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Getting a tattoo for most people is a fairly serious decision the first time at least, Our advice to you is to trust your instincts. Choose the artist you feel comfortable with trust the process. We work with everybody, from experienced tattoo collectors to first timers, we believe in leaving the old tattoo shop u201cattitudeu201d behind and do our best to make everybody feel safe, assured and comfortable.
Charlie Rose Tattoo canggu bali Home Instagram Contact GUEST ARTISTS AND EVENTS Helen Hitori NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 For November and December were really happy to announce the return of Helen Hitori for her fourth Guest spot with us here at Charlie Rose Tattoo. Helen comes from Rostov on Don in Russia and Specialises in large ornate style blackwork tattoos, Get in Quick to secure your booking with Helen as she books out quite fast. Helen Hitori @helen_hitori Denny Dagosta JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 Denny Dagosta will join us for all of January and February we've been waiting all year for this legend. Denny does big line ornate North African inspired designs, he is also very talented with mandala patterns. We have had his art on the walls here at Charlie Rose Tattoo waiting in anticipation for the Denny to have a break in his busy schedule in Ibiza Spain. Denny Dagosta @dennydagosta Ksenia Varlamova JANUARY/FEBRUARY/MARCH 2020 We are super exited to announce Ksenia Varlamova will be joining us for a long guestspot from January through to the end of March here in Canggu Bali. Ksenia is originally from Siberia Russia living in St. Petersburg Russia and traveling the world tattooing her specialty is her large delicate Black and Grey realism style. Ksenia is also extremely good with large colour tattoos. Ksenia Varlamova @ksy_tattoo Anastaysiya Satkova January 2020 We are super happy to have Anastaysiya Satkova from Moscow visiting for all of January 2020, Anastaysiya's style is difficult to put into to words other than it is a little bit punk rock, feminine and unique. Anastaysiya Satkova @satkova_ink Sebastiano Perazzetta MARCH till SEPTEMBER 2020 We welcome you to the strange and colourful world of Sebastiano Perazzetta Aka, Peste the Storyteller, originally from Italy Peste will be guesting with us for the summer. he has an extremely original and unusual style of tattooing. We really look forward to having him here and will be interested to see what truly original creations he makes in our studio. Sebastiano Perazzetta@pestethestoryteller Mike Kyrtatas April till November 2020 Mike Kyrtatas will be returning to our studio in Canggu for the whole busy season this year from April through to November, Mike really has his own unique and illustrative style. Check out his Instagram to get a real feel of his style. Mike Kyrtatas@mikekyrtatas BOOK NOW Jl. Raya Semat 30, Canguu, Bali +6281138300833 charlierosebali@gmail.com