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Instructional Inquiry Plan (IIP) Maha-Georges Shannon

Instructional Inquiry Plan (IIP) Maha-Georges Shannon EDU 743: Connecting Reading and Writing for Success February 22, 2012. EDU 743 - IIP Writing Purpose: “ Food for Everyone In Our Community ” B. Rationale

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Instructional Inquiry Plan (IIP) Maha-Georges Shannon

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  1. Instructional Inquiry Plan (IIP) Maha-Georges Shannon EDU 743: Connecting Reading and Writing for Success February 22, 2012

  2. EDU 743 - IIP Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”B. Rationale The issue in Lorraine Wilson’s (2005) book that resonates most strongly and thus motivates my focus for this plan is that of Critical Literacy and Writing Critically, as reflecting critical thinking skills. I translate that as ‘essential reasoning skills’ in explaining the concept to my Grade 4 dyslexic students, who as concrete or literal learners do not relate well to abstract or non-specific a concept as ‘thinking’. In my independent school in Greenwich Connecticut as one of America’s most wealthy communities, it is too easy for affluent Grade 4 students to be complacent cruise-control thinkers, unaware or uninterested in social issues in our community. Yet some 20% of Greenwich’s residents live on modest to no earned income in a blue-collar ethnic enclave out of sight and mind of the affluent. From here come many of the clients in the Neighbor-to- Neighbor Food Bank where my church members work as volunteers

  3. EDU 743 - IIP Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”C. = Objectives = To make my students aware or raise their consciousness of socio-economic diversity that entails poverty and hands-on charity in their own community. To best utilize my limited time with them by modeling the connection of applying critical thinking to decode reading and visual images to be applied to their writing. To informally test the concept identified in an article by Annie Paul (2012) that dyslexic students are able to learn and make use of the information in some visual images with greater ease than mainstream readers.

  4. EDU 743 - IIP Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”D. = Compare – Contrast = During the first 30 minutes of my Thursday session with a group of 4 students, they will read aloud the article Whole Kids Food Banks Benefit in Providence (2010). Discussion would highlight the features of and connectionsbetweenWhole Foods MarketandFood Banks, with the advantage of being written in a 5W’s format that I employ frequently to launch writing. In the last 30 minutes they will be shown the following slides # 1 to#6presenting three pairs of pictures, each pair side by side on a Smart Board. Students are asked to Compare and Contrast.

  5. What do you see when you Compare and Contrast this Picture with Pictures #2.beside it? Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”# 1. Breads availableat WHOLE FOODS

  6. Compare and Contrast these Pictures with Picture #1. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#2. Breads available at FOOD BANK

  7. Apples & Oranges available atWHOLE FOODS Compare and Contrast these Pictures with the Pictures #4. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#3.

  8. Apples & Oranges available atFOOD BANK Compare and Contrast this Picture with Picture #3. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#4.

  9. WHOLE FOODSno limits on shopping Compare and Contrast this with Picture #6. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#5.

  10. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#6. Neighbor to Neighbor Grocery List (abbreviated)

  11. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#7. Students will be asked to identify 1 to 3 aspects that are different in each pair, and individually write them on a Compare-Contrast List. Then in pairs they will discuss individual findings to finalize their list of stand-out differences. That evening their homework assignment is to write two sentences on each pair of photo differences. Next day, students will orally explain each difference that they believe is important, and possible reasons that explain these differences in terms of the Greenwich community around them.

  12. Students will be prompted with Questions below to fill in table per the next Slide. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#8.

  13. Students will begin paragraphs for week-end homework that cover the Key Points below. Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#9.

  14. “Food for Everyone In Our Community”#10. To provide for Everyone, there is a role for bothFOOD BANK& WHOLE FOODS

  15. EDU 743 - IIP Writing Purpose: “Food for Everyone In Our Community”C. References: Boardman, C. (2010,January 13th).Whole Kids Food Banks Benefit in Providence. Retrieved February 14,2012 from http://providence.abc6.com/content/whole-kids-food-banks- benefit-providence. Paul, A. M.(2012,February 4). The Upside of Dyslexia. New York Times,p. A1. Wilson, L. (2006). Writing to live: How to teach writing for today’s world. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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