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Haga clic con el Mouse o apriete Enter para activar cada movimiento. THE MARRIAGE NULLITY IN THE CONTEXT OF PASTORAL SERVICE. Little Rock, August 6 & 7, 2019, Mons. Alejandro W. Bunge. Introduction. I.- Pastoral mark of the service in the ecclesial tribunals.

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  1. Haga clic con el Mouse o apriete Enter para activar cada movimiento... THE MARRIAGE NULLITY IN THE CONTEXT OF PASTORAL SERVICE Little Rock, August 6 & 7, 2019, Mons. Alejandro W. Bunge Introduction I.- Pastoral mark of the service in the ecclesial tribunals 1. The pastoral dimension reaches the entire ministry 2. Consequences in the judicial ministry 3. The Bishop and its collaborators II.- The office or diocesan service 3. Its modality 1. Its end 4. Its tasks 2. Its members III.- Some examples 1. A diocese in Mexico 2. A diocese in Chile 3. A diocese in Argentina 4. Common elements, special accents, principal challenges

  2. Introduction It’s of great importance for pastors. They should be bridges so that the faithful can reach the tribunals... In every parish, there are faithful who are in need of this service... The pastors are missionaries of this pastoral work of justice... The frame: The pastoral service of the whole Church to the faithful who find themselves before the failure of their marriage... I.- Pastoral mark of the service in the ecclesial tribunals The pastoral objective of the new process: to reach the faithful who await the service of the tribunals... 1. The pastoral dimension compass the entire ministry The reform of the nullity process has an “eminently pastoral objective: to demonstrate the Church’s concern for those faithful who await a swift assessment of their respective marital situations” (12/03/2016)...

  3. Pastoral is: to bring all men to the goods of salvation... Evangelizing is the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity (Evangelii nuntiandi, n. 14) Pope Francis make this visible in a simple, profound and insistent way... The two Motu proprio: to bring justice and mercy on the truth of the bond to those who have experienced the failure of their marriage... The Synod 2015 urges the Church to approach “the weakest of her members, who are experiencing a wounded or lost love” (Final report, n. 55)... 2.- Consequences in the judicial ministry “...the new norms be adopted and further developed, in merit and in spirit, especially by those working in ecclesiastical Tribunals, in order to render the service of justice and love to families...” (Francis, 12/03/2016)...

  4. “There is so much pastoral work for the good of so many couples, so many children, who are all too often victims in these matters!”(To the RR, 23/01/2015)... “This, then, is your difficult mission, as also shared by the judges of every diocese: do not close the salvation of people inside a juridical bottleneck”(To the RR, 23/01/2015)... 2.1. Shortening distances between the faithful and tribunals “The desire for this reform is fed by the great number of Christian faithful who, as they seek to assuage their consciences, are often kept back from the juridical structures of the Church because of physical or moral distance” (Mitis Iudex, Proemium)... The Church is a mother, who has the good of her children at heart... is able to give her life for them... Being a mother she cannot remain passive... Like a mother, enlighten those who have lost their way and find themselves in the storm...

  5. The reform attempts to work in a way that shows the faithful both the physical and the moral closeness of the ecclesiastical judicial structures destined to offer them a service (Subsidium, p. 6)... One of the reasons of the distance: the technical and hermetic language (difficult to understand)... A pastoral heart is needed in the servants of justice... Gospel and institutions are inseparable, because the Gospel has corporeal form in this our time... “As you carry out your juridical work, do not forget that you are pastors! In every case, every profession and every cause, people are waiting for justice” (To the RR, 24/01/2014)... 2.2. The pre-judicial investigation Previous work, at the same time pastoral and pre-judicial... Including those cases where the nullity is evident... This service was already envisioned, at least since January of 2005 (DC, art. 113)...

  6. St. John Paul II said it and Francis recalls it: All renewal in the Church must have mission as its goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of ecclesial introversion... The opportunity to shorten distances: structures which are at the same time judicial and pastoral (cf. Rules of Procedding, arts. 1-5)... The Church, a field hospital, that takes care of its faithful wounded by the failure of their marriage... The ecclesial tribunal as the “intensive care” unit, to help whom consider null their marital bond... The pre-judicial or pastoral inquiry (in every parish, or groupings of parishes, or through a diocesan office)... The challenge is to go to the faithful who need the judicial service, instead of waiting for them to approach us...

  7. The tribunals must be useful to the Bishops in order to respond to the needs of the faithful... ...regarding the solicitude of the Diocesan Bishop for the faithful that are in his charge, in the cases of the spouses who are separated or divorced, who cannot obtain the fruits of ordinary pastoral work... pre-judicial or pastoral inquiry: Two explicitly chosen words... Principle of reality: starting from what already exists... Vademecum (handook): of the Episcopal Conference or of the diocese... If it appears signs of a possible nullity, the evidence begins to be collected, considering the possible grounds... The material collected will come together in the possible written petition to start the judicial phase...

  8. 3. The bishop and its collaborators The Good Shepherd (the bishop) looks for the sheep where they are... • The bishop needs the collaboration, first of all from his presbyters... • But also other faithful specially prepared for this task... • It’s not enough to to have the ports of the Church open... • It is necessary to go out through those doors to seek and meet the people, in their needs... II.- The office or diocesan service XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops says: “information, counseling and mediation services” (Final Report, n. 82)... Mitis Iudex says: “stable structure” (Rules of Proceedding, art. 3)...

  9. 1. Its end The first and primary is the reception of the faithful... But also to investigate, in the concrete case, if there are the elements of a possible matrimonial nullity... It’s a previous work, at the same time pastoral and pre-judicial... It is necessary in all dioceses, even if possible in all parishes or groups of parishes... 2.- Its members • In first place, the pastors... • Also other clerics, religious or lay people... • The tribunal, in its narrow walls, is neither sufficient nor effective... It is necessary to bring the service of consultation and preparation of a possible cause of nullity to all the faithful who need it...

  10. 3.- Itsmodality • A stablestructure... It corresponds to the bishop’s responsibility, because it usually exceeds the possibilities of the parish... • It’s non possible a single universal norm for all the Church... the previous experiences... • Depends on: ...the actual circumstances... ...the pastoral agents... ...the means that one can count... 4.- Its tasks • To collect all the elements useful for the eventual introduction of the cause of nullity... • It will be the faithful to decide to present the cause... • To help thew faithful in the crafting of the libellus... Should the faithful decide to not present the cause, or if they actually decide to do it, they will continue to be accompanied...

  11. III.- Some examples • Three concrete applications of those general norms... 1.- A diocese in Mexico • The initiation was of the diocesan bishop... • It started with a general training meeting... • Office of Consultation and Guidance... 2.- A diocese in Chile The initiative was of the Judicial Vicar, a bishop emeritus... Tribunal Visitors to the Parishes... They can be priests, deacons, religious or lay people... Handbook with twelve guides for the work of the Visitors... 3.- A diocese in Argentina The initiative was of a woman, after she obtained the declaration of nullity and the title in canon law... “Way of Hope”... To inform and to accompany, through a specialized person...

  12. 4.- Commonelements, special accents, principal challenges 4.1. Common elements The participation of all the People of God... The goal of bringing the Tribunal closer to the parishes... Some pastors are not convinced... 4.2. Special accents Mexico: The integration of the family apostolate... Chile: The initiative of the Tribunal... Argentina: The initiative of the lay faithful... 4.3. Principal challenges To involve in a greater number possible the faithful in this task, properly ecclesial, even though not necessarily priestly... Preparation and practical training of the agents in reception, listening, discernment, orientation, and especially in service...

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