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The Dirty Thirties

The Dirty Thirties. By CHRISTIAN e Dirty Thirties. Summary.

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The Dirty Thirties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Dirty Thirties By CHRISTIAN e Dirty Thirties

  2. Summary Herbert Hoover was president when the Great Depression began. There was no single cause, but several things working together to make it happen.The stock market crash was the most devastating crash in the United States history. People who lost their homes often lived in what were called Hoover Villas , or Shanty Towns, that were named after President Herbert Hoover.

  3. Summary The United States was also more wealthy than it had ever been. The first movie theaters , called Palaces, opened in 1915 in New York. Prohibition gave criminals a way to illegally make money. Gangsters, men who worked in criminal gangs, began selling alcohol on the black market. In 1920, the 19thAmendment to the U.S. constitution gave women the right to full citizenship, to vote, and declared that they deserved full citizenship. A young women during the 1920s, was very different in her appearance, attitude and behavior than a young woman today.

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