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SPSS introduction CCG, Fall semester 2010 Henrik Lolle

SPSS introduction CCG, Fall semester 2010 Henrik Lolle. SPSS (or PASW?). Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Between 2009 and 2010 the name was PASW ( Predictive Analytics SoftWare) Statistics. One of the most world wide used statistical programs.

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SPSS introduction CCG, Fall semester 2010 Henrik Lolle

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  1. SPSS introductionCCG, Fall semester 2010Henrik Lolle

  2. SPSS (or PASW?) • Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) • Between 2009 and 2010 the name was PASW (Predictive Analytics SoftWare) Statistics. • One of the most world wide used statistical programs. • Other comparable statistical programs: SAS and STATA • What about Excel?

  3. Todays Program, part one • Statistical analysis • Univariate and multivariate analysis • Variable measurement • A few words on causality • Statistical tests (or what is a p-value?) • The data set we shall use to day: European Social Survey 2008 • Download of data, the questionnaire, and a variable list • http://www.samf.aau.dk/~lolle/metodeundervisning/CCG/SPSS_Introduction.html • Or: http://www.samf.aau.dk/~lolle/ + click ”Metodeundervisning”  ”CCG …” • Short presentation of the different SPSS-windows and functions • Saving the Danish part of the international data set • Short break

  4. Todays Program, part two SPSS workshop: • Data View and Variable View • ”Point-and-click” and SPSS syntax • Univariate analysis on categorical/discrete variables • Univariate analysis on interval scaled contineous variables • Recoding variables and defining variable properties • Filtering the data set • Bivariate and multivariate cross-table analysis • Bivariate and multivariate analysis with an interval scaled dependant variable • Computing new variables • A short look at the full international data set

  5. Select respondents from Denmark (DK)

  6. Univariate analysis on discrete variables Exercise 1 • Generate a frequency table of the variable polintr ”How interested in politics?” • Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Frequencies • Generate a bar chart on the variable polintr. • Graphs  Legacy Dialogs  Bar • Back in the frequency-window, generate the same bar chart while not displaying the frequency table.

  7. Univariate analysis on interval scaled variables Exercice 2 • Generate a histogram on the variable agea ”Age in years” • Graphs  Legacy • Dialogs  Histogram • Generate some descriptive statistics on the variable agea • Analyze  Descriptive Statistics  Descriptives

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