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Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Data

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Data. HMIS Lead and Vendor Training. Updated 5/22/14. Session Topics. SSVF HMIS participation HMIS program set-up Data collection requirements HMIS export requirements The Repository Data quality policy & threshold limits

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Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Data

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  1. Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Data HMIS Lead and Vendor Training Updated 5/22/14

  2. Session Topics • SSVF HMIS participation • HMIS program set-up • Data collection requirements • HMIS export requirements • The Repository • Data quality policy & threshold limits • Repository validation results • Repository parsing of HMIS XML to HMIS CSV

  3. SSVF and HMIS • VA is committed to grantee participation in HMIS to support community-based service planning and coordination for Veterans who are homeless and at risk of homelessness • SSVF grantees are required to participate in at least one community-based HMIS implementation

  4. SSVF HMIS Technical Assistance • TA is available for HMIS-related issues • TA Team will refer grantees to the HMIS Lead for issues specific to the HMIS implementation / software • HMIS participation fees • Access to HMIS • HMIS software training / data entry process • Export process • TA is also available to HMIS Lead / HMIS Vendors for questions about SSVF

  5. Grantee Roles and Responsibilities: • The SSVF Grantee is responsible for complying with all local HMIS policies and procedures • CoC Participation • HMIS Participation and Governance Compliance • Privacy and Security Compliance • Data Quality Compliance • Community Planning/Use of Data • SSVF grantees are responsible for ensuring that subgrantees participate in HMIS and comply with local HMIS policies and procedures as well

  6. SSVF Program Setup • HUD requires two separate programs in HMIS for each SSVF program • Homelessness Prevention • Rapid Re-Housing • There must be a separate program for each CoC in which the SSVF grantee is operating • SSVF grantees operating in multiple CoCs may participate in a single HMIS implementation under some circumstances, but all client data must be identifiable by CoC at the program level

  7. Data Collection Requirements • All universal data elements defined in the March 2010 Data Standards • Income and Sources • Non-Cash Benefits • Financial Assistance Provided • Housing Relocation & Stabilization Services Provided

  8. Data Flow • SSVF grantees enter program data into local HMIS application • Every month, SSVF data is exported from HMIS and uploaded to VA Repository • National-level reporting is generated based on uploaded data

  9. Revised HMIS Data Standards • On May 1st, 2014, federal partners (HUD, VA and HHS) released an updated version of HMIS Data Standards in form of: • 2014 HMIS Data Manual (intended as reference for community members) • 2014 HMIS Data Dictionary (intended for HMIS vendors and system administrators) • Effective data of 2014 HMIS Data Standards is 10/1/14 • VA will publish updated data collection requirements for SSVF grantees consistent with the standards prior to this date

  10. SSVF Data Requirements • Must ask every required data element for every client • Household members are clients • Must enter the data into HMIS accurately • Must make every effort to enter and update client records in HMIS within 24 hours of data collection • Must ensure that data is exported from HMIS and uploaded to the VA’s Repository during first five business days of each month

  11. HMIS Data Exchange Formats • HUD has published standards to enable the exchange of HMIS data among databases in two different formats: • CSV (Comma-Separated Values) • XML (eXtensible Markup Language) • The Repository will accept HMIS XML 3.0 or HMIS CSV 3.02 (CSV is preferred) Reference: Repository Data Upload and Integration Specifications

  12. Repository Upload Process • Export generated by HMIS (XML or CSV) • XML / CSV packaged in a zip file • Zip file uploaded to VA Repository • Repository validates export / provides basic data quality feedback • Uploads with high rates of missing data / structural issues will be rejected by the Repository • Data quality issues must be corrected in HMIS • Vendor intervention may be needed to address structural issues

  13. Data Exchange Assumptions • Only SSVF data will be included in the export • Fields left blank by a user will be exported as blank / null • As required by the March 2010 HMIS Data Standards, every person has a Household Identification Number assigned at program entry regardless of household size • Only persons served together in the same household will share a Household Identification Number

  14. Export Parameters • All data for clients / enrollments active in current grant year must be uploaded each month • All enrollments into SSVF without an exit date and all enrollments with an exit date in the current grant year • All associated client demographic data • All service data associated with the enrollments, even if it is dated prior to the start of the grant year • Filtering the export by date range / grant year is not mandatory • Exports may be filtered by date but if this is not available, all program data may be uploaded

  15. File Validation Report • XML is parsed into CSV format after structural validation • Data quality validation results are based on CSV structure

  16. Seven CSV Files • File 1: Export • File 2: AgencyProgram • File 3: Client • File 4: ProgramParticipation • File 5: ClientHistorical • File 6: IncomeBenefits • File 7: ServiceEvent

  17. How the CSV Files Are Related Note: Export.csv has been omitted from the graphic. Every record in each of the 6 files shown above includes a field called ExportIDStr; the value in that field must match the value in the same field in Export.csv.

  18. CSV File 1: Export • This file holds data about the export itself – the date that the data was exported, the start date and end date, etc.  It should always (and only) include two rows – the first row holds column names and the second row holds the data. • The Repository can process only one export at a time; uploads with multiple records or multiple values for ExportIDStr in any file will be rejected.

  19. CSV File 2: AgencyProgram • Holds data about the program(s) as it is set up in HMIS – the organization name, program name, and other info.  • Records in ProgramParticipation.csv with a ProgramID that does not correspond to a value in AgencyProgram.csv will be ignored as irrelevant.

  20. CSV File 3: Client • Data about clients – name, SSN, DOB, race, gender, ethnicity, and PersonalIdentificationNumber(PIN).  • Each client in an HMIS must have a unique PIN • There should be only one record per person in Client.csv, regardless of how many program enrollments they have • Records without a corresponding record in ProgramPartcipation are ignored

  21. CSV File 4: Program Participation • Central to all reporting • It holds data about program entries and exits • Should have one row per person per program entry • A person who has been enrolled multiple times will have one record in Client but multiple records in ProgramParticipation • Records without a corresponding record in Client are ignored

  22. CSV File 5: Client Historical • Holds data collected at multiple points, such as total monthly income • For every program entry, there should be at least one record in ClientHistorical.  For every program exit, there should be an additional record in ClientHistorical • Linked to records in ProgramParticipation by PIN, ProgramID, AssessmentDate

  23. CSV File 5: Client Historical (cont.) • Data collected at program entry • AssessmentDate = EntryDate OR • AssessmentDate between EntryDate and ExitDate with a DataCollectionStage of 1 • Data collected at program exit • AssessmentDate = ExitDateOR • AssessmentDate between EntryDate and ExitDate with a DataCollectionStage of 3

  24. CSV File 6: IncomeBenefits • Data on specific sources of income and benefits • Linked to records in ClientHistorical by PIN, ProgramID, and the AssessmentDate.  • In order to be counted as receiving income / benefit at entry / exit, record in IncomeBenefits must link to record in ClientHistorical

  25. CSV File 6: IncomeBenefits (cont.) • Data collected at program entry • AssessmentDate = EntryDate OR • AssessmentDate between EntryDate and ExitDate with a DataCollectionStage of 1 • Values match a record in ClientHistorical • Data collected at program exit • AssessmentDate = ExitDateOR • AssessmentDate between EntryDate and ExitDate with a DataCollectionStage of 3 • Values match a record in ClientHistorical

  26. CSV File 6: Service Event • Holds information about specific services, and there is a record for each instance of service.  • None of the current Repository reporting includes any of the data in this table.

  27. Issues in Parsing HMIS XML to HMIS CSV • XML structure is more granular than CSV • XML allows multiple values for fields such as Residence Prior to Program Entry, Veteran Status, Destination, etc. • Impact is primarily seen in ClientHistorical • The VA SSVF Data Guide provides details • Technical specifications for the parsing process are available upon request

  28. Repository Accounts • Vendors and HMIS Leads are welcome to create a Repository account • Associated with the ZZ Test Program for testing / validation purposes • Associated with the grantee program (with grantee permission) for notification and/or upload purposes

  29. TA for Vendors and HMIS Leads • Please contact ssvfhmis@abtassoc.comwith questions about SSVF • The VA SSVF Data Guide includes a great deal of documentation targeted toward HMIS vendors and HMIS leads • Technical specifications and additional support are available upon request

  30. Questions? Contact ssvfhmis@abtassoc.com

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