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Towards Automated Verification Through Type Discovery. Scott D. Stoller State University of New York at Stony Brook. Joint work with Rahul Agarwal. Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems. To make it feasible, we must restrict: the system Examples: push-down systems,
Towards Automated Verification Through Type Discovery Scott D. Stoller State University of New York at Stony Brook Joint work with Rahul Agarwal
Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems • To make it feasible, we must restrict: • the system • Examples: push-down systems, infinite chains of finite-state automata • or the properties (and the system slightly) • Example: variables are initialized before they are used • We restrict the properties.
Verification With Type Systems Many properties can be checked with types. • Properties of sequential programs: • Operations applied to appropriate arguments • Correct calling sequence of procedures in API • Example: open file before reading or writing it • Encapsulation of objects • Example: links are encapsulated in linked list • Information flow
Verification With Type Systems (continued) • Properties of concurrent programs • Race-freedom (= absence of race conditions) • Deadlock-freedom • Atomicity • Called isolation or serializability in databases • Properties of distributed programs • Correctness of authentication protocols (Cryptyc)
Why Are Type Systems Attractive? • The concept of types is familiar to programmers • Extended types can be embedded in comments. • Types support compositional verification • Type-checking a method depends on types (not code) of other methods • Types provide clean separation of “guessing” and checking • Inference algorithms, heuristics, hints from user can be used freely to “guess” types • Only need to show soundness of type checker
Disadvantages of Type Systems • Not all properties can be checked with types • But several useful properties can be checked • Complete static type inference is infeasible (NP-complete or worse) for many interesting type systems • Annotating new code with types takes time • Annotating legacy code with types takes a long time • Developer first needs to understand the code
Type Discovery • Type discovery: guess (and then check) types for a program based on information from run-time monitoring • Is type discovery guaranteed to be effective? • Of course not, if type inference is provably hard. • Type discovery must rely on heuristics to generalize concrete relationships to static (syntactic) relationships. • Why is type discovery likely to be effective? • Assuming static intra-procedural type inference is feasible, monitored executions do not need to achieve high statement coverage.
Related Work: Invariant Discovery • Invariant discovery in Daikon [Ernst et al.] • Daikon considers a set of candidate predicates defined by a grammar, with a limit on the size of the predicates. • Daikon inserts instrumentation at a designated program point to discover which of these predicates hold at that program point. • Type discovery is “harder”: a single type annotation may depend on what happens at many program points • Example: With race-free types, an annotation on a field declaration depends on which locks are held at every point at which the field is accessed.
Outline • Type Discovery for Verification of Race-Freedom • Background on race conditions • Related work on analysis of race conditions • Overview of type system for race-freedom • Type discovery algorithm • Experimental results • Sketch of Type Discovery for Verification of: • Atomicity • Deadlock-freedom • Safe region-based memory management
Race Conditions • A race condition occurs when two threads access a shared variable and: • At least one access is a write • No synchronization is used to prevent the accesses from being simultaneous. • Race conditions indicate that the program may produce different results if the schedule (order of operations) changes. • In many systems, the thread scheduler is loosely specified, so the program is effectively non-deterministic. • Race conditions often reflect synchronization errors.
Race Condition: Example A deposit is lost if both threads read this.balance and then both threads update this.balance. This reflects a race condition on this.balance. Making deposit(int) synchronized eliminates the race condition and the error. class Account { int balance =0; void deposit(int x) { this.balance = this.balance + x; } } Account a = new Account(); fork {a.deposit(10);} fork {a.deposit(10);}
Approaches to Detecting Race Conditions • Run-time monitoring • Pioneering work: Eraser [Savage+, 1997] + automatic • no guarantees about other executions • Static analysis • RacerX [Engler+, 2003] effectively finds some race conditions but relies on unsound heuristics. • Type systems • Race Free Java, PRFJ, Multithreaded Cyclone + well-typed programs are guaranteed race free. - requires manual annotations (greatly reduced by type discovery)
Parameterized Race Free Java (PRFJ)[Boyapati & Rinard, OOPSLA 2001] • Each object is associated with an owner and a root owner • Owner is normally an object indicated by a final expression or self. • Lock on root owner must be held when object is accessed. • Example: owner(x)=self, owner(y)=x x:LinkedList y:Link
Parameterized Race Free Java (continued) • In some special cases, race conditions are avoided without locks. Special owner values indicate these special cases: • thisThread : object is unshared • unique : unique reference to the object • readonly : object cannot be updated • Owner may change in ways that do not cause races, specifically, from unique to any other owner • Unique references are transferred with this syntax: y = x-- ; // equivalent to: y =x; x = null;
Annotations in PRFJ • Classes are annotated with one or more owner parameters. • First parameter specifies the owner of this object. • Remaining parameters (if any) specify owners of fields, method parameters, return values, etc.
Example PRFJ program class Account<thisOwner> { int balance ; public Account(int balance) { this.balance = balance;} void deposit(int x) requires this { this.balance = this.balance + x; } } Account<thisThread> a1 = new Account<unique>(0); a1.deposit(10); Account<self> a2 = new Account<self> fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}} fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}}
Annotations in PRFJ • Owner parameters are instantiated at uses of class names. • Classes are annotated with one or more owner parameters. • First parameter specifies the owner of this object. • Remaining parameters (if any) specify owners of fields, method parameters, return values, etc.
Example PRFJ program class Account<thisOwner> { int balance ; public Account(int balance) { this.balance =balance;} void deposit(int x) requires this { this.balance = this.balance +x; } } Account<thisThread> a1 = new Account<unique>(0); a1.deposit(10); Account<self> a2 = new Account<self> fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}} fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}}
Annotations in PRFJ • Methods are annotated with requiresl1,l2,... clause. • Locks of rootowners of l1,l2,… should be held at all call sites. • Owner parameters are instantiated at uses of class names. • Classes are annotated with one or more owner parameters. • First parameter specifies the owner of this object. • Remaining parameters (if any) specify owners of fields, method parameters, return values, etc.
Example PRFJ program class Account<thisOwner> { int balance ; public Account(int balance) { this.balance =balance;} void deposit(int x) requires this { this.balance = this.balance + x; } } Account<thisThread> a1 = new Account<unique>(0); a1.deposit(10); Account<self> a2 = new Account<self> fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}} fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}}
Example PRFJ program class Account<thisOwner> { int balance ; public Account(int balance) { this.balance =balance;} void deposit(int x) requires this { this.balance = this.balance + x; } } Account<thisThread> a1 = new Account<unique>(0); a1.deposit(10); Account<self> a2 = new Account<self> fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}} fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}}
Example PRFJ program class Account<thisOwner> { int balance ; public Account(int balance) { this.balance =balance;} void deposit(int x) requires this { this.balance = this.balance + x; } } Account<thisThread> a1 = new Account<unique>(0); a1.deposit(10); Account<self> a2 = new Account<self> fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}} fork {synchronized (a2) {a2.deposit(10);}}
The cost of PRFJ About 25 annotations/KLOC, in Boyapati & Rinard’s experiments with PRFJ
Towards Type Discovery for PRFJ • Type systems like PRFJ seem to be a promising practical approach to verification of race freedom, if more annotations can be obtained automatically. • Static type inference for (P)RFJ is NP-complete [Flanagan & Freund, 2004] • Type discovery for PRFJ builds on work on run-time race detection.
Run-time Race Detection:The Lockset Algorithm [Savage et al., 1997] • The lockset algorithm detects violations of a simple locking discipline in monitored executions. • Following the locking discipline implies race-freedom. • Fully automatic • No guarantee about other executions
Core Lockset Algorithm • C(v) = set of locks that have protected variable v so far • Initialization: C(v) := set of all locks • On an access to v by thread t, C(v) := C(v) locks_held(t) • If C(v) is empty, issue warning: locking discipline violated (potential for race conditions) Lockset Algorithm core lockset algorithm plus special treatment for initialization of variables and read-only variables.
Overview of Type Discovery for PRFJ • Identify unique references using static analysis. • Instrument the program using an automatic source-to-source transformation. • Execute the instrumented program, which writes information to a log file. • Analyze the log to discover: • owners of fields, parameters, return values • owners in class declarations • values of non-first owner parameters • requires clause for each method • Run intra-procedural type inference to get types for local variables. • Run the type checker.
Step 1: Static Analysis of Unique References • We use a variant of a uniqueness analysis in [Aldrich, Kostadinov, & Chambers 2002]. • Determine which parameters are lent, i.e., when the method returns, no new references to the argument exist. • Determine which expressions are unique references, based on the lent annotations and known sources of unique references, namely, object allocation expressions. • The analysis is flow-insensitive and context-insensitive.
Step 2: Instrumentation • To help infer the owner of a field, method parameter, or return value x, we monitor a set S(x) of objects that are “values” of x. • If x is a field of classC, S(x) contains objects stored in that field of instances of C. • If x is a method parameter, S(x) contains arguments passed through that parameter. • FE(x): set of final expressions that are syntactically legal at the declaration of x. These are candidate owners of x. • Final expressions are built from final variables (including this), final fields, and static final fields
Step 2: Instrumentation (continued) After an object o is added to S(x), every access to o is intercepted and the following information is updated. • lkSet(x,o): set of locks held at every access to o, excluding accessesthrough a unique reference. • rdOnly(x,o): bool: whether a field of o was written • shar(x,o): bool: whether o is shared • val(x,o,e), where e in FE(x): value of e at an appropriate point for x and o: • If x is a field: immediately after constructor invocation that initialized o. • If x is a parameter to method m: immediately before calls to m where o is passed through parameter x.
Step 3: Execute the instrumented program • The instrumented program writes information to a log file.
Step 4.a: Discover owners for fields, method parameters, and return values Note: The first matching rule wins. If Java type of x is an immutable class (e.g, String), then owner(x) = readonly If (o in S(x) : !shar(x,o)), then owner(x) =thisThread If (o in S(x): rdOnly(x,o)), then owner(x) = readonly If (o in S(x): o in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(x) =self
Step 4.a: Discover owners for fields, method parameters, and return values (continued) • If for some e in FE(x), (o in S(x): val(x,o,e) in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(x) = e • Otherwise, owner(x)=thisOwner, where thisOwner is the first owner parameter of the class.
Example: owner of this param of MyThread(..) public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Example: owner of this param of MyThread(..) public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Example: owner of l field and parameter public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } } Obj lkset l l Lockset Table
Step 4.a: Discover owners for fields, method parameters, and return values If Java type of x is an immutable class (e.g, String), then owner(x) = readonly. If (o in S(x) : !shar(x,o)), then owner(x) =thisThread. If (o in S(x): rdOnly(x,o)), then owner(x) = readonly If (o in S(x): o in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(x) =self …
Example: owner of l field and parameter public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } } obj lkset l l Lockset Table
Step 4.b: Discover owners in class declarations Monitor a set S(C) of instances of class C. • If (o in S(C): !shar(x,o)), owner(C)=thisThread • If (o in S(C): o in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(C)=self • Otherwise owner(C) = thisOwner Use owner(C) as the first owner parameter in the declaration of C.
Example: owner of class MyThread public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Step 4.b: Discover owners in class declarations Monitor a set S(C) of instances of class C. • If (o in S(C): !shar(x,o)), owner(C)=thisThread • If (o in S(C): o in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(C)=self • Otherwise owner(C) = thisOwner
Example: owner of class MyThread public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l = new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Step 4.c: Discover non-first owner parameters • Assume uses of these parameters in class declaration are given. Example: class ArrayList<thisOwner,eltOwner> { public boolean add(Object<eltOwner> o){…} … } • If the owner parameter is used as the owner of a method parameter (like eltOwner), instantiate it based on discovered owner of the method parameter. • Similar technique is used if the owner parameter is used as the owner of a field.
Example public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l =new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Step 4.c: Discover non-first owner parameters If Java type of x is an immutable class (e.g, String), then owner(x) =readonly. If (o in S(x) : !shar(x,o)), then owner(x) =thisThread. If (o in S(x): rdOnly(x,o)), then owner(x) = readonly If (o in S(x): o in lkSet(x,o)), then owner(x) =self …
Example public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l =new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Step 4.d: Discover requires clause • runmethods are given an empty requires clause. • Each method declared in class with owner thisThread (from Step 4.b) is given an empty requiresclause. • For other classes, the requires clause contains all method parameters p (including the implicit this parameter) such that the method contains a field access p.f outside the scope of a synchronized(p) statement.
Step 5: Intra-procedural type inference • Introduce fresh distinct formal owner parameters for unknown owners in variable declarations and object allocation expressions. • Derive equality constraints between owners from assignment statements and method invocations. • Solve the constraints in almost linear time using the standard union-find algorithm Test suite does not need full (or even high) statement coverage because intra-procedureal type inference propagates owner information into unexecuted parts of the code.
Example: owner of local variable l public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l =new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }
Example public class MyThread<thisThread> extends Thread<thisThread> { public ArrayList <self,readonly> l; public MyThread(ArrayList<self,readonly> l) { this.l = l; } public void run() { synchronized(this.l) { l.add(new Integer<readonly>(10)); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ArrayList<self,readonly> l =new ArrayList<self,readonly>(); MyThread<unique> m1 = new MyThread<unique>(l); MyThread<unique> m2 = new MyThread<unique>(l); m1--.start(); m2--.start(); } }