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Writing a Research Paper

Writing a Research Paper. North Muskegon High School Argument & Research. North Muskegon School Board Policy. Each graduate of North Muskegon High School will demonstrate the ability to competently write a research paper.

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Writing a Research Paper

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Writing a Research Paper North Muskegon High School Argument & Research

  2. North Muskegon School Board Policy • Each graduate of North Muskegon High School will demonstrate the ability to competently write a research paper. • It is the purpose of this course to give you the opportunity to fulfill this requirement. • You will be able to use these skills as you advance in your educational career.

  3. Writing a Research Paper- Steps • Investigating Options & Choosing a Topic • Researching the Topic • Working Bibliography • Notes • Choosing a side to the argument • Acknowledging the counter-argument (Qualifiers) • Developing your Angle & Working Thesis • Paragraph Development • Using diction, syntax, and rhetorical skills. • Title-Lead-Angle-Thesis (Opening Movement) • MLA Format (Alternate formats-APA) • Avoiding plagiarism through proper documentation.

  4. Writing a Research Paper- Technological Support ELI Review • We will use an online peer review software program to help us work through the writing process, and to learn/evaluate each step of the process. Add Students • Students can enroll in Argument & Research using a course code they enter on their dashboards. Here's how: • Go to http://elireview.com and sign in (or sign up for an account if they don't already have one). • Use the course code displayed at right helper833prance • Enter the code in the "Join a Course" box on the Eli for Students tab on their dashboards. • Once you've entered the code, your are automatically enrolled in your course and ready to start their writing, reviewing, and revising.

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