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Short Project (Midterm) CHEN 489. Making Nanotechnology Safe. Prepared by: Group U6 - Pavitra Timbalia , Michael Trevathan, Jared Walker. Outline. Part I Introduction Methodology for Safer Nanotechnology Applications Part II Introduction Environment, Health, & Safety
Short Project (Midterm) CHEN 489 Making Nanotechnology Safe Prepared by: Group U6 -PavitraTimbalia, Michael Trevathan, Jared Walker
Outline • Part I • Introduction • Methodology for Safer Nanotechnology • Applications • Part II • Introduction • Environment, Health, & Safety • Laws & Regulations • Part III • Risk Perception • Public Opinion • Results
The 5 Principles of “Design for Safer Nanotechnology” Part I Gregory Morse - "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89.
Introduction • Nanoparticles: have at least one dimension in the 1-100 nm range • $147 billion dollars worth of nano-enabled products produced in 2007 – increase to $3.1 trillion in 2015 • Concern about health hazards of nanoparticles – quantum dots & carbon nanotubes http://blogs.cornell.edu/theessentials/files/2010/01/money.jpg • Hazard – relationship between dose and acute & • chronic responses of substance • Hazards are encountered during material • processing, transporting, manufacturing, use, & • disposal • Focus on risk mitigation – minimize risk and • maximize benefits http://chemwebsearch.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/poison-symbol.png • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.
Methods • Design approaches • Applied during the design stage for nanoparticles • Non-design approaches • Applied during subsequent stages in the product life cycle: material processing, product manufacturing, use, and end-of-life. • Use techniques from several fields: hygiene, cleaner production, product stewardship • About 70% of the costs of product’s development, manufacture, and use is determined in the initial design of a product – mitigate risk during design stage rather than downstream • Five design principles presented in following slides – initial foundation to mitigate risk http://www.rave-tech.com/userfiles/product-development-1.jpg • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.
1. Size, Surface, & Structure • Can affect fundamental nanoparticle properties – color, conductivity, melting point, reactivity, etc. • Want to change the property so that functionality is preserved, but health risk is mitigated • Relationship between particle size and risk • Surface: surface chemistry, surface charge, surface morphology, surface roughness, &contamination • Greater the surface area/mass of particle, the greater the toxicity • Structure: crystal structure, shape, porosity, chemical composition, aggregation, etc. • Researchers state that ‘‘carbon materials with different geometric structures exhibit quite different cytotoxicity and bioactivity in vitro’’ http://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2007/07/070709171558-large.jpg • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.
2. Alternative Materials • Using alternate materials to replace the hazardous nanoparticle – but still provide desired functionality • Combination of materials • Substitution • Careful analysis of alternate materials needed • If no alternates available, may need to redesign product so that hazardous material no longer used • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. http://dipc.ehu.es/nano2006/Nanoparticles.jpg
3. Functionalization • Intentional bonding of atoms or molecules to nanoparticles to change the properties of the nanoparticles • Desired product properties preserved, but hazard is reduced • Biomedical applications of nanotechnology – need to be able to excrete nanoparticles after use instead of them accumulating in the body • Can be accomplished by changing the solubility of the particle http://www.ifm.liu.se/compchem/research/pics/Gd2O3.gif • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.
4. Encapsulation • Completely enclose a nanoparticle in another nonhazardous material • Can prevent a toxic material from releasing before appropriate times • For example, in cancer treatment, potent medicine is encapsulated to make sure that it does not affect non-cancerous cells • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. http://www.entertainingcode.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/encapsulation.jpg
5. Reduce the Quantity • If the above four principles can not be applied, reducing the quantity of the hazardous material will reduce the total hazard presented • For example, the amount of mercury in fluorescent light bulbs greatly reduced through design engineering • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. http://www.cpbn.org/files/images/CFL_Lamps_Image.img_assist_custom.jpg
Applications • Concern of nanoparticles harming human health • One such concern is in the lungs: fiber length can result in incomplete or frustrated phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages • Redox activity can cause large amount of reactive oxygen species, which can damage lipids and DNA • Can reduce the adverse effects carbon nanotubes • Through changing the size, surface, and functionalization of the nanotube • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. http://mrbarlow.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/carbon-nanotube.jpg
Conclusions • More research needs to be done to individual products to ensure that the five design principles for safer nanotechnology can be fully applied • Lack of comprehensive data for product hazard, performance and exposure potential for different sizes, shapes, and surfaces of nanoparticles. • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010.
Nanotechnology – Environment, Health, and Safety Part II - Comparison
Introduction • Nanotechnology: • Involves the manufacture, processing, and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanometer scale • Many new nanoparticle (NP) products have been released into the market • Potential (eco)toxicological effects and impacts of NPs have received little attention http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/05/nanotech_environment.php
Introduction • Need to generate a better understanding of negative impacts that NPs may have on: • Biological systems • Environment in normal exposure • Environment in the event of unintended releases • Little is known about the environmental or industrial health and safety of nanoparticles http://www.insitupm.co.uk/images/quality&environment.jpg
EHS • Environment, health, and safety (EHS) • EHS concerns businesses venturing into nanotechnology • Potential Concerns • Exposure through dermal penetration and/or inhalation • Translocation through bloodstream • Accumulation in various organs • Penetration through cell membranes http://singularityhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/nanotechnology.jpg Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010.
EHS • Inhalation Research • Some particles traverse epithelial and endothelial cells to reach the blood and lymph circulation • This carries them to potentially sensitive sites: • Bone marrow • Lymph nodes • Spleen • Heart • Central nervous system Schmidt, Charles W. “Nanotechnology- Related Environment, Health, and Safety Research. April 2009. http://www.topnews.in/files/nanotechnology_0.jpg
The Right Dose • Dose is linked to the “amount of material” involved in exposure • Linked typically to “mass” • Nanoparticles – large surface area to mass ratio – increased surface reactivity • Debate about whether the correct metric should be particle number or surface area Savolainen, Kai. “Safety of engineered nanomaterials and emerging nanotechnologies – do we know enough to allow us to make reliable judgements?” 2009. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/dtopics/stds/images/syringe.jpg
Challenges http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/nanotube-tube-3d-model/214104 • Currently 50,000 different types of carbon nanotubes – uses include: • Raw materials • Production Processes • Catalysts • Providing reliable data for safety and risk assessment is an immense task • Assessing the toxicity and risk of these materials is well beyond available resources http://image.spreadshirt.net/image-server/image/composition/16269107/view/1/producttypecolor/2/type/png/width/280/height/280 Savolainen, Kai. “Safety of engineered nanomaterials and emerging nanotechnologies – do we know enough to allow us to make reliable judgements?” 2009.
Challenges • Characterization of NPs and understanding the association between these characteristics and their toxic effects • Defining ports of entry and translocation of these materials within the body • Defining the critical target organs of NPs and understanding the mechanisms of toxicity of these materials • Providing reliable and affordable means for assessment of exposure to NPs in different environments Savolainen, Kai. “Safety of engineered nanomaterials and emerging nanotechnologies – do we know enough to allow us to make reliable judgements?” 2009.
Laws and Regulations • Nano-Product Legal Life Cycle • Supply • Manufacturing • Intermediate use • Consumer • End-of-life disposal • Need regulations in all areas Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010.
Legal Issues • Risk can be mitigated once the liability is established in these areas: • Intellectual Property • Workplace and occupational liability • Commercial and contractual liability • Government regulation • Product and tort liability http://www.commercialcleaningincharlotte.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/osha-logosvg.png Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010.
NIOSH • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health • Recognizes that airborne or “free” nanoparticles present the greatest exposure risks. • Performs research on how to best protect workers • Engineered nanoscale material’s fundamental toxicity characteristics differ from their bulk counterparts Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010.
NIOSH’s Recommendations • Employ interim occupational exposure measures • Limit exposure to nanoscale materials in the gaseous phases or powders • Monitor amount of material, duration of use, and particle size • Prevent consumption of food and beverages in the nano-workplace • Use traditional environmental engineering controls http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infohs/whmis/ppe_symbols.html Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010.
Further Research • Instrumentation, metrology, and analytical methods • Nanomaterials and human health • Nanomaterials and the environment • Human and environmental exposure assessment • Risk management Methods http://www.foresight.org/Nanomedicine/Gallery/Images/nanobots.jpg http://www.nextscience.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/nanoparticles.jpg
Conclusions • Nanomaterials will be produced at ever-increasing quantities, and public and environmental exposures will rise commensurately • Little is known about the health aspects regarding nanotechnology and a few areas to consider before production are: • Occupational Safety • Consumer Safety • Environment http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TZ4zYEBSw1I/RcD5FpxxkRI/AAAAAAAAAmM/wjwsMnnYOE8/s1600/nano_hazard.jpg Schmidt, Charles W. “Nanotechnology- Related Environment, Health, and Safety Research. April 2009.
The evolution of risk perceptions about nanotechnology Part III Michael A Cacciatore, Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley - "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009). http://www.inbt.jhu.edu/images/newsimages/lung_image.gif
Risk Perception Studies • Primarily, risk and benefit perceptions of the public have been measured in a broad sense. • This was suitable for when nanotechnology first came about. • This method however does not account for perceptions of nanotechnology for the specific applications that have emerged. http://www.urenco.com/uploads/images/safety%20sign.JPG Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
The Nano Debate • Despite its seemingly unlimited potential, and an estimated market of $3.1 trillion for nanotechnology based products by 2015, there is some controversy surrounding nanotechnology. • Studies have began to examine the effects of fullerenes (spherical carbon atoms ) on fish, microorganisms, and human liver cells. • Carbon nanotubes have also been linked to inflammation in the human lungs. Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009). http://www.electronicsunset.org/sites/electronicsunset.org/files/images/nano8.img_assist_custom.jpg
Opinion Formation • Mental Associations • When asked about nanotechnology what mental associations does a specific person make? • How does this effect their perception of nanotechnology. • Will someone who associates nanotechnology to the medical field have a different view then someone who associates it with the military applications? Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009). http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=human+brain&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&start=0
Opinion formation • Ideological values • It has been shown that religious and cultural beliefs have a strong effect on their perception of an technology. • What effect does a persons religious strength have on their view of nanotechnology? • How do political views affect peoples perception? Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009). http://www.psychologytoday.com/files/u589/World_Religion.gif
Opinion formation • News and Media • News and media has been shown to have a key role in shaping public perceptions. • How does the amount of science media effect a persons perception of nanotechnology? http://www.johnehrenfeld.com/careful-scientist.gif http://img.webring.com/r/n/news/logo Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
Methodology • To find the answers to these questions • A random survey of 1,015 people • The questions were randomized for each participant • Things such as education level, attention to science media, and religious intensity were rated on a ten point scale • Significant effort was made for call backs of refusals to eliminate bias. http://www.arb.ca.gov/ports/cargo/images/clipboard.jpg Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
Results • The survey showed: • That more educated people were more likely to support nanotechnology. • That religious intensity didn’t effect a persons support for nanotechnology. • That liberals are more likely to express support for nanotechnology than conservatives. • That the more a person pays attention to science television programs, the more likely they are to support nanotechnology. • That a person’s mental association of nanotechnology did effect their risk perceptions -biggest variance being in the medical field http://nwbacreditrestoration.com/images/results.JPG Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
Results – Support for Nanotechnology Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
Results – Usefulness of Nanotechnology Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009).
Further Research • Further research needs to be conducted to show if the public’s perception can change • Would it change if nanotechnology helped in a major breakthrough – such as a cure for cancer? • Also would like to know if educational materials on nanotechnology would improve public opinion • Television commercials, brochures, public messages, school books, etc • Would nanotechnology become more accepting in the future because it will be heard of more or around for longer? http://www.kyb.mpg.de/de/ernstgroup/learning_logo.jpg
References • Cacciatore, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele, and Elizabeth A. Corley. "From Enabling Technology to Applications: The Evolution of Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Sage Publications (2009). Sage. 9 Oct. 2009. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <http://pus.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/0963662509347815v1>. • Morose, Gregory. "The 5 principles of ‘‘Design for Safer Nanotechnology’’." Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010): 285-89. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. • Monica, John and CalsterGeert van. “A Nanotechnology Legal Framework.” 2010 • Savolainen, Kai. “Safety of engineered nanomaterials and emerging nanotechnologies – do we know enough to allow us to make reliable judgements?” 2009. • Schmidt, Charles W. “Nanotechnology- Related Environment, Health, and Safety Research. April 2009. • Bouwmeester, Hans, et. al. “Review of health safety aspects of nanotechnologies in food production.” 2008. • Fairbrother, Anne, et. al. “Are environmental regulations keeping up with innovation? A case study of the nanotechnology industry.” 2009.