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Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort, Miaoli, Tw. (台灣 苗栗 南庄雲水度假森林)

Taiwan mysterious land of deciduous cypress.<br>u53f0u7063u843du7fbdu677eu79d8u5883u3002

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Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort, Miaoli, Tw. (台灣 苗栗 南庄雲水度假森林)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort Miaoli, Taiwan 台灣 苗栗 南庄雲水度假森林 編輯配樂:老編西歪changcy0326 自動換頁 Auto page forward

  2. Introduction to Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort MiaoliNanzhuang Cloudland Resort is a beautiful paradise, covering a vast area, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. One of the most mesmerizing landscapes is the "Mysterious Land of Deciduous Cypress". Walking into the Deciduous Cypress Woods is pleasing to the eye, as if you are in a foreign scenic spot. Since it is the yellow-red Deciduous Cypress season from November to December, the entire valley is even more beautiful. This place also provides accommodation, hot springs, parent-child playing in the water and catering services. It is a good place to relax and unwind. The entrance ticket of Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort is NT$200 per person, and $100 can be discounted for shopping or dining. 南庄雲水度假森林簡介 苗栗南庄 雲水度假森林 是個美麗的世外桃源,佔地廣闊,四周群山圍繞,景緻優美。 其中最讓人如癡如醉的景觀為「落羽松秘境」,走進落羽松林,賞心悅目,彷彿置身異國風景區。尤其是 11-12 月落羽松黃紅季節,整個山谷更是美不勝收。 此地亦提供住宿、泡湯、親子戲水和餐飲服務。是休閒度假放鬆身心的好地方。 南庄雲水度假森林入場門票每人新台幣 200 元,購物或用餐可折抵 100 元。

  3. Nat'l Hwy 1 國道 1 號 Taipei 台北 Toufen Interchange 頭份交流道 • Hwy 12 • 124 縣道 Sanwan 三灣 Nat'l Hwy 1 國道 1 號 Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort 雲水溫泉度假森林 Driving Map 開車地圖

  4. Nat'l Hwy 1 → Exit at Toufen Interchange → Take Hwy 124 towards Sanwan → Pass Nanzhuang Old Street → Turn left over the bridge → "Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort " Hwy 12 124 縣道 Nanzhuang Cloudland Resort 南庄雲水度假森林 Nanzhuang Old St 南庄老街 開車從國道 1 號 → 頭份交流道下 → 走124 縣道往三灣方向 → 途經南庄老街 → 過橋左轉 → 『南庄雲水度假森林』

  5. Entrance Gate 入口大門

  6. Car Park 停車場

  7. Viewing platform next to the car park 停車場旁的觀景台

  8. Danish puppet guards lined up to greet you along the way 沿途有丹麥木偶衛兵列隊迎接

  9. I took two long shots from a height 從高處拍了兩張遠景

  10. Tourist Service Center 遊客服務中心

  11. Reception counter 接待櫃台

  12. Walking out of the back door is the Deciduous Cypress Lake Forest Area 走出後門就是 落羽松湖林區

  13. The lake is clear and the environment is quiet and serene. It will be more beautiful if it is matched with sunlight and blue sky. 湖水清澈,環境寧靜安詳,如果配上陽光和藍天會更美。

  14. Large tracts of grass, picnic here, comfortable and cozy. 大片的草地,在這裡野餐,舒適愜意。

  15. Deciduous Cypress changed color and turned red between November and December. 落羽松在 11~12 月期間變色轉紅了。

  16. The reflection in the lake is beautiful. 湖中倒影 美不勝收。

  17. Path in the Deciduous Cypress Woods. 落羽松樹林中的小徑。

  18. The lakeside path is paved with a carpet of brown fallen leaves. 湖畔小徑鋪著一層棕色的落葉地毯。

  19. The transmissive woods are soft and romantic. 透光的樹林柔美而浪漫。

  20. Air roots of Deciduous Cypress 落羽松的 氣根

  21. A circle around the lake clockwise is a joy for the body and mind. 順時針繞湖一圈,身心愉悅。

  22. Return to the Tourist Service Cente 返回遊客服務中心

  23. Gift Shop 禮品店

  24. Cafe Restaurant opens at 11:30 a.m. 蝴蝶咖啡館餐廳上午 11:30 開始營業。

  25. The entrance ticket of Cloudland Resort can be used for dining or shopping consumption of 100 yuan. 雲水度假森林門票 可以抵用餐飲或購物消費 100 元。

  26. Return Trip 回程

  27. TheEnd Music:Sometimes When It Rains - Secret Garden http://www.slideserve.com/changcy0326/

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