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Topdanmark & TopPro – in Denmark. Agenda. Denmark The country in an overall perspective – a quick walkthrough Topdanmark History Objectives, Goals & Strategy Values Organisation Market share Business structure (products) Financial highlights TopPro Vision
Agenda • Denmark • The country in an overall perspective – a quick walkthrough • Topdanmark • History • Objectives, Goals & Strategy • Values • Organisation • Market share • Business structure (products) • Financial highlights • TopPro • Vision • TopPro history and background • Plans going forward • Organization • Program success criteria's and management principles
The Danish Realm • Denmark has never been a major colonial power, but it had small tropical colonies in Africa, Asia and the West Indies • In the North Atlantic, Denmark has ruled over Iceland, which withdrew from the union with Denmark in 1944 • The Faroe Islands and Greenland, the world’s largest island, are still part of the Danish Realm. There has been home rule on the Faroe Islands since 1948 and in Greenland since 1979. Neither territory is a member of the EU • Both have two seats in the Folketing. The Faroe Islands are considering full independence from Denmark, to which the Danish Government has responded that Denmark would then phase out its economic support of the Islands over a shorter term than the Faroese wish
Denmark and the World – foreign affairs • During the history of Denmark, the image of the Danes has changed completely. The barbaric Viking has been replaced by the Danish UN soldier • Membership of: • the UN (Denmark was a co-founder in 1945), • NATO (since 1949), • the Nordic Council (since 1952) and • the EEC/EU (since 1973) • Denmark has sent out more than 87,000 soldiers and policemen between 1948 and 2007 – to undertake peacemaking, peacekeeping and humanitarian tasks for the UN, NATO, OSCE and as EU monitors
Denmarks geography • Denmark consists of 406 islands, 78 of which are habited • Total coast line is 7,314 km • No one in Denmark is more than 50 km from the sea • The climate is temperate coastal climate, • January and February are the coldest months with an average temperature of 0.0° • August the warmest with an average temperature of 15.7°C. • The average wind force across the year is 7.6 m per second, • Denmark is the world’s largest exporter of wind turbines • 62% of the total area is cultivated, the highest percentage in Europe. 56% of the land is used for growing corn, 20% for grass, 4% for roots and 4% for seed.
The Royal Denmark • The Danish monarchy can be traced back more than 1000 years. The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, is therefore able to count kings like Gorm the Old (deceased 958) and Harald Bluetooth (deceased 987) among her ancestors. • The Danish monarchy is constitutional, which means that the monarch cannot independently perform political acts.
The social system and the tax • With the taxes as a tool, an equalization of income is achieved so that everyone has the necessary material framework for living a reasonable life • The model means that 33% of the taxes (2005) are paid back to the citizens as transfer income - and that the public sector accounts for 30% (2005) of all employees • The social system acts as a fine-meshed safety net under the Dane from birth to death. The many individual benefits include maternity and parent leave, which the parents may choose to share • It is regarded as an advantage – both for the individual and the exchequer – if people weakened by illness or age remain in their own homes as long as possible. Here, elderly people can receive home help from the local authority
Education in Denmark • School attendance is not compulsory in Denmark, but nine years of education are • The elementary and lower secondary school is comprehensive, i.e. the children are not divided up on the basis of ability or social background • Almost all education is a free benefit as part of the welfare system. From the age of 18, young people receiving education may obtain public support, the so-called State Educational Grant SU, of up to DKK 5,177 per month (app. $ 890), so that no one is precluded from further education because of social or economic status
Sports • The Danes like sports – as participants, spectators and in front of the television. Almost two million actively participate in sports as members of an association. Almost two thirds of all children and young people are engaged in organized sports in their leisure time • It is an official political objective that Danish sports should be for everyone • The distinguishing feature of Danish sports is the broad base, firmly established in both town and country everywhere; even the smallest village has at least one football field and a gymnasium or sports hall • Danish sports associations are independent of the state, although the state makes an annual contribution to sports of around DKK 635m
The food • There are three main meals in Denmark: breakfast and dinner are typically eaten at home, whereas lunch for practical reasons has to be eaten elsewhere • Hot food is eaten in the evening, and most people only have a single course on weekdays • At the evening meal families make an effort to arrange for a family meal prepared at home • Denmark has made few original contributions to gastronomy. Among those to be mentioned are smørrebrød (open sandwiches), kransekage (almond cake rings), æblekage (apple charlotte) with fried breadcrumbs and fruit preserves, and then hot dishes such as boiled cod with mustard sauce, melted butter, chopped hard-boiled egg, horse-radish and boiled potatoes, and roast duck, goose or pork with apples, prunes, caramelised potatoes, red cabbage and brown gravy
The Danish culture – Gender Equality and Association Life • Denmark has still to experience a female Prime Minister. 37% of the members of the parliament, the Folketing, are women. Equal pay has to a considerable extent been achieved. Gender discrimination in job advertisements is prohibited. The public childcare system enhances women’s opportunities to pursue a career outside the home. Around 95.7% of all children aged 3-5 are looked after in day-care institutions • 83.3% of the Danes belong to the Lutheran National Church. Moreover, church and state – politics and religion – are strictly separated in Denmark • Danes form associations whenever they spot a sensible or enjoyable reason for doing so. Every third Dane has attended at least one association meeting within the last month
The Danish culture 2 -the tone and the ”Jante Law” • Common to all Danes is their tendency to take the ups and downs of life with a touch of irony, often self-irony • The tone between Danes is relaxed – e.g. in the schools, the pupils are on first-name terms with the teachers • Over the years, there have also been traces of local insularity, snobbery and conformity. It was best not to be different. The Danish- Norwegian author Aksel Sandemose (1899-1965) invented the concept “Janteloven” (“The Jante Law”) with the bigoted rules he felt dominated his birthplace, a provincial town in Jutland. The (fictitious) rules include: “Do not imagine you are anything special” and “Do not imagine you can teach us anything”. The “Jante Law” is still widely held
The Danish Population • Denmark has a population of 5,447,084 (December 2006), distributed on 2.5m households • The population density is high – 127 per sq. km. • The language spoken is Danish. It has many vowels – including the special letters æ, ø and å – and many significant glottal stops, which make it difficult for foreigners to learn Danish • For every three marriages, there is a divorce • For the last 20 years, the poll has varied between 82% and 88% for elections. Since 1909, no party has had an absolute majority. That is why the legislation is compromise-led and centre-seeking, which has given Danish politics the name “collaborative democracy”.
The Danish Population 2 • Out of 100 Danish households (2006), 59 owned their house or flat, 11 also had a holiday home, 81 a washing machine, 63 a dishwasher, 71 a microwave oven, 19 a flat screen television, 83 a video player, 94 a CD player, 83 a DVD player, 85 a home computer, 51 an answer-phone, 94 a mobile phone and 80 access to the internet. There is also free internet access in all libraries • Average life expectancy of 75.6 years for men and 80.2 for women, which is lower than in Denmark’s neighboring countries. The experts attribute this to rich food, too little exercise (although many jog) and too much smoking • Average height of the conscripts were 180.9 centimeters (2005) • Cancer is the main cause of death (27.3% of the men, 25.7% of the women). Heart diseases account for 23.7% and 21.9% respectively
What else…??? The four seasons Winter Spring Fall Summer
Danish companies The Little Mermaid H. C. Andersen Aqua – the pop band! ‘The free town’ - Christiania The Danish Vikings What do we think we are known for? - And of course….
Topdanmark • History • Objectives, Goals & Strategy • Values • Organisation • Market share • Business structure (products) • Financial highlights
Topdanmarks history 1898/99: AU and MLU founded 1972: MLU and AU merged into Topsikring gs Topdanmark life insurance established 1985: Topsikring gs demutualised into a limited company and went public 1990: Aktivbanken acquired 1994/95: Reconstruction / refinancing of Topdanmark - focusing on insurance 1996: Distribution agreement with BG Bank BG Pension acquired 1997: Repayment of refinancing loan 1999: Distribution agreement with Danske Bank Danica Forsikring and Danske Forsikring Skade acquired 2000: BG Bank acquired by Danske Bank which exercised option to acquire BG Pension Working agreement with Nykredit on life insurance 2001: Introduction of unit-linked policies Industriens Arbejdsskadeforsikring acquired Working agreements with Handelsbanken 2002: Working agreement with “home”
Topdanmarks objectives, goals and strategies • Objectives: • To carry out nation-wide, Danish non-life and life insurance and pension fund business • To be attractive to customers by being an independent and pre-eminent insurance group • To ensure that our shareholders achieve a long-term, competitive, stable return • Goals: • To improve our position in the Danish insurance market • To ensure that our expense ratio is lower than the general market level • To ensure that our growth in non-life and life insurance as well as pension fund business is higher than that of the market • To attract and keep profitable customers due to a high level of customer service • To ensure that Topdanmark's shares reflect insurance risk rather than investment risk • To ensure that Topdanmark's shares are both attractive and liquid • To be able to attract and keep qualified employees • Strategies: • To achieve primarily organic growth, supplemented by close co-operation with alliance partners and opportune acquisitions • To develop and improve the level of customer service • To optimise our shareholders' return / risk profile by ensuring that shareholders' equity continues to reflect both the volume of business and a corresponding investment policy • To be a dynamic organisation encouraging personal and career development • To align the goals of Management and employees with those of our shareholders
Topdanmark’s shared values • Happy to help • Informal and uncomplicated • Create value • Focus on customers • Demonstrate empathy
Topdanmark's business structure Board of Directors Poul Almlund Christian Sagild Kim Bruhn-Petersen Claims Department Ole Peter Rasmussen Small Administrative Departments IT Søren Stevnsborg CommercialFinn Fabricius Life and Pensions Christian Sagild Jan Hoffmann Brian Rothemejer Jacobsen PersonalErik Adrian PartnersJens Røpke Agricultural Lars Hem Simonsen Industrial Pia Laub von Gottberg Reinsurance Jens Ellborg Asset ManagementLars Thykier Local banks Danske Bank Nykredit Nykredit DI home Danica Pension Group
Market share Market share in non-life - estimate for 2007 Market share in life in 2006 Other; 18.2% Fair; 0.8% GF Forsikring; Tryg; 21.0% 2.6% Nykredit; 2.9% Lærerstanden; Topdanmark; 3.7% 19.1% Alka; 3.4% Codan; 13.4% if; 5.1% Alm. Brand; 10.0% Group
Topdanmark’s business structure (in segments) Personal Commercial Industrial Life Distribution: • 36 sales centres • 167 cert ins sales reps • 2 customer contact centres • 380 Danske Bank branches • Car dealers • 200 ”home” sales centres • www.topdanmark.dk • 2 commercial centres • 1 agricultural centre • 120 cert commercial ins reps, of whom 50 from Danica Pension • 82 cert agricultural ins sales reps • 5 pension sales managers • 1 dept for insurance agreements • Workers’ comp through Nykredit’s team of cert ins sales reps and referrals from commercial insurance outside of Nykredit’s focus area • Referrals from Dansk Industri to IA • Referrals from Danske Bank • ”home” • 2 industrial centres • Customer-focused organisation divided into direct business, brokers, agreements and captives • 41 sales centres • 15 pension managers • 14 industrial consultants • Other cert sales reps in Topdanmark • Telephone sales • Insurance brokers • Nykredit • Banks • Credit institutions • Labour market organisations • Trade organisations Group
Industrial Illness/accident/unemployment Workers' comp Private Private Motor Commercial Agricultural Financial HighlightsPremiums by segment / product Premiums by segment 2007 Premiums by product 2007 9.7% 13.6% 51.3% 26.5% 39.0% 5.4% 5.5% 9.2% 29.2% 10.5% Commercial Industrial Non-life
2008 profit forecast reduced by DKK 300m Financial HighlightsProfit forecast Forecast assumptions for 2008 are based on equity prices at 22 August 2008 Group
TopPro • Vision • TopPro history and background • Plans going forward • Organization • Program success criteria's and management principles
We want to be the market leader in terms of delivery and development of claims solutions which create value for customers and alliance partners Our management of paid losses cost should be the most effective in the market Claims Vision Kunder Medarbejdere Processer Interne samarbejdspartnere IT Eksterne samarbejdspartnere