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Divine Guidance and Sacred Path - Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya's Spiritual Journey

Explore the lifelong spiritual journey of Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya guided by Gayatri Mata, Himalaya, and Gurusatta. His profound devotion, penance, and teachings are a beacon for spiritual aspirants on the path to self-realization. Discover the interplay of devotion, self-discipline, and guidance in his quest for higher consciousness, as detailed in the chapters of Kundalini Jagaran. Uncover the spiritual trials, triumphs, and transcendence that defined his connection with the divine forces that shaped his legacy.

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Divine Guidance and Sacred Path - Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya's Spiritual Journey

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  1. Vedamurty,Taponishtha,Yugdrashta,Pandit, Shriram Sharma Acharya Ashtotar shatnamavali Composed by Samardha Sadguru Sri Sri Ramakrishna

  2. Three Devatas - Three custodians • Since childhood gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya was under the protection of three devatas and three custodians /guardians. • In early childhood he received instruction from Shri Madanmohan Malviya “Gayatri is Kamdhenu for a Brahmin .Perform minimum five malas of gayatri mantra japa daily, without fail.Gurudev has followed this command for his lifetime. At the end he had shed his physical body on the auspicious day of Gayatri jayanti. Gayatri jayanti is the day on which, Divinity has descended on earth from heaven, River Ganges descended on earth and Vani of Brahma manifested in form of Gayatri.Acharya has performed his lifelong, strenuous penance in the lap of mother Gayatri. • Gurudev had immense reverence for Himalayas. Himalaya was held in the esteemed position of a Father. Himalaya was compared to Parusvedi. Whenever he needed guidance He made trips to Himalaya His personality has reached the Himalayan heights. • The third esteemed position in his life was attributed to Gurusatta.Gurusatta is the invisible Sidhayogi of Himalaya, who has been His Friend, philosopher and guide, since many births. In this incarnation He has contacted Gurudev at the age of fifteen and since then has shouldered the responsibility of guiding him and getting miraculous work done, using him as a puppet. Gurudev generally used to address him as his Margadarshak satta (guide) but at times as Boss or master also. • The aspirants, who want to progress on the path of spiritualism should perform Upasana(sitting near ) of Gayatri Mata, Himalaya and Gurusatta ,who were the three guides, benefactors and guardians of Gurudev.

  3. Kundalini Jagaran, Ascending order Chapter-1. Auspicious Dawn Basal Chakra – four petals

  4. 1. The one, who received Gayatri mantra Deeksha from Sri Madan Mohan Malviyaji. 2. The one, who has the knowledge of relationships continuing since many births.

  5. 3. The one, who had total control on Swadendriya and Janenendriya (the sense of taste and sex.) 4. The one, who was addicted to Swadhyaya (Voracious reader)

  6. Swadhishthan chakra : sex centre - 6 petals

  7. 5. The one who has crossed the barriers of time. Chapter 2 –Relationship of three births – surrender in this life 6. The one who has surrendered his life to Gurusatta

  8. Chapter 3- Orders from Margadarshak (Guide) and four trips to Himalaya 7. The one, who has eulogized that there is no need to search for gurus, they will come on their own and guide you. 8. The one, who has received instructions for strenuous penance from His Guru in the very first meeting.

  9. 9. The one, who has gained control over material world in His first Himalayan trip. 10. The one, who was performing all his worldly duties, while waiting for an invitation from His guide

  10. Navel centre Solar plexus: - 10 petals

  11. 11. The one who could perform the activities of Subtle world , while living in physical body 12. The one, who has performed 24 Gayatri Mahapurashcharans in 24 years, sitting in presence of Akhand deep.

  12. Chapter 4 – Executing three activities 13. The one, who has lit the Akhand deep (the light, which is ablaze continuously for his life time and after also.) 14. The one, who has worked as congress worker and swayamsevak in Indian freedom movement.

  13. Chapter 5- The secret formulae of success 15. The one, who has illustrated ‘Yogabhyas means performing every chore of day to day life skillfully.” Chapter 6- the first invitation to Himalaya –A testing time 16. The one, who has met his guru on full moon day in Nandanvan.

  14. 17. The one, who had Darshan of Rishis (sages) in their caves. 18. The one, who could travel in sky trailing His guru.

  15. Chapter 8 – Clarity on future line of actions plan 19. The one who was constantly engaged in swadhyay (self study) 20. The one who has translated all the scriptures and epics.

  16. Anahat charka- Heart centre - petals 12

  17. 21. The one, who has used the epics and scriptures to strengthen the devasanskriti and pave way for one vishwasanskriti (universal culture) 22. The one, who has achieved self-realization by controlling ten indriyas and eleventh man (mind) through Swadhyay,satsang,manna,nidhi,dhyan etc.

  18. 23. The one, who has performed one year’s penance on Gourikund Bhagirath Shila near Gangotri. Chapter 9 – Wavering mind was defeated –I triumphed 24. The one, who has proclaimed that without enhancing ability it is not possible, to have Darshan of divine souls in subtle bodies.

  19. Chapter 10- Devatma Himalays - Spiritual Dhruv Kendra 25. The one, who has worshiped Himalayas standing as a liaison between humans and Devatas. Chapter- 11-Second pilgrimage to Himalayas 26. The one, who has constantly experienced the presence of his Guru with him.

  20. 27. The one who has merged his individual self totally with that of Gurusatta’s. 28. The one who could walk with the messenger of his Master..

  21. 29. The one who has been blessed by his Guru in the language of silence. 30. The one who was privileged to visit the Sidhaskhetras abode of the Rishis.

  22. 31. The one who could share the anguish of Rishis. 32. The one who has a Guru, who elicited a daring pledge from him that of restarting all the activities of Rishis, which have almost perished.

  23. Vishudhi charka – throat centre – 16 petals

  24. 33. The one who has sent invitations through Dada Gurudev to all the Rishis to attend Sahastra kundi yagya organized in Mathura in subtle bodies . 34. The visionary, who had vivid picture of future activities.

  25. 35. The one, who has established Gayatri sansthan in Mathura. 36. The one, who has started a new establishment in a haunted three storied building, with 15 rooms.

  26. 37. The one, who has an agreement of sharing the haunted building with ghosts, asking them to live peacefully in the upper floor leaving the ground floor for his use. 38. The one, who started publishing Akhanda jyoti, a monthly journal

  27. 39. The one who has surrendered to his gurusatta allowing Him to use him as a puppet. 40. Translator of four Vedas

  28. 41. Translator of 108 Upanishads 42. Translator of six Darshans

  29. 43. The one who has translated all the epics and scriptures. 44. Author of thousands of books based on epics and religion.

  30. 45. The one who could reach millions through his journal, which published only his articles and which is run without loss in spite of being devoid of commercial advertisements. 46. The witness of many esoteric dealings held in Mathura.

  31. Chapter 13 – vichar kranti abhiyan 47. Initiator of Vichar kranti Abhiyan 48. The one who has proclaimed that Vichar kranti abhiyan will pave way for descent of heaven on earth.

  32. Agnya chakra - Brow centre - 2 petals

  33. 49. The one who has visualized the descent of heaven on earth. 50. The one who has used Gayatri Yagya as a Brahmastra to eradicate evil tendencies in humans.

  34. Antahkaran: Manasu, Budhi, Chittamu & Ahankaramu 51. The one who has popularized gayatri yagya. 52. The one who has initiated yug nirman yojana

  35. 53. The one who has popularized yug nirman yojana meetings. 54. The one who has realized continuity of relationships through many incarnations in individual, familial and social spheres.

  36. Kundalini Jagaran : Descending order Antahkaran : Manasu, Budhi, Chittamu & Ahankaramu 55. The one who has conducted Panchakosha sadhana shibirs for spiritual progress. 56. The one who has conducted Kayakalpa shibirs for promotion of health.

  37. 57. The one who has Started Jeevan sadhana shibirs for strengthening the organization. 58. Spiritual scientist who has presented spiritualism logically.

  38. Agnya chakra - Brow centre - 2 petals

  39. 59. The one who has transferred his energy to Mata Bhagavati Devi so that she could efficiently manage the organization in his absence Chapter 14 – Third Himalayan voyage – sowing seeds of Rishi parampara 60. The one who has restarted the lost Rishi parampara.

  40. Vishudhi charka – Throat Centre – 16 petals

  41. 61. The one who has established Shantikunj in the taposthali of Vishvamitra Rishi near saptasarovar. Chapter 15 – Shantikunj – Gayatri Teerth 62. The one who has awakened Samskaras dormant in Shantikunj by performing 24 twenty four lakh Purashcharans.

  42. 63. The one who has organized Pranapratyavartan shibirs. 64. Organiser of Yugshilpi sadhana shibirs

  43. 65. The one who has conducted Vanaprastha shibirs. 66. The one who has conducted yagyas in 9 kundi yagyashala for continuously 2 hours daily.

  44. 67. The one who has planned daily, 24 lakh Gayatri mantra japa in shantikunj . 68. The one who has started Gyanrath and mobile Pragyapeeths.

  45. 69. The one who has restored activities of Bhagirath near Gangotri 70. The one who has restored penance of Parushuram in Yamunotri

  46. 71. The one who has renovated Charak rishi parampara in Kedaranath. 72. The one who has renovated the schemes of Vyasa maharshi in Badarinath.

  47. 73. The one who has rejuvenated the science of yoga by Patanjali Maharshi in Rudra Prayag the meeting place of Alakananda and Mandakini 74. The one who has Restarted Yagya Vidya developed by Yagya Valkya in the region of Triyogi Narayan.

  48. 75. The one who has renovated the scheme of Jamadagni gurukul in Uttar Kashi 76. The one who has adopted the science of music of Devarshi Narad in Gupth Kashi.

  49. ANAHATA CHAKRA-Heart Centre-12 Petals

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