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Project Synergy Discovering Learning Objects. TLT Brown Bag Presentation May 1, 2002. Presentation Objectives. Project Synergy Grant Overview Overview of Learning Objects Highlight Learning Object and Activity. Project Synergy Overview. MHEC funded Grant Project of MarylandOnline
Project SynergyDiscovering Learning Objects TLT Brown Bag Presentation May 1, 2002
Presentation Objectives • Project Synergy Grant Overview • Overview of Learning Objects • Highlight Learning Object and Activity
Project Synergy Overview • MHEC funded Grant Project of MarylandOnline • MarylandOnline-consortium of 23 MD universities/colleges
Why Project Synergy? • Follow-up to FOTTC grant • Overcome limitations of FOTTC grant • need for more discipline-specific technology resources • Birth of Project Synergy idea
Project Outcomes • Expand Maryland Faculty Online website • www. Mdfaconline.org • Develop a repository of discipline-specific learning object in key disciplines • Prepare & field test guided activities using LO • Train faculty
Grant Approach • Create six key discipline teams: • Mathematics, Science, Liberal Arts, Teacher Education, Information Technology and Allied Health and Health Management • Each college sends 2-6 instructors per discipline • Research minimum of 5 learning objects and create a learning activity for each learning object • Teams facilitated by Team Leaders • Content experts within discipline
Learning Objects in 21st Century Case Study Audio Lecture Early Modernism: Focus on Auguste Rodin Dr. Perminda Jacob Image
Need for Clear Definition • A Learning Object is a self-standing, discrete piece of instructional content that meets a learning objective.” (MASIE, p. 24) • Making Sense of Learning Specifications and Standards, The MASIE Center, March 6, 2002 • Others: differentiate between being digital/non-digital and being used for “technology-supported” versus any type of learning
What Makes LO Special? • Reusable • Accessible (via the Web) • Durable (across evolving OS updates) • Portable (across platforms ex. CMS)
Why the Hype? • Ability to “personalize” instruction • Reduce duplication of effort • Technology-enabled instruction
Information Technology Group Members • Jim Kelley - Wor-Wic Community College • Chima Ugah - Baltimore City Community College • Bob Armstrong - University of Maryland Baltimore County • Enid Bank - University of Maryland University College • Nancy Bogage - Community College of Baltimore County
Other Possible Objects • How a hard drive works http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/electromag/java/harddrive/ • Howstuffworks “How Web Servers Work” http://howstuffworks.lycoszone.com/web-server1.htm • Warriors of the Net http://warriorsofthe.net/movie.html • A Modular Approach to Teaching/Learning http://www2.widener.edu/Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/pyramid.htm
How a Hard Drive Workshttp://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/electromag/java/harddrive/
Howstuffworks “How Web Servers Work”http://howstuffworks.lycoszone.com/web-server1.htm
Techtionary • Description: TECHtionary is the world's first animated dictionary on telecommunications, data networking and internet technology. • URL: http://www.crosstouch.com/techtionary/index_in.html
Techtionary • Target audience: college level students and advanced high school students. • Discipline categories: information technology, computer applications, computer science, telecommunications & electronics.
Techtionary Materials needed: computer/projector for display, individual computers for students, all with: • Minimum 56K internet access • Java enabled browser • Sound card (optional)
Techtionary Activity • Time requirements: One class period minimum 50 minutes
Learning Activity • Session One (15 mins.) – Introduction to TECHtionary • Instructor will make the URL available to the participants by • demonstrating how to navigate to the site, enter the URL and access the site. • The instructor will demonstrate how the site works and how to search the • site for the desired information. • Session Two (30 mins.) – Participants will access the site to become • familiar with its operation. • In individually or in small groups the participants will explore the site • and find words/topics that are assigned by the instructor.
Learning Activity • Session Three (15 mins.) – Participants Share the definitions that they • have found. • Individuals or a person designated from a group will present the topics • they have found and describe why they are significant. • Students provide lists of significant topics to the instructor for future use.
Possible Assessments 1. Research paper on a particular topic - Challenge the students to choose one of the significant areas of discussion within TECHtionary and develop it further. 2. Group activities - - Design quizzes (see below) and present to the class. - Take a subject not covered in TECHtionary and develop a working (graphic) definition using appropriate programming methods. 3. Quizzes - Develop quizzes using pertinent areas of current discussion. Quizzes could be developed by students and used as a study tool. 4. Incorporating terms into presentation materials - I.E. student/class web pages, PowerPoint, online course tool projects.
Merlot.org • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for • Learning and Online Teaching) • MERLOT is a community of people who are involved in education. • FREE and OPEN nationwide resource • Has a rating system that provides a way for users to rank • the effectiveness of the objects submitted. • Easy to become a member. • http://www.merlot.org/Home.po
Maryland Faculty Online http://www.Mdfaconline.edu
Links to Learning Objects • Wisconsin Online Resource Center • http://www.wisc-online.com/Searchlink.asp • Merlot • http://www.merlot.org • Learning Objects Network • http://www.learningobjectsnetwork.com/ • Learning Objects and Standards Resources • http://www.learnativity.com/standresources.html • Half-Baked Softwre. Hot Potatoes • http://web.uvic.ca/hrd/halfbaked