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Mr. Dan Burleson. ARMY SERIAL NUMBER TRACKING CAT1. U.S. Army Materiel Command. Future CAT 1 Munitions Tracking -- Army. PLANT. WARS. PC. MACOM HQ. ASP. SAAS-MOD-MMC. DEPOT. LMP.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mr. Dan Burleson ARMY SERIALNUMBER TRACKINGCAT1 U.S. Army Materiel Command

  2. Future CAT 1 Munitions Tracking -- Army PLANT WARS PC MACOM HQ ASP SAAS-MOD-MMC DEPOT LMP • As an interim, Army instituted requirement of SPBS-R CL V reporting thru SAAS-MOD-MMC to WARS in Jan 01 • Modified existing contracts for contractors to report CAT 1 munitions to WARS UNIT MTMS Serial # ABL and OPL GCSS-A PBUSE WEB SITE Sustaining The Transforming Army 2 MAJ KIM/James.Kim@hqda.army.mil/695-7865/DSN 225:

  3. Current CAT 1 Munitions Tracking -- Army PLANT WARS PC MACOM HQ ASP SAAS-MOD-MMC DEPOT UNIT SDS ABL • As an interim, Army instituted requirement of SPBS-R CL V reporting thru SAAS-MOD-MMC to WARS in Jan 01 • Modified existing contracts for contractors to report CAT 1 munitions to WARS MTMS SPBS-R SAAS-MOD Sustaining The Transforming Army 3 MAJ KIM/James.Kim@hqda.army.mil/695-7865/DSN 225:

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