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Hvorfor kommuniserer vi vitenskap? Hvordan kommuniserer vi vitenskap?. Å kommunisere vitenskap. Teksttrekant. Innhold og struktur. avsnitt setninger ord. Fra: T. L. Hoel, 1995 Tanke blir tekst: Skrivehjelp for Studentar . Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget. staving , . ? “ ”.
Hvorfor kommuniserer vi vitenskap? Hvordan kommuniserer vi vitenskap? Å kommuniserevitenskap
Teksttrekant Innhold og struktur avsnitt setninger ord Fra: T. L. Hoel, 1995 Tanke blir tekst:Skrivehjelp for Studentar. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget. staving , . ? “ ”
Skriving for å lære og Læring for å skrive Skriving for å få idéer idédugnad tankekart friskriving Skriving for å reflektere Skriving som prosess
I M R o D Introduksjon Materiale og metode Resultater og Diskusjon
Introduksjon • motivasjon – hvorfor?Er det noe problem? • (gjerne med referanser) • formål – hva?Hva tilbyr du leseren?
Create a research space (CARS) • Etabler forskningsområdet • bakgrunn • problem • Forbered din forskning (etabler din nisje) • bygg på tidligere forskning • vis at kunnskap er manglende/fraværende • still spørsmål ved tidligere forskning (konflikter) • Presenter din forskning • hypothese • formål John Swales (1990)
Medical researcher - Social scientist - Linguist KIAP project: Fløttum, Dahl, Kinn
eksempler og illustrasjoner • narrativ – fortelling • beskrivelse • prosess • sammenligning/kontrast • analogi • årsak og effekt • klassifisering • definisjoner Avsnitt - typer
Temasetning • A man’s ten-speed bicycle consists of three main components: the frame, the wheels, and the drive train. Avsnitt
Temasetning The rider of a ten-speed bicycle sits on a seat mounted on the “seat tube” of the bike’s frame. Avsnitt
Temasetning While similar in basic design to a three-speed bicycle, the ten-speed has certain distinct advantages. Avsnitt
The importance of a topic sentence Utility costs for the argon process are 75% greater than for the proposed hydrogen process. This gives the impression that we should choose the hydrogen process. However… Avsnitt
Utility costs for the argon process are 75% greater than for the proposed hydrogen process. Initial capital cost is $5.4 million, roughly three times the hydrogen process cost. However, annual income from the sale of argon, increased ammonia production, and reduced natural gas requirements elsewhere in the plant is 160% higher than that generated by the hydrogen process. Present-worth analysis shows that the argon process is the better investment. The present worth of the argon process is $10.25 million. The present worth of the hydrogen process is $4.14 million. Improved topic sentence: Even though utility costs are greater for the argon process than for the hydrogen process, the argon process is the better investment. Avsnitt
The major difference between IEEE and other styles is that IEEE style encloses citation numbers within the text of a paper in square brackets [1] rather than as superscripts1 or in bracketed form (Jones 98). http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser
According to one technical writing expert, even though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn, it is still the most valuable style for aspiring engineers to pick up (Jones 98). http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser - navn
As Smith (2001), Wesson (2001), and Williams (2002) demonstrate, the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with . . . . As several studies have demonstrated (Smith 2001, Wesson 2001, and Williams 2002), the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with…. http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser - navn
According to one technical writing expert, even though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn, it is still the most valuable style for aspiring engineers to pick up1. http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser - nummer
As Smith1, Wesson2, and Williams3 demonstrate, the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with . . . . As Smith, Wesson, and Williams demonstrate1,2,3, the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with . . . . As demonstrated in several studies1-3, the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with . . . . http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser - nummer
According to one technical writing expert, even though IEEE is the most difficult style to learn, it is still the most valuable style for aspiring engineers to pick up [1]. http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser – IEEE
As [1], [2], and [3] demonstrate, the natural course of microprocessor evolution will likely lead to computers with . . . " According to [2], current Internet technology is still years behind industry projections. . . " http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~writing/handbook-docum1b.html Referanser - IEEE
http://www.ub.ntnu.no/viko/en/start.php http://web.mit.edu/wac/writing/weblinks.html http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/ http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/writersref6e/Player/Pages/Main.aspx (velg f. eks. “Writing exercises”, trykk “cancel” og velg oppgaven(e). Nyttige nettadresser