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Polycystic Ovary Disease PCOD or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS is a complex disease affecting hormones, a reproductive system as well as metabolic level in women.https://www.elawoman.com/blog/fertility-treatments/pcod-and-its-toll-on-women-health-pcod-problem-and-remedies<br>https://www.elawoman.com/delhi/doctor/dr-sagarika-aggarwal<br>https://www.elawoman.com/delhi/clinic/indira-ivf-south-patel-nagar<br>https://www.elawoman.com/gurgaon/doctor/dr-sweta-gupta<br>https://www.elawoman.com/delhi/clinic/medicover-fertility-clinic-panchsheel-park<br>
Problem and PCOD Remedies By Pauline D`Souza
INTRODUCTION IVF is a technique for treating infertility- inability to conceive after two to three years of trying. This is a fact that both men and women have an equal likelihood of suffering from infertility problems. Due to increased work pressure, hectic and fast-paced urban lifestyle with stress, environmental pollution, and delaying marriageable age - the chances of infertility are rising significantly. Sometimes, it may happen with many couples that infertility can cause more frustration and depression in a couple. Infertility specialists are called Gynecologists who have been specially trained in the advanced techniques in assisting reproduction in infertile and sub-fertile couples and provide best IVF treatment in Delhi.
Polycystic Ovary Disease PCOD or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS is a complex disease affecting hormones, reproductive system as well as metabolic level in women
PCOD : The Basic PCOD Problem PCOD is one of the highly researched syndromes in medical research worldwide on women health and needs utmost attention and care while dealing with it. Almost one in ten women around the globe, faces PCOD problem and it is a high among teenage girls that often leads to various cases of infertility among them.
About Polycystic Ovaries and PCOD: Cracking the basic confusion Polycystic ovaries are a bit larger as compared to ovaries of a normal female. These ovaries contain follicles almost double than the number of follicles in normal ovaries and thus release more hormones. Usually a female body produces lots of hormones including Androgens. A woman with PCOD forms more of Androgens and that is one of the major reasons of this disorder. However, having large ovaries does not necessarily implies having PCOD. Women with PCOD have symptoms of PCOD as well as having polycystic ovaries.
PCOD : Diagnostics/ Treatment Women with PCOD/PCOS often talk about facing these problems, such as i. Irregular Periods ii. Excess Facial and Body hair iii. Severe Acne/Pimples iv. Small Cysts in ovaries v. Painful Menstruation Cycle vi. Fertility Problems vii. Hair Loss viii. Weight Gain ix. Anxiety and Depression
PCOD : Common Signs and Symptoms PCOD is one of the highly researched syndromes in medical research worldwide on women health and needs utmost attention and care while dealing with it. Almost one in ten women around the globe, faces PCOD problem and it is a high among teenage girls that often leads to various cases of infertility among them.
PCOD : Natural Remedies for PCOS Symptoms i. You should have all the Nutrientients in your Diet. Multivatamin pills can go anextra mile. ii. Be relaxed and dont stress yourself. Psychological stress can really effect you and more than Physical stress. iii. Get Enough Rest in form of sleep. iv. Daily exercises in form of 10-15 minute warm-ups is enough. You dont need to hit the gym or Yoga session. v. Please avoid and exposure when it comes to Endocrine Disruptors. vi. It has been found that alternative and complimentary Treatments like Acupuncture and acupressure can help in some cases. Centres/Hospitals/Doctors in India treating PCOD
PCOD : Centres/Hospitals/Doctors in India treating PCOD i.IndiraIVF ii. Dr. SagarikaAggarwal iii.MedicoverFertility Clinic iv. Dr. Sweta Gupta Fertility-Treatments ,Problem, PCOD Problems,Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Disease, PCOS
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