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The Impacts of war on Lithuanian’s culture. Historical background. Act of Independence of Lithuania (1918) Soviet first and second occupation (1940-1941, 1944-1945) Germans’ occupation (1941-1944) Lithuania’s independence in 1990. Lithuanian Partisans.
Historical background • Act of Independence of Lithuania (1918) • Soviet first and second occupation (1940-1941, 1944-1945) • Germans’ occupation (1941-1944) • Lithuania’s independence in 1990
Lithuanian Partisans • Partisans who waged uniformed guerrilla warfare against Soviet rule during the Soviet invasion and occupation of Lithuania during and after World War II • Almost 50.000 partisans from many European countries fought from the mountains • Captured Lithuanian partisans faced torture and deportation • It is estimated that a total of 30,000 partisans and their supporters were killed during the guerrilla warfare from 1944 to 1953
Most known Lithuanian partisans • Juozas Lukša (1921-1951) • Adolfas Ramanauskas (1918-1957) • Pranas Končius (1911-1965)
Juozas Lukša (1921-1951) • Codename: Daumantas or Skirmantas • Leader of the Lithuanian partisans after the World War II • He engaged in the underground movement in 1944 • He joined the armed resistance in 1946 • In 1947 he escaped to the West • He was killed in 1951
Adolfas Ramanauskas (1918-1957) • Codename: Vanagas • Leader of the Lithuanian partisans • Betrayed, he was arrested, tortured, and eventually executed by KGB in 1957 • Awarded the Order of the Cross of Vytis • Promoted to brigadier general in 1990
Pranas Končius(1911-1965) • Codename: Adomas • The last Lithuanian anti-soviet resistance fighter killed in action • In 2000 he was posthumously awarded the Cross of Vytis
The aftermath • The freedom of Lithuania • Declaration of independence • Partisan’s day
Pictures from the Museum of Genocide Victims Wall of former KGB headquarters in Vilnius inscribed with names of those tortured and killed in its basement Picture 1
Pictures from the Museum of Genocide Victims Execution Room Picture 2 Mental Cell Picture 3
Pictures from the Museum of Genocide Victims Horrifying photos of the victims Picture 4 Isolation chamber Picture 5
Baltic Chain • Baltic Way or Chain of Freedom • Peaceful political demonstration • 2.000.000 people • Over 600 kilometers across the three Baltic states • Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius • Effective campaign • Emotionally and stunning scene.
Songs and Poems A.Bitvinskas. "We're not dead"“We‘re not dead, we did not die!“Night black, fierce, deepWake up victims from their graves.Murdered, torturedProclaim loudly one thoughtWith voices of people still alive:“We’re not dead, we did not die!We’re waiting for the rebirth of freedomIn the country full of dusk,-Even in Siberia glacier,That lagers homeland,We’re alive, we’re still alive!We’re not dead, we did not die,If we can afford in night deepTo wake up from our graves“… A.Bitvinskas. „Mes nemirę“„Mes nemirę, mes nemirę!" Naktį juodą, žiaurią, gilią Kelias aukos iš kapų. Nužudyti, nukankinti Skelbia garsiai vieną mintį Dar gyvais balsais žmonių: „Mes nemirę, mes nemirę! Laukiam laisvės atgimimo Sutemų pilnoj šaly, -Dar ir Sibiro ledynėj, Toje lagerių tėvynėj, Mes gyvi, mes dar gyvi! Mes nemirę, mes nemirę, Jei pajėgiam naktį gilią Atsikelti iš kapų"...
Songs and Poems If not for golden summers If not for fields of blue We wouldn’t have come here To while away the days So quietly pass the summers And blossoming flowers wilt We quietly wipe away the tears In memory of our youth. We’ll leave behind those crossroads And everything we had Youth, laughter, tears And the one we loved I’ll leave one evening Never to return The rye flower will blossom blue But I will never see it Jei ne auksinės vasaros,Ne mėlynos vosilkos,Nebūtum mes atėję čia,Kur slenka dienos pilkos.Taip tyliai slenka vasaros,Pražydę gėlės vysta.Mes tyliai šluostom ašaras,Palaidoję jaunystę.Paliksime tas kryžkelesIr viską, ką turėjom -Jaunystę, juoką, ašarasIr tą, kurią mylėjom.Išeisiu vieną vakarąIr jau daugiau negrįšiu.Žydės vosilkos mėlynai,Bet jų nebematysiu.