • 陳淑莊(2012)<盲婚啞嫁自駕遊>,《星島日報》,A18,2月16日。[Chinese Only] • 莫乃光(2012) <堅定地向「自駕遊」說不>,《信報財經新聞》,2月14日。取自:http://www.hkej.com/template/forum/php/forum_details.php?blog_posts_id=80624[Chinese Only] • 張慧慈(2012)< 香港不宜自駕遊>,《頭條新聞》,2月8日。取自:http://blogcity.me/blog/reply_blog_express.asp?f=OL7W1PRML453461&id=369123[Chinese Only] • <憂自駕遊威脅安全 逾千港人遊行要求擱置>,《am730》,M22,2月20日。(另見:http://www.am730.com.hk/article.php?article=93081&d=1690 ) [Chinese Only] More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?(Last Updated: 2012, February 28) Viewpoints (Against): • <探射燈:自駕遊禍港五大死症>,《東方日報》,A06,2 月15日。(另見:http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20120215/00176_097.html ) [Chinese Only] • 陳文鴻(2012)< 坦言集:取消自駕遊>,《東方日報》,,A32,2 月15日。(另見: http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20120215/00184_011.html ) [Chinese Only] • <反自駕遊表格 炸爆港府電郵>,《東方日報》,A24,2 月24日。(另見:http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20120224/00176_033.html ) [Chinese Only] • 劉瀾昌(執行監制製)(播放日期:2012年2月25日) <時事追擊-自駕遊 (一)>香港:亞洲電視。(取自:http://app2.hkatv.com/v5/video/video.php?id=104479&p=3000011&c=0&cn=)[Chinese Only] More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life?3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"?(Last Updated: 2012, February 28) Viewpoints (Against): • 劉瀾昌(執行監制製)(播放日期:2012年2月25日) <時事追擊-自駕遊 (二)>香港:亞洲電視。(取自:http://app2.hkatv.com/v5/video/video.php?id=104480&p=3000011&c=0&cn=)[Chinese Only] • 馬占威(監製) (播放日期:2012年2月16日)<議事論事第十八集>,香港:香港電台。(另見:http://programme.rthk.hk/rthk/tv/programme.php?name=tv/legco_review&d=2012-02-16&p=866&e=168887&m=episode)[Chinese Only] • 亞洲電視(播放日期:2012年2月19日) <團體發起反對粵港自駕遊計劃遊行>香港:亞洲電視。(取自: http://www.hkatvnews.com/v5/news.php?d=2012-02-19&id=157803&cn=0 ) [Chinese Only] • 李立賢(2012) <自駕遊利弊>,P52,2 月17日。(另見:http://news.hkheadline.com/dailynews/headline_news_detail_columnist.asp?id=180074§ion_name=wtt&kw=97)[Chinese Only] Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information – Government’s Response • How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”?(Last update: 2012, March 2) • News.gov.hk (2012, February 24). Infrastructure & Logistics. Experts back car trial scheme. Retrieved from :http://www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/infrastructure/html/2012/02/20120224_175509.shtml?pickList=ticker • News.gov.hk (2012, February 15). Law & Order. Cars checked for pregnant Mainlanders. Retrieved from :http://www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/law_order/html/2012/02/20120215_142909.shtml • News.gov.hk (2012, February 15). LCQ19: Implementation details for cross-boundary private cars ad hoc quota trial scheme. Retrieved from :http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201202/15/P201202150244.htm More Information Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse
Reference Information – Government’s Response • How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”?(Last update: 2012, March 2) • News.gov.hk (2012, February 15). Infrastructure & Logistics. Mainland driving scheme just a trial. Retrieved from :http://www.news.gov.hk/en/categories/law_order/html/2012/02/20120215_151156.shtml • Chinadaily (2012, February 17). Self-drive scheme not ‘bundled’. • 香港政府新聞網<當局瞭解社會關注自駕遊>(2012年2月12日) (取自:http://www.news.gov.hk/tc/categories/infrastructure/html/2012/02/20120212_194538.shtml)[Chinese Only] • <自駕遊「北車南下」無時間表> (2012) 《文匯報》,A17,2月13日。(另見: http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/13/YO1202130014.htm)[Chinese Only] • <來港自駕遊推行前將諮詢公眾>(2012) 《文匯報》,A22,2月17日。(另見:http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/02/17/HK1202170025.htm)[Chinese Only] Viewpoints(Against) BackgroundInformation Viewpoints(For) Government’sResponse