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Systems Analysis and Design

Systems Analysis and Design. System Analysis Requirements Modeling. Agenda. Interesting News and Articles Systems Analysis Phase Overview Team Oriented Methods and Techniques System Requirements Checklist Fact Finding Methods Class Exercise. Systems Analysis.

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Systems Analysis and Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Systems Analysis and Design System Analysis Requirements Modeling

  2. Agenda • Interesting News and Articles • Systems Analysis Phase Overview • Team Oriented Methods and Techniques • System Requirements Checklist • Fact Finding Methods • Class Exercise

  3. Systems Analysis • Understand the proposed project • Ensure that the project will support business requirements • Build a solid foundation for system development

  4. Systems Analysis Skills • Analytical skills • Identify problem, evaluate the key elements, and develop a useful solution • Interpersonal skills • Work with, balance conflicting needs of users, and communicate effectively

  5. Team Oriented Methods and Techniques • Joint Application Development (JAD) • Rapid Application Development (RAD)

  6. Joint Application Development • JAD is a team-oriented technique for fact-finding and requirements modeling • In other words, JAD is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants

  7. Joint Application Development • A JAD team may include users, managers, IT professionals who works together to identify and document requirements for a new system • The objective is to analyze the existing system, work on potential solutions, and agree on requirements for the new system.

  8. Joint Application Development • Advantages • More accurate statement of system requirements • Better understanding of common goals • Stronger commitment to the success of the new system • Disadvantages • More expensive • Can be cumbersome if the group is too large

  9. Rapid Application Development • RAD is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems developments. • Like JAD, RAD uses a group approach, but goes much further. • RAD resembles a condensed version of the entire SDLC, with users involved every step of the way.

  10. RAD Phases and Activities • Requirement planning • Users, managers, and IT staffs agree upon business needs, project scope and system requirements • User Design • Interact with users, build models and prototypes, and conduct intensive JAD-type sessions • Construction • Program and application development, coding, integration and system testing • Cutover • Data conversion, full scale testing, system changeover, user training

  11. Rapid Application Development • Advantages • The system can be developed more quickly with significant cost savings • Disadvantages • RAD does not emphasize the company’s strategic business needs • Risks in term of long-term objective, quality, consistency, and efficiency

  12. System Requirements • A system requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be included in an information system to satisfy business requirements and be acceptable to users. • Outputs • Inputs • Processes • Performance • Controls

  13. Outputs Requirements Samples • The inventory must produce a daily report • The purchasing system must provide supplier with up-to-date specifications • The Web site must report online volume statistics

  14. Inputs Requirements Samples • Each input form must include date, time, product code, customer number, and quantity • Manufacturing employees must swipe their ID cards

  15. Processes Requirements Samples • The students records system must allow record access by either students name or number • The video rental system must not execute new rental transaction for customers who have overdue tapes

  16. Performance Requirements Samples • The system must support 25 users online simultaneously • Response must not exceed four seconds • The system must be operational seven days a week, 365 days a years

  17. Control Requirements Samples • The system must provide log-on security • An employee record must be updated by a member of human resource department • The system must maintain separate levels of security for users and administrators

  18. Scalability • A system’s ability to handle increased business volume and transactions in the future.

  19. Fact-Finding • Answer Who, What, When, How and Why? • Interviews • Document Review • Observation • Questionnaires and Surveys • Research

  20. The Need for Recording the Facts • Record information as soon as you obtain it • Use the simplest record method possible • Record your findings in such a way that they can be understood by someone else • Organize your documentation

  21. Question?

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