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L.O What is the world population and what factors affect it?

L.O What is the world population and what factors affect it? You will be able to tell me what an optimist or a pessimist say about world population. Understand what happened on Easter island, and decide if you think it could happen again

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L.O What is the world population and what factors affect it?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L.O • What is the world population and what factors affect it? • You will be able to tell me what an optimist or a pessimist say about world population. • Understand what happened on Easter island, and decide if you think it could happen again • Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Could it affect how you approach lessons, school, life?

  2. Malthus or Boserup?Pessimist or Optimist?

  3. Malthus was writing at the end of the 18th century. He believed that only bad could come from population growth. Population he said grows faster than food supply. This he said was because food supply could not keep up with population growth! Malthus

  4. Boserup, said that food supply would increase to accommodate population growth. As a population found that they were approaching food shortages they would identify ways of increasing supply whether through new technology, better seeds, new farming methods. Boserup

  5. What reasons could they both have for their predictions? In pair try to think of at least two reasons for each?

  6. Malthus • Famines are frequently happening in less developed world countries. • Global warming, oil spillage, ozone depletion, desertification could result in less food being grown. • Malthusian supporters argue that everything at the moment may appear ok but this doesn't mean we won't face future disasters. • A lot of people believe that future conflicts could be fought over water supplies.

  7. Boserup • There is enough food to feed the world – trouble is, its not always where it is needed. • Famine is more likely to be the result of a natural disaster or war. • New farming machinery means farmers can grow more, higher yields. • The green revolution produced seeds that could grow quicker and bigger.

  8. Write two sentences one from a Pessimist and one from an Optimist on their views on the Island’s population.

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