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FY 2015 Coordinated Family and Community Engagement. Unique Role of CFCE in System of Early Education and Care. Focus : Strengthening the capacity of families to support optimal child development Access : Community-based – in the footprint of families Core functions include:
FY 2015 Coordinated Family and Community Engagement
Unique Role of CFCE in System of Early Education and Care • Focus: Strengthening the capacity of families to support optimal child development • Access: Community-based – in the footprint of families • Core functions include: • Reaching families outside the mixed delivery system to engage them in early education opportunities and supports for school readiness and success • Working in partnership with public schools to support families’ successful transition into the public education pipeline
CFCE Funding History • FY10 - $15,180,421.00 Funding represented a merger of EEC funding from: • Line Item 3000-6000 Community Partnerships for Children Local Planning and Coordination $10,114,569 • Line Item 3000-4060 Supplemental Services $1,374,776 • Line Item 3000-7050 Family Engagement and Support (MFN,PCHP and JFSP) $3,691,076 • FY11 - $14,521,328.00 • To address the FY11 funding reduction, EEC implemented a three-tiered approach, applying the reduction at a higher rate to higher funded agencies ; protecting low funding amounts believing that a reduction would impact the ability of the agency to carry out the CFCE mission. • FY12 - $13,665,637.00 EEC raised the base grant amount ($33,870 ) to support core functions, and implemented this funding adjustment and the FY12 funding reduction by creating a formula incorporating the following criteria to FY11 grantees with grant awards of 100K or higher*: • Level 4 school district • DPH Community – Home Visiting Task Force data • 50% or higher child poverty rate • FY13 - $13,665,637.00 • FY14 - $13,665,637.00 (plus supplemental) *Reduction percentages were applied based on the number of criteria grantees met. The more criteria met, the lower the percentage of reduction applied. 3
Background: Coordinated Family and Community Engagement • FY2010 – First year of CFCE grant - CPC, MFN, PCHP and JFSP programs were asked to voluntarily consolidate their programs into CFCE grants (CPC was mandatory). • This consolidation resulted in 120 CFCE grantees representing 137 CPC, 34 MFN , 22 PCHP , and 11 JFSP programs • 71 CPC, 8 MFN and 3 PCHP programs did not apply in consolidation with other programs. • Grantees that did not consolidate made a commitment to continuing to work toward that goal for FY2011. • FY2011 –All independent MFNs (8) and PCHP programs (3) were required to merge with an existing CFCE grantee or submit a new CFCE application for FY ’11. • Mergers in FY11 resulted in a total of 110 CFCE grantees. • FY2012 – Additional mergers resulted in 107 CFCE grantees • FY2013 – Four existing grantees did not renew and one grantee merged four grants. Four of the non-renewal grants were awarded to existing CFCE grantees through a competitive process. These mergers resulted in 99 CFCE grantees. • FY2014 – Three existing grants merged with other CFCE grantees, resulting in 96 CFCE grantees. 4
FY 2014 CFCE • Purpose: Provide all families with access to locally available comprehensive services and supports that strengthen families and promote optimal child development. • Current Pool: 96 CFCE grantees • Funding Amounts: $33,870 -$939,037 • Total Funding Amount: $13,665,637 (plus $480,000 supplemental for STEM)
FY14 CFCE Enhancements Increased focus in the following areas: • Outreach strategies • for using the ASQ to support parents understanding of the developmental needs of children at multiple points • for early literacy programming • Methods for maintaining up-to-date community resource information and documentation of gaps in comprehensive services • Methods for measuring satisfaction with CFCE services • Explicit linkages of parent/child playgroup goals to early learning standards • Intentional partnerships with public school elementary schoolsfor 3 years (for child find) and 5 year olds (for kindergarten entry) and 5 to 8 (for out of school opportunities.) • Detailed reporting on early literacy programming
FY 13-14 CFCE ImplementationRTTT-ELC: Expanding Evidence-based Literacy Opportunities • CFCE Grantees responded to a Request for Information (RFI) in which they proposed the use of an evidence-based model/practice that would build on their existing early literacy programming. • EEC reviewed the information and selected five models/practices that would be eligible for RTTT-ELC funding: • Raising A Reader • Every Child Ready to Read @ your library • CELL (Center for Early Literacy Learning) model • Read and Rise (Scholastic model), and • Dialogic and Interactive reading using PEER and CROWD sequences. • Existing CFCE grantees were eligible to respond to a competitive Evidence-based Literacy Grant opportunity. • Twenty–four grants were awarded • RTTT-ELC funding allocation – total of $400,000 each year for two years - $800,000
FY 13-14 CFCE ImplementationRTTT-ELC: Evidence-based Literacy Grants Monthly Data
FY14 CFCE Implementation of ASQ with RTTT SupportAges and Stages Questionnaire Statistics Data from ASQ Online Database • Total numbers since July 2011 (data collected 11/26/13): • 1673 online child profiles have been created • 1978 ASQ-3 screenings have been entered into online database • Most ASQ-3 & ASQ-SE screenings occurred at 36 months • All ASQ-3 intervals between 12 and 60 months had a 50% rate of possible concern/concern Data from ASQ Hardcopy Screenings (data collected 11/26/13) • For FY13, 2,729 children were screened, including 2,249 paper screenings Total Screenings for FY14 (Collected 11/26/13) • FY14 had 297 children screened, 222 of them with paper screenings
Highlights of Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Monthly Data Reports
FY14 CFCE Implementation: Capacity Building Opportunities RTTT-ELC Funded Opportunities • Financial Literacy training – new hybrid model online and in-person with community partners • DMH- Infant Mental Health • ORI- New Start: Supporting Multilingual Children and Immigrant and Refugee Families • Museums and Libraries Partnership for Parent, Family and Community Engagement – STEM, Literacy, Kindergarten Readiness • Conferences • A View From All Sides: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Parenting Education & Family Support (CTF) • Ongoing Advanced Learning Opportunities • CFCE Statewide Meetings – Brain Building, ASQ • Communities of Practice Meetings • STEM Summit • Creating Access to Partners • Regional Grantee Meetings
Creating the FY15 CFCE Plan Input from both internal and external stakeholders: • EEC regionally based Family and Community Quality Specialists • EEC Policy Unit – linkages across EEC initiatives (i.e. Early English Language Learners guidelines, STEM standards) • ESE – connection to public schools, specifically Kindergarten, SPED, and ABE programs • DCF – support for DCF involved families, FRCS • DPH – connection to Massachusetts Home Visiting Initiatives, Early Intervention • Harvard Catalyst – State Home Visiting Evaluator • EOHHS – connection with emerging FRCs Review of Current Literature - impact of family support and engagement
External Stakeholder Input • Interest in connecting and leveraging each other’s work, avoiding duplication of services • Potential for including intentional language in respective grant applications framing expectations of grantees working together on community level with Public Schools, DCF, DPH, and other state funded agencies/initiatives
FY15 CFCE Priorities FY15 Recommendation: Maintain existing priorities • Universal and Targeted Outreach Strategies -Reaching and meeting the needs of children, especially those with multiple risk factors and/or are hard to reach • Linkages to Comprehensive Services – ensuring that families have access to services that support their families well being and children’s optimal development • Family Education – strengthening the capacity of families as their child’s first teacher: • child development (all domains -including social emotional) • evidence-based early literacy and family literacy opportunities • Integration of training content: STEM, Literacy, Brazelton, Strengthening Families, etc. • Transition Supports - Coordinating activities and resources which maximize families’ access to supports promoting successful birth to eight transitions, with specific focus on Kindergarten
FY15 CFCE Required Services FY15 Recommendation: Maintain existing required services with changes that reflect greater focus and intentionality Example: CFCE grantees can potentially reduce the numbers of children and families that: • Arrive at Kindergarten unregistered • Arrive at Kindergarten with no prior early childhood experience FY15 CFCE Required Service: Continue to build on partnerships with public schools to support transitions to kindergarten Specific activity: Collaborate with public schools to identify families meeting these criteria and develop a targeted outreach and engagement plan.
FY15 CFCE Required Service: Promote evidence-based education, family engagement and literacy support FY15 Recommendation: Maintain existing required services with changes that reflect greater focus and intentionality Examples: • All CFCEs will employ a measurement tool to gauge the impact of these activities, with specific focus on evidence-based literacy programming on families. • All CFCEs will plan activities with museums and libraries in their communities to engage families in intentional informal learning opportunities. • CFCEs that elect to serve multiple communities must ensure that educational activities are offered in locations and tailored to the needs of each community served.
FY15 CFCE Required Services: Role of Local Council • CFCE councils will continue to: • Facilitate linkages between public and private sectors • Conduct ongoing assessments of community and family needs; • Facilitate collaborative community-wide activities for families with children from birth through school-age. • Collaborate across EEC funded agencies/grantees and other community based programs, in order to build on and foster efficiencies within the local array of services available to children and families. • FY15 Recommendations for Role of Local Council: • CFCE councils will be required to identify and explicitly link to any existing community-based early education and care councils in their service area. • Council membership will reflect representation of Home Visiting and other state funded community initiatives to ensure active engagement and alignment of services and supports to families. • Councils will act in an advisory role to the CFCE grantee.
FY14 Required Services: Parent-Child Home Program • 29 CFCE Grantees have PCHP embedded in their grant programs due to mergers • EEC funds support programming for approximately 650 families in FY14 FY15 Required Services: • CFCEs that elect to serve communities that currently receive PCHP programming will be required to work with the existing PCHP replication site currently serving that community at existing or higher levels of service to high needs families. • Bidders must submit an agreement with the existing PCHP program with their FY15 application which will include the proposed number of families to be served and funding amount.
FY15 CFCE - Service Areas Currently, there is a huge range in service areas. FY15 Recommendations Grantees must: • demonstrate a clear understanding of the gaps and resources in each community served; • maintain a physical presence in communities served; • provide programming in spaces and at times that are easily accessible for families, which could include hotels that shelter homeless families, libraries, in-kind public school or community space, Laundromats, family centers, food pantries, etc., • must have formal agreements with agencies within service area communities related to space and service delivery.
FY15 CFCE - Funding Formula • First ever CFCE funding formula based on priorities established by EEC • Current funding levels reflect mergers of grant programs and funding formulas based on priorities of former grant programs • Foundational funding must support implementation of required services – current amount - $33,870 • Current range of funding: $33,870 - $939,037 • FY15 Consideration: graduated approach to implementation of funding formula, aligning funding to EEC priorities incrementally.
FY15 CFCE: Multiple Funding Streams • State Funds –$14,145,637 • RTT-ELC Evidence-based Grant Funds: $400,000