1 / 100

1200 High Frequency Words

the. . of. . and. . a. . to. . in. . is. . you. . that. . it. . he. . for. . was. . on. . are. . as. . with. . his. . they. . at. . be. . this. . from. . I. . have. . or. . by. . one. . had. . not. . but. . what. . all. . were. . when. . we. . there. . can. . an. . your. . which. . their. . said. .

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1200 High Frequency Words

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Slide show by: Susan Orton Cooper, 2005 1200 High Frequency Words Flash Cards #001-100

    2. the

    3. of

    4. and

    5. a

    6. to

    7. in

    8. is

    9. you

    10. that

    11. it

    12. he

    13. for

    14. was

    15. on

    16. are

    17. as

    18. with

    19. his

    20. they

    21. at

    22. be

    23. this

    24. from

    25. I

    26. have

    27. or

    28. by

    29. one

    30. had

    31. not

    32. but

    33. what

    34. all

    35. were

    36. when

    37. we

    38. there

    39. can

    40. an

    41. your

    42. which

    43. their

    44. said

    45. if

    46. do

    47. will

    48. each

    49. about

    50. how

    51. up

    52. out

    53. them

    54. then

    55. she

    56. many

    57. some

    58. so

    59. these

    60. would

    61. other

    62. into

    63. has

    64. more

    65. her

    66. two

    67. like

    68. him

    69. see

    70. time

    71. could

    72. no

    73. make

    74. than

    75. first

    76. been

    77. its

    78. who

    79. now

    80. people

    81. my

    82. made

    83. over

    84. did

    85. down

    86. only

    87. way

    88. find

    89. use

    90. may

    91. water

    92. long

    93. little

    94. very

    95. after

    96. words

    97. called

    98. just

    99. where

    100. most

    101. know

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