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It Takes A Family To Raise A Child. Pastor Tim Roten Children’s Pastor. Disclaimer. I do not come up with sermons based on your life. I did take information from your teenagers. Disclaimer. I simply share what God is doing and teaching me in my life. Disclaimer.
It Takes A Family To Raise A Child Pastor Tim Roten Children’s Pastor
Disclaimer • I do not come up with sermons based on your life. • I did take information from your teenagers.
Disclaimer • I simply share what God is doing and teaching me in my life.
Disclaimer • I don’t claim to have mastered all of the information that I share with you. I am a work in progress.
Who is this sermon intended for? EVERYONE!
Proverbs 22:6 • Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 • “The verb, to train, indicates the first instruction that is given to a child, i.e., his early education. This training is designed to open before the child the manner of life for which he is intended. To commence the child’s education in this way is of great importance, for the tree follows the bent of its early years.”
Proverbs 22:6 • Does it say PARENTS? • Well I’ve raised my kids • I’ve done all I can do • I’m getting to old to work with kids
Proverbs 22:6 • Who does it apply to? • Everyone! • When does it end? • When you’re dead!
What can you do? • Bake cookies or supply snacks, Teach, Be a helper, Talk to the kids, Smile at them, Ask them how they are doing, Play games with them, Travel with them, Help plan activities, Raise Money…
Proverbs 22:6 • I love training and bending kids toward God! • I love your kids and teenagers as my own!
How can you help us train your child/teenager? • Bring your child • Sunday School • Children’s Church/Preaching • AWANA’s – Children & Teenagers • Special Events
How can you help us train your child/teenager? • Bring Bibles • Memorize Scripture • Review Lessons • Tithes & Offerings • Spending/Savings/Tithes
How can you help us train your child/teenager? • Encourage/Thank your leaders and teachers • Pray for us
Where does Spiritual Training begin? • At Home • The Church’s purpose is to come along side parents and help!
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 • And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. • And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 • And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down , and when thou risest up.
TV • Want a shocker? Take the average amount of time that you watch TV or play Video games per day, e.g., two hours (below the national average). Do you realize that over a period of 60 years, you will spend the equivalent of 7 years, sitting in front of the TV every waking hour of the day? ! Imagine what you could teach your child given 7 years!
TV • Turn off the TV • Eat meals together with the TV OFF • Read a book to your kids • Make up stories • Play outside
WORK • How many times do we say, “I’m to busy or I don’t have time”? • Some work will wait • Take a day off to spend with your kid(s) • Let your kids help you • Explain to your kids why the work has to be done
WORK • Take your child to work with you • Leave work early and take your child out to eat/get ice cream • Stop on the way home and pick up something for them
TIME How do you tell a child you love them?
TIME • Take your child or teenager and have a “date each month" with each parent • Play Tennis, Basketball, Golf, Baseball, Soccer • Go to a play, movie, concert • Eat out for three dollars
TIME • Volunteer at a local charity • Read a book together • Take a class together at a community college (photography, crafts, computers)
Communication • Talk to us – DON’T SCREAM at us • Be OPEN-MINDED • Give us more freedom, or space
Communication • Know our: • Likes & Dislikes • Plans for the future • Friends
Communication • Know our: • Study habits • Sports – What we really like and don’t like
Communication • Know: • Where we are • What we do in our spare time • Who we hang out with
Communication • Don’t make us eat foods we don’t want to eat • Talk to us about how hard it is to be a parent
Communication • Think through punishments before you say them • Not to mean • Not to easy • Be Consistent!
Colossians 3:19-21 19Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. 20Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. 21Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
Emotions • Don’t parent or deal with kids, teenagers or others using negative emotions. Know your mood and share that with your family. • Anger - Punishments • Tired – Frustrations
1 Corinthians 6:19 • What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
Smoking • Smoking is an addiction. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. • Nicotine from a cigarette reaches the brain in 8 seconds, which is faster than the time it takes for injected heroin or cocaine, which is about 12 seconds. • More than 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year are from smoking-related illnesses. Smoking greatly increases your risks for lung cancer and many other cancers.
Smoking • Tobacco use results in more deaths each year in the U.S. than AIDS, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, motor vehicle crashes, and fires combined. • http://health.discovery.com/tools/calculators/smoke/smoke.html
Second Hand Smoking Facts • 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of diseases caused by exposure to second hand smoke every year. • Nearly some 90 percent of nonsmokers have some residues of cigarette smoke in their blood. • US infants and children under 18 months of age suffer some 150,000 to 300,000 respiratory tract infections (lung diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis) every year, leading to 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations. • Children exposed to secondhand smoke at home are more likely to have middle-ear disease and reduced lung function.
Second Hand Smoking Facts • Some 2 to 5 million US children suffer from asthma; of these, about 20 percent experience more asthma attacks and more severe attacks than their fellow young asthmatics, due to secondhand smoke. • Secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds. • The EPA has classified secondhand smoke as a carcinogen since 1992.
Second Hand Smoking Facts • More than 10 million young people aged 12-18 live in a household with at least one smoker. • According to the EPA, approximately 50-75 percent of children in the United States have detectable levels of cotinine, the breakdown product of nicotine, in their blood. • Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies whose weights are too low for the babies' good health. If all women quit smoking during pregnancy, about 4,000 new babies would not die each year.
Teen Smoking Facts • Each day 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette. • At least 3 million adolescents are smokers. • Tobacco use primarily begins in early adolescence, typically by age 16. • Almost all first use occurs before high school graduation. • 20 percent of American teens smoke.
Teen Smoking Facts • Roughly 6 million teens in the US today smoke despite the knowledge that it is addictive and leads to disease. • Of every 100,000 15 year old smokers, tobacco will prematurely kill at least 20,000 before the age of 70. • Of the 3,000 teens who started smoking today, nearly 1,000 will eventually die as a result from smoking.
Teen Smoking Facts • According to the Surgeon's General, Teenagers who smoke were: • Three times more likely to use alcohol. • Eight times are likely to smoke marijuana. • And 22 times more likely to use Cocaine. • Although only 5 percent of high school smokers said that they would definitely be smoking five years later, close to 75 percent were still smoking 7 to 9 years later.
Teen Smoking Facts • A person who starts smoking at age 13 will have a more difficult time quitting, has more health-related problems and probably will die earlier than a person who begins to smoke at age 21. • Kids who smoke experience changes in the lungs and reduced lung growth, and they risk not achieving normal lung function as an adult. • Kids who smoke have significant health problems, including cough and phlegm production, decreased physical fitness and unfavorable lipid profile.
Teen Smoking Facts • If your child's best friends smoke, then your youngster is 13 times more likely to smoke than if his or her friends did not smoke. • More than 90 percent of adult smokers started when they were teens. • Adolescents who have two parents who smoke are more than twice as likely as youth without smoking parents to become smokers.
What money from smoking could be paying for: • Pay for Children’s Church for 10 years. • Pay for a new computer and a program for the Children and Youth Ministries to keep up with the children and youth of the church. • Pay for 2 fun and exciting trips for our children. • Pay for new programs and activities.