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Questionnaire ‘We Europeans ’. Basisschool Lavoor Roosendaal, The Netherlands. Introduction.
Questionnaire ‘We Europeans’ Basisschool Lavoor Roosendaal, The Netherlands
Introduction The questionnaire was made by the students of the 5th – 8th class.Intotal 181 students made the questionnaire. They are between 9 and 12 yearsold. 178studentsknew the name of our project. Most of the childrenmentionedtheir name, age, school and hometown. Theytalkedabouttheirhobbies. These are the hobbiesthatwere most common: In general: tennis, playingoutside, hockey, playingan instrument (guitar,harp, flute, drumms etc.), playingwiththeir pets and drawing Boys: playing computergames, soccer Girls: dancing, singing, horsebackriding, gymnastics
The purpose of this project Learnaboutothercountries and theirpupils -> 155 students 2) Learnabout school in othercountries -> 153 students 3) Learnnewlanguages -> 122 students 4) Visitnewplaces -> 88 students 5) Make / meet newfriends -> 73 students
Finding the 8 countries Holland 180 United Kingdom 147 Italy 145 Poland 135 Turkey 129 CzechRepublic 118 Hellas 68 Lithuania 65
Matching the capitals to the countries Amsterdam – The Netherlands 178 Rome – Italy 170 London – England 154 Athens – Greece 121 Ankara – Turkey 102 Prague – CzechRepublic 71 Warsaw – Poland 65 Vilnius – Lithuania 56
What comes to yourmind? Italy: Holiday, Venice, pizza, pasta, shape of a boot, tower of Pisa, icecream, Vatican, spaghetti, Elba, vulcano, Milan. England: English bus, island, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, William & Kate, beans, drivingon the leftside of the road, London, soccer, guards (at the castle), breakfastwith bacon and eggs, British accent, the olympics, milleniumwheel. Greece: Sun, hot, sea, financial crisis, restaurants, art, Kos, islands, stray cats, temples, olives, giros.
Turkey: Holiday, hot, kebab, ½ in Europe, hotels, mosque, darker skin, darkhair, Ankara, hamam. CzechRepublic: Landscape, mountains, goodsoccer-team, Prague, flagwith the samecolours as the Dutch flag. Poland: Cold, snow, Warsaw, the flag, Europeansoccer Championship, foxes, notmany jobs - > a lot of peoplefrom Poland are working in The Netherlands. Lithuania: We talked to themonskype, Vilnius.
How to saygoodmorning Holland 181 United Kingdom 178 Italy 93 Turkey 73 Greece 67 Poland 50 CzechRepublic 46 Lithuania 33
What we wouldlike to learn: What does your school look like? What type of books do youuse in class? Howdouyou live? Whatlanguage do youspeak? How is the weather in your country? What type of food do youeat? How do youcelebrateyourbirthday? In what type of house do you live? Whichsports are popular in your country? What type of holidays and celebrations do you have?
What do we have in common? We all go to school. We all participate in this project. Ourcountries are part of the EU. We all live in Europe. We are all humanbeings. We are alle children and teachers. The Euro (in somecountries)
Drawing and colouring the flags. The Netherlands 160 Italy 128 England 115 Poland 108 Greece 96 Turkey 95 CzechRepublic 86 Lithuania 26