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Learn how Mississippi Community College Board aligns CTE programs with industry standards through national certifications for academic success and workforce readiness at the National Credentials Summer Data Conference 2018.
Closing the gap between academics and the workforce MCCBs Initiative to use National Certifications to Promote Academic Achievement in Career Technical Education Programs The Rollout of National Credentials Summer Data Conference 2018 June 5, 2018
Backdrop of National Credentialing Initiative As industry certification gains significance in the labor market, MCCB recognized the importance for educational institutions to align programs of study with certifications. In 2013, the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB) adopted a Policy and Procedure Manual for the Office of Curriculum and Instruction requiring all curricula developed or revised for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs at Mississippi’s community colleges to adopt national standards for industry and identify appropriate industry credential and certifications. In February 2016, national certifications were adopted as the measure of technical skill attainment for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs where such a certification existed.
Strategies for Implementation • Develop a comprehensive system-wide testing program • Develop testing procedures and protocols • Provide training for college staff, as appropriate • Identify national certifications that align with programs of study • Adopt the appropriate national certifications • Procure contracts with vendors • Provide certification exams to students • Provide training and certification opportunities for instructors • Develop and implement ordering, invoicing, tracking, and reimbursing processes • Establish a secure networking system for testing • Establish guidelines for providing data/results
Goals • Build a national certification assessment system that aligns programs and certifications • Provide students with marketable skills and certifications • Build a credentialed workforce for business and industry • Increase teacher competency and qualification
National Industry Certifications • End-of-Course Assessment • Collaborative Relationships • Instructor Training and Certification • Comprehensive Assessment System • Low-cost certifications • Technical Skills Attainment • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Alignment • Valid and Reliable Data Analysis To equip our students with being successful in the workforce, we are preparing them for success academically!
Why Industry Certifications • Non-industry exams do not lead to certification or licensure that signifies competency in a given field-of-study. • Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System (MS-CPAS) • Local -Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU) • Non-portable • Industry certifications are recognized in the labor market as an external validation of knowledge, skills, and abilities. • National certifications • Nationally recognized • Portable
Purpose of Credentials What, in your opinion, is the purpose of national credentials? A professional credential is a credible way of demonstrating proficiency in a field or area of study. Credentials identify individuals who are committed to their profession and provides a tangible recognition of their knowledge and/or experience (Silvis, 2011).
Benefits of CTE Credentials So what does this do for our students? • Attaining CTE credentials denotes certification, which is a distinction that sets those with credentials apart from others in the field-of-work. • Having credentials provide individuals with documented skills that are necessary for competing in today’s global economy (PCS, 2015). • Providing industry-recognized credentials is a strategic way for improving instruction which denotes students’ acquired skillset and comprehension. Which student would you want to hire? Student A has nothing to document or show the skillset, knowledge, or strengths gained and will require training from the ground up. Student B has documented successful completion of a program, have the basic knowledge and skillset, and verifiable certification in that area of study.
Key Facts Categorization of Programs Certifications Student Certifications – voucher process Instructor Certification and Training – voucher process Student & Instructor Certification – moving forward Current Ordering Processes- forms How Am I Involved Roles & Responsibilities Survey Monkey
Categorization of Programs as of spring 2018 PROG RAM OF STU DY DESI G N FRAM EWOR K Advisement “A program of study is a structured sequence of academic and career and technical courses leading to a postsecondary y-level credential.” - Operational definition Legislation and Policies Professional Development SECONDARY LEVEL Guidance Sequences Course Partnerships Agreements Credit Transfer Assessments Accountability Evaluations Curriculum and Instruction College and Career Readiness Standards Professional Development POSTSECONDARY LEVEL Credentials
Student Certification Phase 1 (3 Years) Phase 2 ONLINE
2018 Assessment Ordering Form PROG RAM OF STU DY DESI G N FRAM EWOR K Advisement “A program of study is a structured sequence of academic and career and technical courses leading to a postsecondary y-level credential.” - Operational definition Legislation and Policies Professional Development SECONDARY LEVEL Guidance Sequences Course Partnerships Assessments Professional Development Accountability Evaluations Curriculum and Instruction Credit Transfer Agreements College and Career Readiness Standards Credentials POSTSECONDARY LEVEL
Confirmation Form PROG RAM OF STU DY DESI G N FRAM EWOR K Advisement “A program of study is a structured sequence of academic and career and technical courses leading to a postsecondary y-level credential.” - Operational definition Legislation and Policies Professional Development SECONDARY LEVEL Guidance Sequences Course Partnerships Assessments Professional Development Accountability Evaluations Curriculum and Instruction Credit Transfer Agreements College and Career Readiness Standards Credentials POSTSECONDARY LEVEL
How am I involved in this process? Your role makes you an essential part of the credentialing initiative.
Identified Checklist of Roles Information Technology Verify the performance of the Internet connection prior to testing Have procedures in place for accepting the software link from OCI to load onto the school network for dissemination to instructors for testing Keep contact information readily available for technical support from vendors Ensure electronic devices are compatible for meeting system requirements specified by testing vendors Ensuring software is properly installed onto network Provide appropriate instructors access to the software and modified rights to students Assist TA with loading software and verifying software is operating on each testing device Provide support to TA the day of testing should technology-related issues occur Discuss with instructor and/or TA to implement plans for handling technical interruptions during testing Ensure that system updates are not scheduled during testing windows Assist with maintaining test security and data integrity Locking down browsers Serve as liaison between MCCB Assessment staff, vendors, and colleges for IT-related issues Business Managers Assist MCCB staff with developing policies and procedures that govern ordering, invoicing, and reimbursements Submit accurate and timely invoices Verify the accuracy of payments
Identified Checklist of Roles Business Managers Assist MCCB staff with developing policies and procedures that govern ordering, invoicing, and reimbursements Submit accurate and timely invoices Verify the accuracy of payments Admissions Officers Make students aware of program requirements Registrars Ensure students’ records (transcript) reflect the designated credential Institutional Research Staff Provide statistical data regarding the numbers of students
We are asking that you take a few minutes to complete a brief survey that will allow us to compile a database for further communication. This survey will also allow you to provide comments and feedback as we move forward with implementing the comprehensive assessment system. The link to the survey will remain active indefinite to allow open and continuous feedback, questions, comments, and concerns as we collaboratively work to streamline the processes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/supportstaff_2018 + Feedback
Assessment Staff Contact Information Kimberly Jones Assistant Director of Assessment 601-432-6131 kjones@mccb.edu Krystal Adcock Shamiko Allen Dr. ChinchiehChiang Assessment Specialist Assessment Specialist Research Analyst 601-432-6121 601-432-6277 601-432-6222 kadcock@mccb.edu sallen@mccb.edu cchiang@mccb.edu assessment@mccb.edu Mississippi Community College Board 3825 Ridgewood Road Jackson, MS 39201