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U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. www.dot.gov. Restoring Trust In Pipeline Safety New Orleans, LA November 3, 2006. Greater Public Involvement- What does that mean?.

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U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration www.dot.gov

  2. Restoring TrustIn Pipeline SafetyNew Orleans, LANovember 3, 2006 Greater Public Involvement- What does that mean? Ross ReinekeCommunity Assistance & Technical Services (CATS) ManagerWestern Region

  3. Outline • Mission Statements • PHMSA – CATS Program • Regulatory Requirements

  4. PHMSA (OPS) Mission Statement “To ensure the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound operation of the Nation’s pipeline transportation system.”

  5. CATS MissionStatement “To advance public safety, environmental protection and pipeline reliability by facilitating clear communications among all pipeline stakeholders, including the public, the operators and government officials.”

  6. CATS Managers kimbra.davis@dot.gov 720-963-3176 ross.reineke@dot.gov 720-963-32182 karen.butler@dot.gov 816-329-3835 harold.winnie@dot.gov 816-329-3836 alex.dankanich@dot.gov 202-260-8518

  7. CATS Managers john.jacobi@dot.gov 713-272-2839 john.pepper@dot.gov 713-272-2849 michael.khayata@dot.gov 404-832-1155 joseph.mataich@dot.gov 404-832-1159

  8. CATS Coordinator Washington DC Headquarters blaine.keener@dot.gov 202-366-0970

  9. Public Awareness Regulations • Final Rule published May 19, 2005 • http://dms.dot.gov/ Simple Search Docket 15852 • 192.616 and 195.440 titled Public Awareness • Require operators to follow the guidance in API RP 1162, First Edition, December 2003 • Existing Part 192 & 195 requirements are unchanged

  10. Purpose of Public Awareness Programs • increase awareness and understanding of the . . . role of pipelines, pipeline operations, associated public and environmental risks, and the preventive and mitigative steps taken to reduce those risks. • improve results in damage prevention, reduce encroachments on pipeline rights-of-way, improve pipeline safety and environmental performance, and enhance emergency response coordination.

  11. Audiences •The public (including residents and places of congregation, such as businesses, schools, hospitals, prisons, and other places where people gather) in the pipeline vicinity and its associated rights-of-way and pipeline facilities;

  12. Audiences • State and local emergency response and planning officials (e.g., State and county emergency management agencies (EMAs) and local emergency planning committees (LEPCs) and first responder organizations;

  13. Audiences • Local public officials and governing councils of affected municipalities and school districts; and • Excavators.

  14. Regulatory Requirements Before API RP 1162 • Damage Prevention Programs for Excavators • 192.614(c) and 195.442(c) • Emergency Plans for Fire, Police, & Public Officials • 192.615(c) and 195.402(c)(12) • Public Education • 192.616 and 195.440 • Gas Transmission Integrity Management • 192.911(m) & ASME B31.8S, §10

  15. Baseline Program • Applies to all portions of existing pipeline system • Creates minimum level of Awareness among all Stakeholder Audiences • Not within the scope of RP 1162 • New pipeline construction • Communications after pipeline-related emergency • Propane/Air peak-shaving facilities • LNG Plants

  16. Other Public Awareness Resources • PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program Stakeholder Communications Web Site • http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/comm/ • Public Awareness Programs • Final Rule • Frequently Asked Questions • Presentations from 2003 and 2005 workshops

  17. Thank You!! ross.reineke@dot.gov 303-956-5981 (cell) 720-963-3182

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