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Open Symposium on Strategic Collobations for eLearnin Gilbert Paquette LORNET Scientific Director Télé-Université. 1. Major International Needs and LORNET. 2. Strategic collaborations abroad. 3. Starting collaborations in Quebec. 4. Conclusion. Priorities and orientations. 1.
Open Symposium on Strategic Collobations for eLearninGilbert PaquetteLORNET Scientific DirectorTélé-Université
1 Major International Needs and LORNET 2 Strategic collaborations abroad 3 Starting collaborations in Quebec 4 Conclusion Priorities and orientations
1 Major International Needs and LORNET • Huge demand towards Web-based resources for knowledge and skills acquisition • Towards a new generation of the Internet: Tackle the exponential growth of available information. • Flexible learning technologies, accessible anywhere, anytime, in a variety of context • Knowledge extraction from documents for knowledge management. • Software agents adaptable to users and their contexts to promote intelligent use of information. • Maximal use of the capacity of broadband networks for advanced multimedia delivery. • Seamless technology integration made simple by powerful and versatile assembly systems.
2 Strategic Collaborations abroad International Consortia • US: Sakai and UPortal: • 80universities (including 4 canadian); Mellon Foundation (2,4 millions $) and 4 millions in-kind; english only • France: • 4 consortias financed by Éducation Nationale, from 1,2 M euros to 4,5 millions euros. • Claroline: • started at Université de Louvain, Belgium,443 organizations in 63 countries; typical open source project; multilingual • Moodle: • 50000 individual users in 160 countries; multilingual
2 Strategic Collaborations abroad • Governance by a board of University representatives • Technical joint development team • Open source orientation • Assembly of open source and proprietary components • An Open Portal Approach instead of tranditinal LMS and LKMS • Large interest in LORs and Standards • Intellectual Property: a question of recognition more than retribution
3 Actual Situation in Quebec - A 2004 survey • All 17 universities or superior schools use some platforms • 44 % of university students have used a platform at least once étudiants ont interagi avec un ENA dans le cadre de leur formation. • 9 institutions have developed their own platforms, TELUQ is the only instiutions that used no commercial platform • Proprietary plaforms are still dominant , use a a few functionalities: • WebCT in 10 institutions • Claroline (open source ) in 3 institutions • Learning Space in 2 institutions • First Class, QuickPlace, Sigal, Moodle each used in 1 institutions
3 Actual Situation in Quebec - A 2004 survey No more a marginal phenomena • 5 764 complete on-line courses • 12 000 courses use a platform for delivery • 7 929) professors and tutors have and access code to a platform • 197 524 students have and access code to a platform Few functionalities are used • Delivery of documents • Communication tools and forums • Little use for course design New needs expressed: more flexibility in pedagogical models
3 Starting Collaborations between universities in Quebec • Infrastructure for wired schools, CEGEP and Universities (RISQ) • Ministry of Education Working Group on Norms and Standards • LO Repository Project started in 9 universities • PROCENA : towards a common university portal in Quebec • Concepta: 4 level portal base on DotNetNuke integrating tools and modules from previous platforms (Explora, Adapweb, Sydife)
4 Priorities and orientations • Focus on real learning object repository projects • Build a multilingual eLearning Warehouse: tools, documents, components, portal assembly tools • Support provincial collaboration projects • Support networking between provincial networks of repositories and portals • Need of acoordinating body to fund long term intiatives in Canada, in collaboration with the provinces • Support the Globe Project • Dowplay for a while other international collaboration till we have more to offer (They know what to do, we know what to do)
Open Symposium on Strategic Collobations for eLearninGilbert PaquetteLORNET Scientific DirectorTélé-Université