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An Introduction to our Company. RYL is the Key to You becoming Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. Amazing Products Phenomenal Financial Opportunity We will Present a Simple 9-Day Challenge with the potential to Radically Change Your Life.
An Introduction to our Company RYL is the Key to You becoming Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
Amazing Products Phenomenal Financial Opportunity We will Present a Simple 9-Day Challenge with the potential to Radically Change Your Life.
A.J. Lanigan (Manufacturer of Product, Author, Lecturer, RYL Founder) A.J. Lanigan has over 20 years experience in various disciplines of immunology. He was educated at the University of South Carolina, College of Pharmacy from 1971-1975. Mr. Lanigan formed his own company in 1980 with a focus on health-related fields. In addition to developing numerous audio and videotapes on health-related issues, he authored the Internet book, "Health in a Pill and Other Medical Myths". In 1990 he designed and placed in hospitals and medical practices numerous low cost ozone generators suitable for medical use and is considered an expert in ozone therapy and commercial applications of ozone. His research on the effect of medical ozone had on the immune system through increased cytokine production led him to other experts in the field of immunology. The research on Beta-1, 3-D glucan, a carbohydrate molecule that enhanced the functioning of the macrophage white blood cell, was extensive and the results were impressive. However, the purified beta glucan used in the laboratories was prohibitively expensive and economically unfeasible for the average person. During 1995-1996, A. J. Lanigan developed a manufacturing process for a highly purified beta glucan that would be affordable for the average person. "I found a material that met my standards and sent a sample to the University of Georgia Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (UGA CCRC) to be assayed. Dr. Parastoo Azadi returned an analysis that showed approximately 94% complex carbohydrate fraction, with about 85% of that being the 1, 3-D glucan backbone. I have been involved in the manufacture and sale of Beta Glucan products for several years. When I began, only 2 companies were widely selling to consumers. They were twin sisters - both boasting a 2.5 mg dose, in a 30-count bottle, for $39.95. To quote one of their salesmen, "A little bit of beta goes a long way." I tried to purchase the raw material from one of the manufacturers and was quoted $120,000.00 per kilogram (2.2 lbs). Knowing that the raw material did not come from moon rocks, I sought another approach. I had it pilled, bottled, and labeled Beta 1, 3-D glucan. I began to market it in a 100 mg, 60-count bottles and then later, a 425 mg 60-count bottle. My competitors immediately took me off their Christmas card list. No matter, I breached the market with the first materials available here in the US that served to give a safe product by purity, an effective product by dose, and as affordable as a good "one a day" supplement. Since 1996, other companies have copied (or counterfeited) every move I have made in dose and in some cases, even label design. Every one claims, "Ours is just the same as A.J.´s product.' It was not true then, and it is certainly not true today." - A.J. Lanigan In 1997, Mr. Lanigan initiated research on Aloe Vera. His primary resource for information became the International Aloe Science Council. His membership and participation in that organization is recognized and appreciated by their members from all over the U.S. and abroad. During 1997-1999 Mr. Lanigan advised in establishing an international marketing company that distributed beta glucan, aloe vera and other products that enhance the immune system. He initiated a massive training program designed to educate the company's sales representatives in immunology. A. J. lectures extensively, addressing a variety of audiences including hospitals, medical universities, civic centers and community colleges. He is a routine guest on numerous radio and television talk shows discussing the immune system. Most recently, he has sponsored university based research that is the first of its kind to competitively compare immune supplements. Not to be surprised, his products are alone at the top of the heap.
Our Amazing Products - Designed to Give You the Best Immune System Possible RVB300 (Beta 1,3-D Glucan, Resveratrol, and Vitamin C Blend) *Patent Protected “The biologically most relevant immunomodulator*” just got better! A standardized, proprietary blend that provides the most studied and proven immune supplement support for your everyday immune system needs. RYL BETA500 (Beta 1,3-D Glucan) *Patent Protected A Low cost, high value immune support. These 500mg capsules provide the dose has research has shown to be the most effective when the immune response requires significantly support. Provides multiple benefits to improve immune cell function. Manufactured by A.J. Lanigan, the only manufacturer to offer the purest and most effective immune supplement. “The biologically most relevant immunomodulator” - JANA 2007 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Beta 1,3-D Glucan • Thousands of peer reviewed medical articles published that attest to safety & efficacy • Helps support and maintain a healthy immune system • Beta Glucan causes Immune cells to respond to harmful invaders faster • The vast majority of research speaks to its effects upon the immune system and the immune • system’s response to multiple challenges. AJ Lanigan says, “it turns your Woody Allen immune cells into Schwarzenegger cells.”
Benefits of Resveratrol • Anti-Aging Benefits • Provides Cardiovascular Health Support • Anti-inflammatory Properties • Provides Immune Support • Is an Effective Sports Nutrient • Other Antiviral Effects • Benefits Brain Health
Why RVB300 instead of the other brands? 1 Bottle 100mg.60ct Typical Immune Supplement
The Science Behind the Product There are thousands of peer reviewed medical journal articles that attest to the safety and efficacy of our product. Its benefits have been shown in earthworms, shrimp, fish, mice rats, rabbits, guinea, pigs, sheep, cattle and last, but not least, humans. The vast majority of the research speaks to its effects upon the immune system and the immune system’s response to multiples of challenges. The “Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994” allows us to speak very narrowly when presenting a specific brand or touting a specific company/manufacturer. For an immune supplement- “Helps to maintain a healthy immune system” or “Helps to support a healthy immune response” is the correct response. The words surely fall short of all that you may learn about our product. Therefore, you will be guided to peer reviewed medical articles, book and literature written and published in the public domain by distinguished 3rd parties who have no financial gains associated with the sale of our product. Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka has begun expanding his book to include more elaborate education about RYL’s products.
Our Financial Opportunity • Become an Independent Marketing Director (IMD) • FREE to become an IMD • FREE Replicated Website • Very easy to qualify for Commissions: • Have at least (1) one Retail Customer with a minimum of (1) bottle per month on the Company Auto-Ship Program • Or become your own Customer with a minimum of (1) bottle per month on the Auto-Ship Program .
Levels of Achievement BRONZE MARKETING DIRECTOR (BMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (1) one “Qualified IMD” they qualify to receive commissions through three levels of their matrix. SILVER MARKETING DIRECTOR (SMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (2) two “Qualified IMD’s” they qualify to receive commissions through six levels of their matrix. GOLD MARKETING DIRECTOR (GMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (3) three “Qualified IMD’s” they qualify to receive commissions through their entire matrix. DIAMOND MARKETING DIRECTOR (DMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (8) eight “Qualified IMD’s”, they reach the position of DMD and qualify for the Diamond Pool distribution monthly. DOUBLE DIAMOND MARKETING DIRECTOR (DDMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (16) sixteen “Qualified IMD’s”, they reach the position of DDMD and qualify for the Double Diamond Pool distribution monthly. TRIPLE DIAMOND MARKETING DIRECTOR (TDMD): Once a “Qualified” Independent Marketing Director (IMD) has personally sponsored (24) twenty-four “Qualified IMD’s”, they reach the position of TDMD and qualify for the Triple Diamond Pool distribution monthly.
7 INCOME STREAMS 1. 3 X 9 Forced- Matrix with Compression 2. 50% Matching Matrix Bonus
3. Customer Acquisition Bonuses (C.A.B.) RETAIL AND PREFERRED CUSTOMER PROGRAMS • IMD’s may set up Retail or Preferred Customers to purchase product directly from the Company by • check, money order or credit card purchases at a Retail Customer cost of $49.95 plus shipping & handling ($5.95) or at a Preferred Customer cost of $42.95 plus shipping and handling. • IMD’s will receive a $10.00 per bottle retail customer commission or $3.00 per bottle preferred • customer commission. • The Retail / Preferred Customer sale will count toward the C.A.B. commission as long as the • Retail / Preferred Customer has signed up to participate in the Company’s Auto-Ship Program. • Earn Customer Acquisition Bonuses with: • (5) Retail/Preferred Customers in calendar month = $100.00 C.A.B. Bonus • (10) Retail/Preferred Customers in calendar month = $250.00 C.A.B. Bonus (an additional $150.00) • *Every additional (5) Retail/Preferred Customers added in calendar month = $100.00 extra C.A.B. Bonus • *Every Retail/Preferred Customer must have at least 1 bottle of product on Auto-ship
4. MONTHLY DIAMOND POOL BONUSES Diamond Pool: Shares $1.00 on every bottle of product sold throughout the company monthly, plus $.25 on every bottle sold through the Wholesale Dealer Program monthly. Double Diamond Pool: Shares $1.00 on every bottle of product sold throughout the company monthly, plus $.25 on every bottle sold through the Wholesale Dealer Program monthly. Triple Diamond Pool: Shares $1.00 on every bottle of product sold throughout the company monthly, plus $.25 on every bottle sold through the Wholesale Dealer Program monthly.
5. FOUNDERS POOL Eligibility: Become an IMD before August 31, 2011 and Qualify as a Gold Marketing Director or above. Founders Pool: Shares $.50 on every bottle of product sold throughout the company monthly, plus $.25 on every bottle sold through the Wholesale Dealer Program monthly.
6. WHOLESALE DEALER PACKAGE (WD) “FAST START SUCCESS PACK” • If you purchase this Optional “WD” Package for $249, you will: • Be Trained by a National Training Director (NTD) as a Wholesale Dealer (WD) • Be eligible to sell to Retail Outlets (Health Food Stores, Chiropractors, etc.) • Receive 1 Share in the Diamond Pool (in addition to one you may earn) • Earn a 50% Match on the Matrix Pay of Personally Sponsored IMD’s • Receive 4 Bottles of product (RVB 300) • Receive 4 Books (“Beta Glucan: Nature’s Secret”) • Also: • IMD receives $75 in Retail Product Commission to Sponsor WD • NTD receives $75 to train WD • $2.00 per level is paid in Matrix
7. Become a National Training Director (NTD) “Ultimate Fast Start Success Pack” • If you purchase this Optional “NTD” Package for $399, you will: • Be Trained by a NTD to train other WD’s and NTD’s • Receive all the benefits of the Wholesale Dealer (WD) • ** Diamond Pool Share • ** 50% Matching Bonus of Matrix Pay of Personally Sponsored IMD’s • Earn $75 for Training a Wholesale Dealer • Earn $100 for Training a National Training Director • Receive 6 bottles of product (RVB 300) • Receive 6 Books (“Beta Glucan: Nature’s Secret”) • Also:* IMD receives $100 in Retail Product Commission to Sponsor NTD • * $3.00 per level is paid in Matrix
Product Pricing (for RVB 300) • Retail Customer: (a Retail customer who does not commit to a monthly Autoship) • Preferred Customer: (a Retail customer on monthly Autoship) • IMD Product Cost: $49.95 $42.95 $39.95
Customer Advantage SHARE WITH THREE & YOURS IS FREE Preferred or Retail Customers can receive their monthly Auto-Ship absolutely FREE (excluding shipping & handling costs) by sharing the product with three “friends” and having them sign up on the Company’s Auto-Ship Program. Every month the Auto-Ship has been sent to the three “friends”, the next month the original customer’s product is sent to them for FREE, excluding shipping & handling.
Company “Soft-Launch” April 15, 2011 Get Positioned Now!!!