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PASIR RIS PRIMARY SCHOOL. LITERACY WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 23rd February 2012 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Outline. Opening – Miss Farah Aida ( Head of Department- English) Introduction to STELLAR – Miss Sim Yeow Ling (ST Teaching and Learning)
Outline • Opening – Miss Farah Aida ( Head of Department- English) • Introduction to STELLAR – Miss Sim Yeow Ling (ST Teaching and Learning) • Shared Book Approach –Mrs Caroline Silva • Home Support – Mdm Lulubhaina Ismail • Useful Strategies – Mdm Siti Fazlinda (Learning Support Programme Coordinator) • Extension Activities & Resources – Mdm Siti Rabeah
English Department’s Vision A child who can enhance positive interpersonal relationships through … Language
Mission Every child can communicate effectively in speech and in writing, in the school and in the society
Partners in Education Our Objectives PRPS Supporting Thrust – Community Partnership Share knowledge on strategies & create greater awareness
STELLAR • STELLAR • Strategies for • English • Language • Learning • and • Reading A new English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools in Singapore
The STELLAR Vision Children who love reading and have a strong foundation in the English Language
STELLAR & Language • Teaching and learning of English using more speaking and listening activities • Children learn reading and writing using richand interesting books, with discussions led by the teacher
What is a STELLAR lesson like? 1.Shared Reading Experiences Children read storybook with the teacher and engage in oral discussions with teacher and peers 2. Shared Writing Experiences 3. Language Use Activities in Learning Centres The teacher models writing using children’s language. Children engage in writing together and in writing independently The teacher prepares mini lessons based on specific needs of children to prepare them for reading & writing activities; e.g. grammar, vocabulary, word recognition, decoding skills, spelling
Why Books? Books… • open up the world for children • help children think and wonder • increase children’s vocabulary and knowledge about the world around them • provide good examples for reading and writing
STELLAR Curriculum (Lower Primary) The STELLAR curriculum is very comprehensive. • Integrates all language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) • Skills are enhanced through daily practice. • Key language items are explicitly taught to children.
STELLAR Curriculum (Lower Primary) • It is in line with the 2010 EL Syllabus. • Its aim is to move learners towards independence using quality children’s books and activities that motivate and engage young learners.
Walking through the Jungle (Tune: Ten Little Indians) Walking through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? Through here! Over there! A snake is looking for his tea. Walking through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? A crocodile is looking for his tea. Hope it isn’t me.
Walking through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be?
Creeping through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be?
STELLARneeds Parents’ Support • Home support – help your child learn English by providing English language reading materials at home. • Activate child’s interest – show your child that you believe learning English is both enjoyable and useful in your daily life.
STELLARneeds Parents’ Support • Role models – It is a mistake to think that one can teach children to love reading and literature without possessing that same love itself. • Understanding – English language learning requires frequent exposure to listening, speaking, reading and writing opportunities and activities rather than the use of worksheets /assessment books alone.
How? • Go to the library together. Promote a reading culture at home. • Read to learn and read for fun. • Give your child books related to their special interests. • Allow your child to choose books to read and reread. • Have a print rich environment in your home.
When? A short session of 15 to 20 minutes a day is better than a long session occasionally
Books that Interest Children • Have clear print and colourful, attractive illustrations or photographs. • Have a good storyline with interesting characters in them. • Relate to everyday life. • Have moral values embedded in them. • Are repetitive and have rhyming words or sight words to help children in their reading.
Encouraging your child When reading to your child, be encouraging and supportive. Praise your child for his attempts at reading difficult words. Do not force your child to read aloud to you if he is reluctant. Be good humoured when reading with him/her.
What shall we read today? Can you guess what this word is? Try reading with me Would you like to read to me? Inviting Participation Shall we read this story together?
When your child makes a mistake … Youalmostgot it. Try again. Say it after me. Yes, it sounds like that word but this word is … Good try. The correct word is … When your child makes an attempt and is successful … That was very good. That's right. I knew you could do it. Well done.
Do not show your disappointment. Do not use reading as a punishment. Do not have unreasonable expectations. Do Not… Do not be angry if he repeats certain mistakes. Do not compare your child with others.
Example 1 Child : That’s abidbird. Parent : Did you saybidbird? It’s not abidbird. It’s abigbird. Child : That’s a bid bird. Parent : That is a big bird. What a big bird it is. It’s a really big bird! Example 2 Do Not Repeat Errors x Modelling
How do you Read? Sit close together. Show your child that you enjoy reading with him. Talk about the things in the book, especially the pictures. Point to the words as you read. Invite him to read the words you think he can read. Make the session enjoyable.
Spelling Strategies/Styles • Spelling Strategies - Look, cover, write, check method - Auditory-visualization - Auditory-visual-kinesthetic • Word Shape Spelling Aid • Zig-zag Spelling Aid
Spelling Styles • Spelling Styles Chart • Pathways Procedures for Remembering Words • The First 100 High Frequency Words
Spelling Styles Chart • Visual Style • Auditory Style • Tactile-Kinesthetic Style • Multisensory Style
Extension Activities • Playing language games like word scavenger hunt. (Looking for a word in print materials.) • Reading aloud a book and asking your child to identify words beginning with the same sound, for example, ‘p’ – pancake, pick, put, police, pat, etc.
Extension Activities • Helping your child learn more interesting words by thinking of new words to replace known words, for example, ‘big’ – huge, enormous, large, gigantic, etc. • Suggesting that your child give a different ending to the story read
Extension Activities • Get your child to retell the story. • Retell part of the story. Then ask your child to continue. • Ask questions based on the story. • Ask True /False questions.
Useful Links • MOE STELLAR - http://www.stellarliteracy.sg/ • Edufind -http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/toc.cfm • British Council - http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/ • Time for Kids - http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids • Funny Poetry for Children - http://www.gigglepoetry.com/ • Scholastic Parents - http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/parentsHome.jsp