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Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點)

Da Nang, Vietnamu2019s second largest port city.<br>u8d8au5357u7b2cu4e8cu5927u6d77u6e2fu57ceu5e02u5cf4u6e2fu3002

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Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點)

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  1. Tourist Attractions Da Nang, Vietnam 越南 峴港 旅遊景點 自動換頁 Auto page forward 編輯配樂:老編西歪changcy0326

  2. Son Tra Peninsula 山茶半島 My Khe Beach 美溪海灘 LinhUng Pagoda 靈應寺 APEC Park 亞太經合會公園 Cathedral (粉紅)天主教堂 2 1 3 4

  3. 1 My Khe Beach 美溪海灘

  4. My Khe Beach is located very close to the center of Da Nang city, the beach has luxurious villas and hotels. 美溪海灘距離峴港市中心很近,海灘擁有豪華的別墅和飯店。

  5. My Khe Beach stretches for about 30 km and was recognized by UNESCO as one of the six most beautiful beaches in the world in 2005. 美溪沙灘綿延約 30 公里,2005 年被聯合國教科文組織 認定為 全世界 6 大美麗沙灘之一。

  6. My Khe Beach is not only loved by domestic people, but also recognized by foreign newspapers as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. 美溪海灘不僅受國內人士喜愛,也被國外報紙公認為世界上最美麗海灘之一。

  7. My Khe Beach is open to guests free. It has has enough conditions for sunshine, white sand, and waves to organize outdoor activities. 美溪海灘對客人免費開放,它擁有充足的陽光、白沙、海浪等條件,適合舉辦戶外活動。

  8. People playing in water, enjoy the baptism of hugging and kissing nature. 弄潮的人們,享受 擁抱、親吻大自然的洗禮。

  9. The statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva is faintly visible on the Son Tra Peninsula in the distance. 遠處 山茶半島上,觀世音菩薩雕像 依稀可見。

  10. Take a ride to the next attraction 搭車去下一個景點

  11. LinhUng Pagoda 靈應寺 2 • Son Tra Peninsula LinhUng Pagoda • 山茶半島 靈應寺

  12. LinhUng Pagoda is located only 9 km from the city center and is the largest temple in Da Nang City in both scale and art of architecture. 靈應寺距離市中心僅 9 公里,是峴港 規模和建築藝術 最大的寺廟。

  13. The whole populations of items as main shrine, ancestral home, auditorium, and Arhat statue garden, etc., were built with grand scale in LinhUng pagoda. 靈應寺內建有主殿、祠堂、講堂、羅漢雕像園 等全部建築,規模宏大。

  14. There are three "LinhUng Pagoda" with the same name in Da Nang. Each has its own characteristics and is a must-visit attraction. These three "Lingying Temples" are located on Son Tra Peninsula, Marble Mountain, and Ba Na Mountain respectively. 峴港有三座同名的「靈應寺」,各具特色,都是必訪景點。這三座「靈應寺」分別位在山茶半島、五行山,以及巴拿山上。

  15. From Son Tra Peninsula, you can overlook the long coastline of My Khe Beach and the entire city. The view is vast and the scenery is pleas 從山茶半島上遠眺 美溪沙灘 綿延的海岸線以及整座城市,視野遼闊,景色宜人。

  16. The archway of LinhUng Pagoda 靈應寺牌樓 LinhUng Pagoda on Son Tra Peninsula is a charming spiritual tourist destination in Da Nang where meeting the heaven and earth’s sacred air and people’s heart. 山茶半島靈應寺是峴港一處迷人的精神旅遊勝地,是天地靈氣與人心交匯的地方。

  17. Maitreya Buddha 彌勒佛

  18. The tallest Guanyin statue in LinhUng Pagoda in Vietnam (67m high, 35m lotus diameter, equivalent to a 30-storey building). • 越南靈應寺最高的觀音雕像(高 67m,蓮花直徑 35m,相當於 30 層樓高)。

  19. The statue of Guanyin faces the sea, looking down with gentle eyes, holding nectar in hand and sprinkles the water of peace to the fishermen in the distance. There is also a 2m tall Buddha statue overhead. 觀音雕像面朝大海,目光溫柔俯視著下方,手捧甘露,為遠方的漁民灑下平安之水。頭頂上還有一尊 2m 高的佛像。

  20. The Guanyin statue has 17 floors, and each floor enshrines 21 Buddha statues, which are called "Buddhas within Buddhas". 觀音雕像內共有17層,每層都供奉著 21 尊佛像,稱為「佛中佛」。

  21. Statue of young Buddha Shakyamuni 釋迦牟尼佛幼年雕像

  22. Arhat statue garden 羅漢雕像園

  23. The eighteen Arhat statues are carved from a single piece of white stone. Each Arhat embodies different levels of human emotions “joy, anger, love, hatred”. 十八羅漢雕像是整塊白色石材雕刻而成。每尊羅漢都體現了不同層次的人類情感「喜、怒、愛、恨」。

  24. The architecture of LinhUng Pagoda is a combination of modern style and inherent traditional Vietnam pagodas, with curved roof in dragon shape, the solid pillars surrounded by sophisticated sinuous dragons. • 靈應寺的建築是 現代風格與越南佛塔固有傳統風格 相結合,屋頂呈龍形,堅固柱子 周圍環繞著精緻蜿蜒的龍。

  25. Main shrine has a large capacity where is the most dignified and pure. 大雄寶殿空間很大,是最莊嚴、最純潔的地方。

  26. In the middle, there is a Sakyamuni Buddha statue, the right side has an Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue and the left side has a Buddha Tripitaka statue, four Guardians protect the main shrine. • 中間為釋迦牟尼佛像,右側為觀世音菩薩像,左側為三藏佛像,四尊護法守護著大雄寶殿。

  27. Side hall colonnade 側廳柱廊

  28. Arhat statue garden 羅漢雕像園

  29. LinhUng Pagoda has a vast hinterland, and there are various flowers, plants, and bonsais planted in the courtyard, with flowers blooming all year round. 靈應寺廟宇腹地寬廣,院內種有各種花草、盆景,四季花開不斷。

  30. Walking Bridge步行橋 The car passed by the Tran Thi Li Bridge, next to the "Nguyen Van Troi Walking Bridge". 車子行經陳氏里大橋,旁邊是「阮文追步行橋」。

  31. In the distance is Dragon Bridge 遠處是 龍橋

  32. Tran Thi Ly cable-stayed bridge 陳氏里斜張橋

  33. Pedestrian walkway next to Dragon Bridge 龍橋旁的 行人步道

  34. APEC Park • 亞太經合會公園 3

  35. APEC Park • 亞太經合會公園

  36. The 26th APEC meeting was held in Da Nang from November 10 to 11, 2017. The Vietnam government established this memorial park. 2017 年 11 月 10~11 日,第 26 屆 APEC 會議在峴港舉行。越南政府建立了這座紀念公園。

  37. The park houses sculptures donated by member states. Each sculpture is unique and beautifully crafted. 公園內收藏著各成員國贈送的雕塑品。每一尊雕塑都是獨特且製作精美。

  38. Tran Thi Ly cable-stayed bridge (photo in APEC Park) 陳氏里斜張橋 (攝於APEC 公園)

  39. Republic of Korea 韓國

  40. Peru 秘鲁

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