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Local search and Optimisation

Delve into the comparison of global versus local search methodologies focusing on optimizing objective functions through local algorithms like Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, and Genetic Algorithms. Explore their applications and effectiveness in solving complex problems efficiently.

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Local search and Optimisation

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  1. Local search and Optimisation Study of the key local search techniques Introduction: global versus local Concluding Remarks

  2. Introduction: Global versus Local search

  3. Global versus Local search • Global search: • interest: find a pathto a goal • properties: • search through partial paths • in a systematic way (consider all paths – completeness) • opportunity to detect loops

  4. Global versus Local search (2) • Local search: • interest: find a goal or a statethat maximizes/minimizes some objective function. • or a state that maximizes/minimizes some objective function. • 4-queens example: • interest in the solutions • not in the way we find them

  5. Global versus Local search (3) • Local search: • interest: find a goal or a statethat maximizes/minimizes some objective function. • rostering: • objective function: estimates quality of roster • optimize the objective function

  6. Is the path relevant or not ? The 8-puzzle: path relevant Chess: path relevant Water jugs: path relevant Traveling sales person: path relevant * Symbolic integrals: could be both Blocks planning: path relevant q-queens puzzle: not relevant rostering: not relevant

  7. Traveling sales person: • Representation is a partial sequence: (New York, Boston) Global search ! • Representation is a potential solution: (New York, Boston, Miami, SanFran, Dallas, New York) Local search! - the path is encoded in every state - just find a good/optimal state

  8. General observations on Local Search: • Applicable if path to solution is not important • but see comment on TSP • Keeps only 1 (or a fixed k) state(s). • k for local beam search and genetic algorithms • Most often, does not systematically investigate all possibilities • and as a result, may be incomplete or suboptimal • Does not avoid loops • unless explicitly designed to (e.g. Tabu search) or included in the state representation • Is often for optimization of an objective function

  9. Local Search Algorithms: Hill Climbing (3) (local version) Simulated Annealing Local k-Beam Search Genetic Algorithms Tabu Search Heuristics and Metaheuristics

  10. Hill-Climbing (3)or Greedy local search The really “local-search” variant of Hill Climbing

  11. Hill Climbing (3) algorithm: • Let h be the objective function State:= S; STOP := False; WHILEnot STOP DONeighbors := successors(State); IFmax(h(Neighbors)) > h(State) State:= maximal_h_neighbor; ElseSTOP:= True; ReturnState Hill Climbing 2, but without paths or, minimization (see 8-queens)

  12. Foothills: Plateaus Local maximum Ridges The problems:

  13. More properties: • Termination ? If h is bounded (in relevant direction) and there is a minimal step in h-function. • Completeness ? No !

  14. Case study: 8-queens n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 h = 17 Minimization ! • h = the number of pairs of queens attacking each other in the state

  15. Neighbors of (n1, n2,…., n8): • obtained by changing only 1 ni 8-queens (cont.) h = 1 56 neighbors a local minimum

  16. For 8-queens: How well does it work? But how to improve the success rate ?

  17. At plateau: allow to move to equal-h neighbor Danger: Non-termination ! Allow only a maximum number of consecutive sideway moves (say: 100) Plateau’s: sideway moves Result: • Success rate: • 94% : success 6 % : local minimum

  18. Variants on HC (3) • Stochastic Hill Climbing: Move to a random neighbor with a better h Gets more solutions / but is slower • First-choice Hill Climbing: Move to the first-found neighbor with a better h Useful if there are VERY many neighbors

  19. Garanteed completeness:Random-Restart Hill Climbing If HC terminates without producing a solution: Then restart HC with a random new initial state If there are only finitely many states, and If each HC terminates, then: RRCH is complete (with probability 1)

  20. Analysis of RRHC: Pure RRHC: If HC has a probability p of reaching success, then we need (average) 1/p restarts in RRHC. For 8-queens: - p= 0.14 1/p ≈ 7 iterations - Cost (average) ? (6 (failures) * 3) + (1 (success) * 4) = 22 steps With sideway moves added: For 8-queens: - p= 0.94 1/p = 1.06 iterations of which (1-p)/p = 0.06/0.94 fail - Cost (average) ? (0.06/0.94 (failures) * 64) + (1 (success) * 21) ≈ 25 steps 1/p-1

  21. Conclusion ? • Local Search is replacing more and more other solvers in _many_ domainscontinuously • including optimization problems in ML.

  22. Simulated AnnealingKirkpatrick et al. 1983 Simulate the process of annealing from metallurgy

  23. 1) HC (3): best moves fast, but stuck in local optima Stochastic HC: random moves slow, but complete Motivations: Combine ! 2) RRHV: resart after failure why wait until failure? include ‘jumps’ during the process ! At high ‘temperature’ : frequent big jumps At low ‘temperature’ : few smaller ones 3) Get ping-pong ball to deepest hole, by rolling ball and shaking surface

  24. The algorithm: State:= S; FORTime = 1 to ∞DO Temp:= DecreaseFunction(Time); IFTemp = 0 ThenReturnState; Else Next:= random_neighborg(State); Δh:= h(Next) – h(State); IFΔh > 0 Then State:= Next; Else State:= Next with probability e^(Δh/Temp) End_FOR For slowly deceasing temperature, will reach global optimum (with probablity 1)

  25. Local k-Beam Search Beam search, without keeping partial paths

  26. Local k-Beam Search • ≠ k parallel HC(3) searches The k new states are the k best of ALL the neighbors Stochastic Beam Search

  27. Genetic AlgorithmsHolland 1975 Search inspired by evolution theory

  28. General Context • Similar to stochastic k-beam search • keeps track of k States • Different: • generation of new states is “sexual” • In addition has: selection and mutation • States must be represented as strings over some alphabet • e.g. 0/1 bits or decimal numbers Crossover • Objective function is called fitness function

  29. State representation: 8-string of numbers [1,8] • Population: set of k states -- here: k=4 8-queens example:

  30. Step 1: Selection: • Fitness function applied to population • Probability of being selected: • proportional to fitness • Select: k/2 pairs of states 8-queens (cont.)

  31. Step 2: Crossover: • Select random crossover point • here: 3 for pair one, 5 for pair two • Crossover applied to the strings 8-queens (cont.)

  32. Step 3: Mutation: • With a small probability: • change a string member to a random value 8-queens (cont.)

  33. The algorithm: Given: Fit (a fitness function) Pop:= the set of k initial states; REPEAT New_Pop:= {}; FORi=1,k Do x:= RandomSelect(Pop, Fit); y:= RandomSelect(Pop, Fit); child:= crossover(x,y); IF (small_random_probability) Then child:= mutate(child); New_Pop:= New_Pop U {child}; End_For Pop:= New_Pop; Until a member of Pop fit enough or time is up Different from the example, where both crossovers were used

  34. Comments on GA • Very many variants – this is only one instance! • keep part of Pop, different types of crossover, … • What is added value? • If the encoding is well-constructed: substrings may represent useful building blocks Ex: (246*****) is a usefull pattern for 8-queens Ex Circuit design: some substring may represent a useful subcircuit • Then crossover may produce more useful states ! • In general: advantages of GA are not well understood

  35. Interpretation of crossover: If we change our representation from 8 decimal numbers to 24 binary digits, how does the interpretation change?

  36. Tabu SearchGlover 1986 Another way to get HC out of local minima

  37. TabuList: Where you are forbidden to go next. In order to get HC out of a local maximum: Naïve idea: Allow one/some moves downhill Tabu = forbidden Problem: When switching back to HC, it will just move back!

  38. Keep a list TabuList with information on which new states are not allowed The Tabu search idea: n3: 2 6 n3 n3 • Add to TabuList: (n3, 6, 2) : don’t make the opposite move or (n3, 2) : don’t place n3 back on 2 or (n3) : don’t move n3

  39. Hoped effect: visualized • TabuList determines an area where NOT to move back. • TabuList is kept short: only recent history determines it.

  40. The algorithm: Given: Fit (a fitness function) State:= S; Best:= S; TabuList:= {}; WHILE not(StopCondition) Do Candidates:= {}; FOR every Child in Neighbors(State) Do IFnot_forbidden(Child, TabuList) then Candidates:= Candidates U {Child}; Succ:= Maximal_Fit(Candidates); State:= Succ; IfFit(Succ) > Fit(Best) then TabuList:= TabuList U {ExcludeCondition(Succ, Best)}; Best:= Succ; Eliminate_old(TabuList); Return Best;

  41. Example PersonelRostering: • Initialise to satisfy the required amounts • Allow only vertical swaps (neighbors) • If a swap has influenced a certain region of the timetable, do not allow any other swap to influence this region for a specified number of moves (Tabu list, Tabu attributes)

  42. Heuristics and Meta-heuristics More differences with Global search Examples of problems and heuristics Meta-heuristics

  43. In Global search: h: States N Heuristics In Local search: • How to represent a State? • How to define the Neighbors? • How to define the objective or Fit function? Are all heuristic choices that influence the search VERY much.

  44. Finding routes: • Given a weighted graph, (V,E), and two vertices, ‘source’ and ‘destination’, find the path from source to destination with the smallest accumulated weight. • Dijkstra: O(|E|2 + |V|) (for sparse graphs O(|E|log|V|))

  45. The objective function: In general: many different functions possible OR

  46. Stock cutting: X 10000 Out of rectangular sheets with fixed dimensions • NP-complete, even in one dimension (pipe-cutting)

  47. Objective function? Minimize waste!

  48. Personelrostering • Consists of assignments of employees to working shifts while satisfying all constraints Constraints: • Shifts have start times and end times • Employees have a qualification • A required capacity per shift is given per qualification • Employees can work subject to specific regulations • … • Constraints: • Shifts have start times and end times • Employees have a qualification • A required capacity per shift is given per qualification • Employees can work subject to specific regulations • …

  49. Objective function? • Just solve the problem (CP) • Number of constraints violated • Weighted number of constraints violated • Amount under assignment • Amount over assignment • This may lead to the definition of a goal function (representing a lot of domain information)

  50. Neighborsfor Rostering • One can easily think of • Swaps • Removals • Insertions • ‘Large Swaps’ • These ‘easy’ options do depend on the domain • They define ‘steps’ in a ‘solution space’ with an associated change in the goal function. • One obvious heuristic is a hill-climber based on a selection of these possible steps.

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