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Delve into the significance of sleeping on decisions, biblical reference to Aaron's rod, tall plants with yellow flowers, utilitarian values, and concepts of materialism and deception. Learn about tipping balances and falling off the radar for forgotten issues.
sleep on sth to delay making a decision about something important until the next day so that you have time to consider it carefully "Can I sleep on it, and tell you my decision tomorrow?"
Aaron’s rod: 亚伦神杖(能创造奇迹) Aaron‘s rod refers to any of the staffs carried by Moses’ brother, Aaron, in the Old Testament of the Bible. tall plant with yellow flowers: a tall smooth-stemmed plant. Flowers: yellow. Native to: Asia, Europe, North America
Utilitarian: someone who believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility The value of an action or an object lies in usefulness. e.g., The useful one (not the beautiful one) is the best. • Materialist: someone who believes that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
tip to (cause to) move so that one side is higher than another side The table tipped and all our drinks fell on the floor. Don't tip your chair back like that, you'll fall. tip the scales at The baby tipped the scales at 3.75 kgs.
Deceptive: likely to make you believe sth that is not true. Deceitful: behaving in a dishonest way by telling lies and making people believe things that are not true Appearance can often be ______. A deceptively simple idea
Clearly the White House was caught off guard by this announcement. Democrats are meeting behind close door to merge two senate bills. But they could face a series of felony charges including conspiracy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and attempting to influence a public servant. What happened shortly after the president took office was that gay and lesbian rights just fell off the radar completely.
fall/drop off the radar to be forgotten or ignored, often because someone's attention is on something more important I was so busy at work, organising a summer holiday just dropped off the radar.
congress is about to pass and send the president a hate crimes bill, would make it a federal crime to assault someone on the basis of their sexual orientation.“ ??China Daily reports that people on the mainland hailed the Taiwan cabinet change as a sign of respect for public opinion.
Australia issued Rebiya Kadeer a visa after Melbourne International Film Festival announced to air a documentary about her" from music to movies, from tv soaps to DVD games, English is a vital nerve. while the new format's success is still up in the air, the "digi-novel" is already turning lots of heads.