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The Art of Public Speaking

Learn how to overcome the fear of public speaking (Glossophobia). Discover mental and physical methods, famous individuals dealing with the phobia, and stage fright symptoms. Improve your confidence and deliver successful presentations.

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The Art of Public Speaking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Art of Public Speaking

  2. Glossophobia • The fear of public speaking • The word come from the Greek root “glossa” (which means ‘tongue’) and the root “phobia” (which means ‘fear’)

  3. Glossophobia • This is the Top Ten List of Global Fears: •  1. Fear of public speaking (Glossophobia)2. Fear of death (Necrophobia) 3. Fear of spiders (Arachnophobia) 4. Fear of darkness (Achluophobia, Scotophobia or Myctophobia) 5. Fear of heights (Acrophobia) 6. Fear of people or social situations (Sociophobia) 7. Fear of flying (Aerophobia) 8. Fear of open spaces (Agoraphobia) 9. Fear of thunder and lightning (Brontophobia)10. Fear of confined spaces (Claustrophobia)

  4. Where do you rank? • LowYour fear of public speaking is Low if your score is up to 15 points. You actually have no phobia. Your feelings and motions in front of an audience are normal tensions every public speaker has in the beginning. They can be overcome with a good night rest and breathing exercises. Nothing to worry about. • ModerateIf your score is up to 45 points, Welcome to the club! Like the majority you are feeling very uncomfortable. Nerves and tensions influence your behavior seriously. But there is a way out. • SevereIf your score is more than 45 points, You suffer from the phobia fear of public speaking. You avoid any situation that might include public speaking. You hate making and giving presentation speeches. It's extremely difficult for you to speak in front of a group. But, you are aware of the necessity ánd the possibilities to cure your phobia.

  5. Do famous people suffer from Glossophobia?

  6. What are the physical symptoms related to stage fright? Heart pounding Hands shaking Forehead sweats Mouth goes dry Stomach hurts Light-headed (lack of oxygen) Shallow breathing

  7. Mental Methods to overcoming stage fright: Realize how the audience really feels

  8. Your audience may be more scared than you…they may suffer from SEAT FRIGHT! (This is: THE FEAR OF WASTING TIME LISTENING TO A BAD SPEECH)

  9. The audience wants you to SUCCEED.

  10. Then, they feel brilliant forATTENDING

  11. You have KNOWLEDGE the audience wants.

  12. Mental Methods to overcoming stage fright: Visualize Success Like a Pro

  13. Imagine yourself performing a task SUCCESSFULLY.

  14. Imagine yourself giving your talk… Your voice fills the room with WISDOM. People in the audience HANG on every word. They give you a STANDING ovation and rush to carry you out on their SHOULDERS.

  15. Mental Methods to overcoming stage fright: Talk yourself into a great speech.

  16. Dispute IRRATIONAL thoughts.

  17. Use personal AFFIRMATIONS.

  18. Imagine the WORST-CASE scenario.

  19. Mental Methods to overcoming stage fright: Practice makes perfect.

  20. Rehearse out LOUD.

  21. Simulate real CONDITIONS.

  22. TIME it.

  23. Rehearse QUESTIONS and ANSWERS.

  24. Physical Methods to overcoming stage fright: Breathing

  25. Breathing exercise 1: Stand with feet SHOULDERwidth apart.Release and relax your SHOULDERS.Place your hands on your STOMACH.Breathe in through your NOSEto the count of FOUR. Breath out through your MOUTHto the count of FOUR.Do this FOURtimes.

  26. Breathing exercise 2: Use outbreath to HUM quietly. Do this FOUR times.Use the outbreath to sound each of the VOWEL sounds in turn. Do this TWICE.

  27. Breathing exercise 3: Bring your HANDS together in the center of your chest.Slowly inhale through your NOSE, raising your joined HANDS as high as you can above your head.At the same time, raise yourself on to your TOES. Hold your breath BRIEFLY at the top of your INHALE.Exhale slowly through your MOUTH and bring your arms down and round back up to your chest, palms TOGETHER in the starting position.

  28. Physical Methods to overcoming stage fright: Small Exercises

  29. Head RollsSlowly turn your head from SIDE to SIDE. Move your head CLOCKWISE in a circle.Do this FOUR times and then REVERSE the direction.

  30. Arm LiftsStretch your RIGHT arm into the air as far as it will go. Hold it a few seconds and bring it back to your SIDE.Repeat with your LEFT arm.

  31. Jaw BreakersOpen your MOUTH as wide as possible (as if you are going to SCREAM).Then, CLOSE your mouth. Repeat FOUR times.Use your fingers to massage the muscle that joins the JAW and the rest of the head.

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