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Explore fascinating stories behind images capturing moments in Porto and New York. Engage in a group activity deciphering family backgrounds, career paths, and daily lives of the subjects!
Snoozingonthecounter. Mercadodo Bolhao, Porto. What do thesepeoplehave in common? Caramel-coated almonds ‘on the road’. CapeladasAlmas, Porto. “Anyone cares forsomedragonfruit and lychees?” Chinatown, New York.
What’sthestorybehindthepicture? Use yourpicturetotellthestorybehindit. Discussthefollowingaspectswithyourpartners: • Familybackground: informationabouttheirfamily. • Whatledthemtotheircurrentoccupation? • What’stheirlifelike? Give as manydetails as possible!
Procedure (Activityaimed at a group of 18 to 24 students.) • Studentsgettogether in groups of 3 or 4. • Theteacherassignseachpicturetotwodifferentgroups, so thateachgroup comes up withonedifferentstorybehindthesamepicture. • Eventuallyeachgroupreadsthestoriesoutloudfortheclassto vote forthebestone. • Thenstudentscommentonthereasonsfortheirchoice.