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Chilled Water Piping Systems (VPF Focus). Agenda – Chilled Water Distribution Systems. Chilled Water Distribution Systems Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable – 2W Valves) Low Delta T Primary Only (Variable Flow - 2W Valves) VPF Design/Control Considerations.
1. Chilled Water Piping Systems (VPF Focus)
2. Agenda Chilled Water Distribution Systems Chilled Water Distribution Systems
Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable 2W Valves)
Low Delta T
Primary Only (Variable Flow - 2W Valves)
VPF Design/Control Considerations
3. Primary (Constant Flow) / Secondary (Variable Flow)
4. Primary/Secondary System
5. Primary (Constant Flow) / Secondary (Variable Flow) 2 Way Valves
Higher Capital Cost Installed (vs Constant Flow 3W Valve system)
Lower CHW Pumping Energy (vs Constant Flow 3W Valve system)
Well Understood & Easy to Control
6. Primary/Secondary System at Design
7. Primary/Secondary System at Part Load
8. Primary/Secondary System
9. Low Delta T Syndrome
10. Dirty Coils Major Causes of Low Delta T
11. Chilled Water Coil
12. Dirty Coils
Controls Calibration
Leaky 2 Way Valves
3 Way Valves at end of Index circuit Major Causes of Low Delta T
13. Primary/Secondary System
14. Primary/Secondary System
15. Dirty Coils
Controls Calibration
Leaky 2 Way Valves
3 Way Valves at end of Index circuit
Coils piped up backwards Major Causes of Low Delta T
16. Chilled Water Coil
17. Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable)
18. Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable)Ideal Operation
19. Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable)Ideal Operation
20. Primary / Secondary Rule of Flow Primary flow must always be equal to or greater than Secondary flow.
21. Primary (Constant) / Secondary (Variable)Low Delta T Operation
22. Higher Secondary Pump Energy
Higher CHW Plant Chiller/Auxiliary Energy
Major Effects of Low Delta T
23. Solution to (or reduce effects of) Low Delta T Address the causes
Clean Coils
Calibrate controls occasionally
Select proper 2W valves (dynamic/close-off ratings) and maintain them
no 3W valves in design
find and correct piping installation errors
Over pump chillers at ratio of Design Delta T / Actual Delta T
Increase Delta T across chillers with CHW Re-set (down).
Use Variable Speed Chillers & sequence to operate from 30 to 70% Load
Use VPF Systems (mitigates energy waste in plant)
Header pumps & operate more pumps than chillers
If dedicated pumping, over-size (design at 80% speed).
24. Primary/Secondary System
25. Primary Only (Variable Flow)
27. Primary Only (Variable Flow) 2 Way Valves
Lower Capital Cost Installed (vs Primary/Secondary)
No secondary pumps/piping/valves/electrical to buy and install
No large Common pipe, but smaller Bypass pipe/valve/flow meter/controls
Lower CHW Pumping Energy
Smaller Footprint (vs Primary/Secondary)
Relatively New & More Complex Controls
Reduces Negative Impacts from Low Delta T
Chillers are not staged on by flow requirements
Chillers can load up and are staged on load
28. Primary Only (Variable Flow) Disadvantages
Higher (potentially) PSID rated 2-Way valves in system
Requires more robust (complex and calibrated) control system
Requires coordinated control of chillers, isolation valves, and pumps in sequencing
Longer (potentially) Commissioning time
Requires greater operator sophistication
29. Variable-Primary-Flow System
30. Variable Primary System at Design
31. Variable Primary System Part Load
32. Variable Primary System Part Load
33. Variable Primary System Part Load
34. Variable Primary System Min Flow (400 gpm each)
35. Bypass Valve Control Bypass Valve Control Maintain a minimum chilled water flow rate through the chillers
Differential pressure measurement across each chiller evaporator
Flow meter
Bypass valve modulates open to maintain the minimum flow through operating chiller(s).
Bypass valve shall be the normally open type.
Pipe and valve sized for Min flow of operating chillers
36. Chiller Design Considerations Flow rate changes Staging on additional chillers
37. Variable Primary System (1 chiller running)
38. Variable Primary System (Staging on second chiller)
39. Variable Primary System (Open isolation valve)
40. Variable Primary System (Open isolation valve)
41. Variable Primary System (Open isolation valve slowly)
42. VPF Systems Design/Control Considerations Summary Chillers
Equal Sized Chillers preferred, but not required
Maintain Min flow rates with Bypass control (1.5 fps)
Maintain Max flow rates (11.0 to 12.0 fps)
Isolation Valves (Modulating or Stroke-able to 1.5 to 2 min)
Dont vary flow too quickly through chillers (VSD Ramp function typical setting of 10%/min)
Chiller Type
System Water Volume
Chiller Load
Active Loads
If Constant Speed run chiller to max load (Supply Temp rise). Do not run more chillers than needed (water-cooled)
If Variable Speed run chillers between 30% and 70% load (depending on ECWT). Run more chillers than load requires.
Add Chiller - CHW Supply Temp or Load (Adjusted* Flow X Delta T) or amps (if CSD)
Subtract Chiller - Load (Adjusted* Flow X Delta T) or Amps (if CSD)
43. VPF Systems Design/Control Considerations Summary Pumps
Variable Speed Driven
Headered arrangement preferred
with chillers (run more pumps than chillers for over-pumping capability)
on flow (add pump when existing inadequate, subtract when can)
optimized algorithm (total kW of more pumps, lower than less pumps)
Stay within pump/motor limits (25% to 100% speed)
Subtract a Pump at 25 to 30% speed
Add a pump back when speed of operating pumps high enough
Speed controlled by pressure sensors at end of index circuit
44. VPF Systems Design/Control Considerations Summary Bypass Valve
Maintain a minimum chilled water flow rate through the chillers
Differential pressure measurement across each chiller evaporator
Flow meter preferred
Modulates open to maintain the minimum flow through operating chiller(s).
Bypass valve is normally open, but closed unless Min flow breeched
Pipe and valve sized for Min flow of operating chillers
High Rangeability (100:1 preferred)
PSID Ratings for Static, Dynamic, And Close Off = Shut Off Head of Pumps
Linear Proportion (Flow to Valve Position) Characteristic preferred
Fast Acting Actuator
Locate in Plant around chillers/pumps (preferrred)
Avoid Network traffic
45. VPF Systems Design/Control Considerations Summary Load Valves
High Rangeability (200:1 preferred)
PSID Ratings for Static, Dynamic, And Close Off = Shut Off Head of Pumps
Equal Percentage (Flow to Load) Characteristic
Slow Acting Actuator
Staging Loads
Sequence AHUs On/Off in 10 to 15 min intervals
46. Summary on VPF Design Chillers
Size equally with same WPDs (best)
Respect Min/Max Flows through chillers
Set Pump VSD Ramp function to about 10%/min (600 sec 0 to Max Speed)
Use Modulating or Strokeable Valves (preferred) on chiller evaps, headered pumping
Use 2 Position Valves (1 min stroke) on chiller evaps, dedicated pumping
VSD Controllers
Headered Pumping Arrangement (preferred)
Dedicated Pumping OK (over-size pumps)
2 Way Valves
Select for Static, Dynamic, Close-off ratings (PSID) equal to pump SOH (plus fill pressure)
Range-ability 100 to 200:1
If Bypass fast acting, linear proportion
If Coils slow acting, equal percentage, On-Off stagger air units (10-15 min intervals)
Set-point far out in index circuit (lower the value, the better the pump energy)
Set Ramp function in VSD Controller (10%/min average)
Run 1 more pump than chillers (when headered)
Chillers On by common Supply Temp, Load, Amps, Adj Flow (Adj for Low Delta T)
Chillers Off by Amps, Load, Adj Flow (Adj for Low Delta T)
Over-pump Chillers to combat Low Delta T and get Max Cap out of chillers
Bypass controlled by Min flow (preferred) or Min WPD of largest chiller (locate in plant for best energy, but can go anywhere in system)
47. Chilled Water Piping Systems (VPF Focus)
48. 2 Way Valve/Coil Detail
49. Electric Energy Cost Equations