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The Nine Muses

The Nine Muses. By: Lizeth Cortes . History Of The Nine Muses. History:

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The Nine Muses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Nine Muses By: Lizeth Cortes

  2. History Of The Nine Muses • History: • In Greek Mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who were greatly skilled in the arts .They gave inspiration to many mortals. The goddesses came from Zeus and Mnemosyne. The muses were sometimes called water nymphs. Calliope was the muse of epic poetry. Clio was the muse of history. Erato was the muse of love poetry. Euterpe was the muse of music. Melpomene was the muse of tragedy. Polyhymnia was the muse of hymns. Terpsichore was the muse of dance. Thalia was the muse of comedy. Urania was the muse of astronomy.

  3. Examples: • The muse never came to the desperate painter , for he had used up all his creative for the day. • It is common for fashion designers to select a particular woman as a muse, keeping her mind as he or she designs a new line of clothing. • The inspiration I get for most of my creations come from the very same muse that seeks me out.

  4. Modern Usage: • The modern usage for muse is the inspiration for anything to do with the arts. • Example: Somebody can gain their muse on a creative project which results in a satisfactory product.

  5. The Nine Muses

  6. The End

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