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ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification. John Ryan Director – Certification Europe.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification John Ryan Director – Certification Europe
2010 to agree on data center energy efficiency measurements, metrics, and reporting conventions. Organizations represented were the 7x24 Exchange, ASHRAE, The Green Grid, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, U.S. Department of Energy’s Save Energy Now and Federal Energy Management Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Program, U.S. Green Building Council, and Uptime Institute. The following guiding principles were agreed to: Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) using source energy consumption is the preferred energy efficiency metric for data centers. PUE is a measurement of the total energy of the data center divided by the IT energy consumption. When calculating PUE, IT energy consumption should, at a minimum, be measured at the output of the uninterruptible power supply (UPS). However, the industry should progressively improve measurement capabilities over time so that measurement of IT energy consumption directly at the IT load (i.e. servers) becomes the common practice Context What is ISO 50001? What us certifiers look for? How can ISO 50001 add value to a business? Questions? Content:
Certification Europe • International certification, training and inspection body. We provide assurance to business owners that their operations meet best practice (via the medium of international business management standards) • HQ in Dublin; offices in: • Belfast • London • Milan • Istanbul • Osaka
1. ISO 50001 • Published in 2011 by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) • Precursors exist at national and European level (e.g. EN 16001) • Purpose is to enable improvement in energy performance (measurable results related to efficiency, use and consumption) • Requires a good understanding of the variables affecting energy use and a set of integrated process/systems to manage and improve such use
Summary of the requirements Be smart - gain a good understanding of the variables affecting energy use in your organisation (design, process, people, weather etc.) Be smart - use fact based data to establish relevant performance indicators and challenge them for relevance Be smart - communicate to relevant stakeholders (staff, management, contractors, customers) to effect control Measure - performance and correct where necessary Record - maintain key records to support operation and improvement Retain – maintain savings into project delivery 1. ISO 50001
Summary of the requirements Decide what you need to manage - establish the scope, boundary and policy Establish where you are currently at - conduct an energy review to establish use patterns, variables and influencers, areas of significance energy use and establish a baseline of current energy performance Establish the relevant measures to track improvement - establish performance indicators, improvement objectives and actions plans with verification methods Get help - communicate, train and document – design requirements, procurement arrangements, methods and processes 1. ISO 50001
What do we look for? Stage 1 Have you conducted a detailed energy review - identified and recorded your energy use patterns, variables and influencers, areas of significance energy use and established a baseline of current energy performance Have you started to track improvement - performance indicators, improvement objectives and actions plans with verification methods Have you support and resources from top management to achieve a performance improvement? Relevant processes defined and documented 2. ISO 50001 certification
What do we look for? Stage 2 What level of improvement is being achieve and verified in line with stated policy and objectives? How do the design and procurement processes (for energy) tie into day to day business? Is the agreed level of communication and understanding amongst key staff (internal and external) present? What is the level of management oversight and decision making ? How effective are operational and maintenance programmes? Does the management system deliver? 2. ISO 50001 certification
3. Benefits of ISO 50001 • It saves you energy • 5% - 37% • It saves you money • £25,000 - £ 500,000 • It helps you reduce Carbon Footprint • It increases Credibility as regards “greening” • It help meets Shareholder Requirements
3. Non energy benefits ISO 50001 • Better operational efficiencies • Increased cooperation between departments • Improved communication between departments • Improved organisational behaviour • Maintains legal compliance
Where next? • ISO 50001 supersedes national schemes and standards • ISO is also developing support standards: • ISO 50002: Energy Audits • ISO 50004: Energy management systems — Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system • Measurement and Verification • Baseline Determination
Where next? • ISO 50001 is being deployed across a wider sectoral range: • Education (Uni’s) • IT (data centres; ops centres) • Government (military bases and ops centres) • Consulting organisations (buildings) • Energy generation (power/fuel suppliers)
Where next? • The future???: • Supply chain requirement • Corporate compliance requirement • Government requirement to offset C-tax • Rebate tool to achieve regulatory compliance • Etc • Etc
Questions? www.certificationeurope.com