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Learn about the Ramsar sites in Bulgaria, successful implementation aspects, management plans, information sheets, Montreux Record, and ongoing projects for wetland conservation.
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RAMSAR CONVENTION IN BULGARIA 3rd Meeting of the BlackSeaWet Initiative 6 - 8 November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey Aylin Hasan Ministry of Environment and Water
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Ramsar sites in Bulgaria • 11 Ramsar sites in Bulgaria • 35 380, 2 ha total area • Atanasovsko Lake • Belene Islands Complex • Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex • Durankulak Lake • Ibisha Island • Lake Shabla • Poda • Pomorie Lake • Ropotamo Complex • Srebarna • Vaya Lake
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Most successful aspects of implementation of the Convention • Designation of new Ramsar site "Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex" as wetland of international importance. • Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex is the biggest Ramsar site in Bulgaria with an area of 14 967 hectares. • Update of the National Action Plan for Conservation of Wetlands in Bulgaria • LIFE08 NAT/BG/000277 project "Ensuring Conservation of Priority Bird Species and Coastal Habitats at the Burgas Natura 2000 Wetland Sites"
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Management plans for Ramsar sites Ramsar sites “Atanasovsko Lake”, “Durankulak Lake”, “Srebarna”, “Poda”, “Complex Ropotamo” and “Shabla Lake” – Expired; Forthcoming to be developed new actual management plans; For Ramsar site “Ibisha Island” also in 2012will start the procedure for development of management plan; For Ramsar sites “Pomorie Lake” and “Belene Islands Complex” - developed management plans that are in process of approvement from the government; For Ramsar sites “Durankulak Lake”, “Poda”, “Complex Ropotamo” “Shabla Lake”, “Vaya Lake” and “Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex”management plans are to be developed;
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Ramsar Information Sheets (RIS) for the Ramsar sites • Only 2 Ramsar sites with actual, updated RIS in good quality according to the requirements of the Ramsar Convention – Ramsar sites “Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex” and “Pomorie Lake”; • RIS for the Ramsar sites “Belene Islands Complex”,”Ibisha Island” and “Srebarna”are in final stage of updating; • RIS for the Ramsar sites “Atanasovsko Lake”, “Durankulak Lake”, “Poda”, “Complex Ropotamo”, “Shabla Lake“and “Vaya Lake”need to be updated;*Black Sea coast wetlands
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Ramsar Sites included in the Montreux Record of the Ramsar Convention 2 Ramsar sites are included in the Montreux Record – Ramsar site “Durankulak Lake” and “Srebarna”; Future priorities:Exclusion of Ramsar sites “Durankulak Lake” and “Srebarna” form the Montreux Record;
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Projects under implementation: LIFE08 NAT/BG/000277 “Ensuring Conservation of Priority Bird Species and Coastal Habitats at the Burgas Natura 2000 Wetland Sites” LIFE 09/NAT/BG/00023 “Conservation of the Wintering Population of the globally Threatened Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) in Bulgaria” LIFE11 NAT/BG/000362 "Salt of Life - Urgent Measures to Restore and Secure Long-term Preservation of the Atanasovsko Lake Coastal Lagoon“ BG161PO005/08/3.0/01/05 Protectionand restoration of biodiversity in the Republic of Bulgaria “Urgent measures to restore and preserve important European species and habitats in the complex of protected nature territories in Pomorie lake”
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER Thank you for your attention!