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AZ Quiz Charles IV

Explore the life of Charles IV, King of Bohemia, his reign, family, achievements, and legacy. Discover his impact on Prague, Charles Bridge, and Charles University. Uncover his contributions to art, architecture, and education. Learn about his marriages, children, and key historical events during his rule.

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AZ Quiz Charles IV

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  1. AZ Quiz Charles IV

  2. 1 Answer the question When was Charles IV crowned King of Bohemia? zpět

  3. 1347 (September 2)

  4. 2 Answer the question. Who was Charles IV´s father? zpět

  5. John of Bohemia (Jan Lucemburský)

  6. 3 Answer the question. Was Charles IV also the king of Romans? zpět

  7. Yes, he was.

  8. 4 Answer the question. How many wives did Charles IV have? zpět

  9. He had four wives.

  10. 5 Answer the question. How many children did Charles IV have? zpět

  11. He had 13 children.

  12. 6 Answer the question. Name at least two places that keep name after their founder and patron Charles IV. zpět

  13. Karlstein Castle, Charles Bridge, Charles University

  14. 7 Answer the question. Was Charles IV also King of England? zpět

  15. No, he wasn´t.

  16. 8 Answer the question. When did Charles IV found Charles University? zpět

  17. 1348 (April 4)

  18. 9 What is it? zpět

  19. Saint Vitus Cathedral

  20. 10 Answer the question. When did Charles IV die? zpět

  21. 1378 (November, 29)

  22. 11 Answer the question. What did Charles IV plant on the slopes of Prague? a) vine b) hops c) apple trees zpět

  23. a) vine

  24. 12 Answer the question. How long is Charles Bridge? a) 257m b) 444m c) 516m zpět

  25. c) 516m

  26. 13 What´s in the picture? zpět

  27. Czech Crown Jewels

  28. 14 What´s in the picture?. zpět

  29. Karlstein

  30. 15 Answer the question. Charles IV spoke five languages. Did he speak English? zpět

  31. 16 Answer the question. What was the capital of Holy Roman Empire during the reign of Charles IV? a) Paris b) Prague c) Wienna zpět

  32. b) Prague

  33. 17 Answer the question. Who was Charles IV´s first wife? a)Blanche of Valois b) Anna von Schweidnitz c) Anna of Bavaria d) Elizabeth of Pomerania zpět

  34. a) Blanche of Valois

  35. 18 Answer the question. Who was the architect of Saint Vitus Cathedral built under the patronage of Charles IV? zpět

  36. No, he didn´t. (He spoke Latin, French, Czech, German, Italian)

  37. Peter Parler

  38. 19 Finish the sentence. By founding the university Charles IV encouraged a) early humanists b) republicans c) colonists zpět

  39. a) early humanists

  40. 20 Finish the sentence. Charles IV is still regarded as a) the teacher of the nation (Magister Gentium) b) the father of the country (Pater Patriae) zpět

  41. b) the father of the country (Pater Patriae)

  42. 21 Finish the sentence. Charles IV regulated the election of the king by promulgating the famous Golden Bull in ??? zpět

  43. 1356

  44. 22 Answer the question. Which disease did Charles IV suffer from? a) deafness b) gout c) cancer zpět

  45. Gout (metabolic arthritis)

  46. 23 Who´s in the picture?. a) Anna of Bavaria b) Blanche of Valois c) Elizabeth of Pomerania zpět

  47. c) Elizabeth of Pomerania (Charles IV was 47 and she was 16 when they got married)

  48. 24 Answer the question. Was Charles IV also King of Burgundy? zpět

  49. Yes, he was (1365-1378)

  50. 25 Finish the sentence. The Golden Bull issued by Charles IV was written in a) Czech b) French c) Latin zpět

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