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M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Wisconsin-Madison. Baryogenesis, EDMs, and The Higgs Boson. Higgs Phenomenology. Baryogenesis. V. Cirigliano LANL C. Lee LBL S. Tulin Caltech S. Profumo UC Santa Cruz G. Shaugnessy Wisconsin. V. Barger Wisconsin P. Langacker IAS M. McCaskey Wisconsin
M.J. Ramsey-Musolf Wisconsin-Madison Baryogenesis, EDMs, and The Higgs Boson Higgs Phenomenology Baryogenesis V. Cirigliano LANL C. Lee LBL S. Tulin Caltech S. Profumo UC Santa Cruz G. Shaugnessy Wisconsin V. Barger Wisconsin P. Langacker IAS M. McCaskey Wisconsin D. O’Connell IAS G. Shaugnessy Wisconsin M. Wise Caltech PRD 71: 075010 (2005) PRD 73: 115009 (2006) JHEP 0607:002 (2006 ) JHEP 0807:010 (2007) PRD 75: 037701 (2007) arXiv: 0706.4311 hep-ph
Cosmic Energy Budget Dark Matter Dark Energy Baryons What are the quantitative implications of new EDM experiments for explaining the origin of the baryonic component of the Universe ? What are the implications of Higgs searches at LHC and Higgs studies at ILC for explaining the baryon asymmetry ? Explaining non-zero rB requires CP-violation and a scalar sector beyond those of the Standard Model (assuming inflation set rB=0) What is the origin of baryonic matter ?
Outline Baryogenesis: General Features Probing EW phase transition w/ Higgs boson phenomenology Computing YB systematically: progress & challenges Illustrative phenomenology in MSSM: EDMs, DM, & Colliders
Cosmic Energy Budget Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Leptogenesis: discover the ingredients: LN- & CP-violation in neutrinos Weak scale baryogenesis: test experimentally: EDMs & Higgs Boson Searches Beyond the SM SM symmetry (broken) The Origin of Matter & Energy Baryogenesis: When? CPV? SUSY? Neutrinos? ?
Baryogenesis: Myths • EW baryogenesis requires a light SUSY Higgs boson (mH < 120 GeV) • EW baryogenesis requires SUSY with a light RH stop • EDMs have nearly killed EW baryogenesis • Leptogenesis is the most viable option
Anomalous B-violating processes Sakharov Criteria • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Prevent washout by inverse processes Sakharov, 1967 Baryogenesis: Ingredients
Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Kuzmin, Rubakov, Shaposhnikov McLerran,… EW Baryogenesis: Standard Model Anomalous Processes Different vacua: D(B+L)= DNCS Sphaleron Transitions
Shaposhnikov Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics 1st order 2nd order Sakharov, 1967 • CP-violation too weak • EWPT too weak Increasing mh EW Baryogenesis: Standard Model
Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition Sakharov, 1967 • Is it viable? • Can experiment constrain it? • How reliably can we compute it? Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Unbroken phase CP Violation
CKM EDMs: New CPV? • SM “background” well below new CPV expectations • New expts: 102 to 103 more sensitive • CPV needed for BAU?
Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Topological transitions Broken phase More Higgs? 1st order phase transition Ando,Barger, Langacker,Profumo, R-M, Shaugnessy, Tulin, McCaskey Sakharov, 1967 “Gentle” departure from equilibrium & scale hierarchy • Is it viable? • Can experiment constrain it? • How reliably can we compute it? Cirigliano, Lee, R-M,Tulin Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, NelsonJoyce, Prokopec, Turok Unbroken phase CP Violation Theoretical Issues: Strength of phase transition (Higgs sector) Bubble dynamics (numerical) Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT) EDMs: many-body physics & QCD
Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition More Higgs? Sakharov, 1967 Ando,Barger, Langacker,McCaskey,O.Connell,Profumo, R-M, Shaugnessy, Tulin, Wise • Is it viable? • Can experiment constrain it? • How reliably can we compute it? Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, NelsonJoyce, Prokopec, Turok Unbroken phase CP Violation Theoretical Issues: Strength of phase transition (Higgs sector) Bubble dynamics (expansion rate) Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT) EDMs: many-body physics & QCD
Light RH stop w/ special Need 1st order 2nd order So that Gsphaleron is not too fast Increasing mh Computed ESM: mH < 40 GeV Stop loops in VEff mh>114.4 GeV EMSSM ~ 10 ESM :mH < 120 GeV or ~ 90 GeV (SUSY) Electroweak Phase Transition & Higgs LEP EWWG
sin2q Need 1st order 2nd order Non-doublet Higgs (w / wo SUSY) • Can an augmented Higgs sector • Generate a strong 1st order EWPT ? • Allow for a heavier SM-like Higgs than in the MSSM ? • Alleviate the tension between direct Higgs search bounds and the EWPO ? • Be discovered at the LHC ? • Can its necessary characteristic probed at the LHC and a future e+e- collider ? So that Gsphaleron is not too fast Mixing Decay Increasing mH Computed ESM: mH < 40 GeV mh>114.4 GeV or ~ 90 GeV (SUSY) Electroweak Phase Transition & Higgs LEP EWWG
Reduced SM Higgs branching ratios mH B.R. reduction Need 1st order 2nd order Non-doublet Higgs (w / wo SUSY) Unusual final states So that Gsphaleron is not too fast O’Connell, R-M, Wise Mixing Decay Increasing mH Computed ESM: mH < 40 GeV mh>114.4 GeV or ~ 90 GeV (SUSY) Electroweak Phase Transition & Higgs LEP EWWG
S0 , S+, S- Extending the Higgs Sector Ando, Barger, Langacker, Profumo, R-M, Shaugnessy, Tulin SUSY Beyond the MSSM + L soft GUTs: SU(5) example Fileviez Perez, Patel, R-M
Simplest extension of the SM scalar sector: add one real scalar S H-S Mixing H1 -> H2H2 • Goal: identify generic features of models with extended scalar sectors that give a strong, 1st order EWPT • Determine low-energy phenomenology (Higgs studies, precision ewk) • Address CPV with a different mechanism Independent Parameters: v0, x0, l0, a1, a2, b3, b4 The Simplest Extension Model
Stable S (dark matter?) • Tree-level Z2 symmetry: a1=b3=0 to prevent s-h mixing and one-loop s hh • x0 =0 to prevent h-s mixing Mass matrix The Simplest Extension, Cont’d
What is the pattern of symmetry breaking ? • What are conditions on the couplings in V(H,S) so that <H0>/T > 1 at TC ? • Compute Veff ( f, a, T ) • Minimize w.r.t f , a • Find TC • Evaluate v(TC )/TC ~ cos a(TC) f(TC )/TC CylindricalCo-ordinates Finite Temperature Potential
Analytic Numerical Analytic Finite Temperature Potential Potential Conditions
Symmetry Breaking Two Cases for <S>at high T: Vmin = 0 Vmin = V0 < 0
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Critical Temperature LEP allowed models: TC ~ 100 GeV |V0| / TC4 << 1
Increase e Large e < 0 Reduce l Nonzero V0 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Strong first order EWPT Potential parameters Small ac limit
x0 > 0 occurs readily Light: all models Black: LEP allowed Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Strong first order EWPT a1<0, a2 either sign a1=b3= 0, a2 < 0
SM: global fit favors light scalar (mh~ 85 GeV) Phenomenology: EWPO Electroweak Precision Observables (EWPO) Oblique parameters Similar for S,U…
Fix mH=114 GeV & fit S,T,U • Require • O(m1 , m2 , sinq ) - OSM • to lie inside 95% CL ellipse Phenomenology: EWPO cont’d Electroweak Precision Observables (EWPO) Oblique parameters Global fit (GAPP)
ILC: H’strahlung LHC exotic final states: 4b-jets, gg + 2 b-jets… LHC: reduced BR(h SM) m2 > 2 m1 m1 > 2 m2 EWPO compatible Phenomenology Colliders EWPO: favors light SM-like scalar
LHC: reduced BR(h SM) m1 > 2 m2 Small q: Phenomenology Colliders Z2 Symmetry
LHC Higgs Searches CMS & ATLAS: ggH, Hgg, HZZllll HWWln ln CMS : WWH, Hgg, Httl + jHWWln + jj ATLAS : ggH, HZZll nn , Higgstrahlung CMS 30 fb-1 LHC Phenomenology Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaughnessy Discovery Potential
SM-like SM-like w/ H2 ->H1H1 or Singlet-like SM-like Singlet-like ~ EWB Viable Could discovery heavy H2 CMS 30 fb-1 LHC Phenomenology Barger, Langacker, McCaskey, R-M, Shaughnessy Discovery Potential
Colliders: e+e- Z * h sin2q ILC Phenomenology (also WWF, ZZF)
No need for light RH stop Scalar Sector & the EWPT • Simple extensions of the SM scalar sector (xSM) w/ small number of d.o.f. can readily lead to a strong, 1st order EWPT as needed for EW baryogenesis • EWPT viable xSM can allow for heavier SM-like Higgs consistent with EWPO • EWPT xSM can readily probed at the LHC and ILC using Higgs boson searches • One can obtain an analytic criteria for parameters of xSM needed for 1st order EWPT that provides guidance for specific model realizations
Weak Scale Baryogenesis • B violation • C & CP violation • Nonequilibrium dynamics Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition Sakharov, 1967 “Gentle” departure from equilibrium & scale hierarchy • Is it viable? • Can experiment constrain it? • How reliably can we compute it? Cirigliano, Lee, R-M,Tulin Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, NelsonJoyce, Prokopec, Turok Unbroken phase CP Violation Theoretical Issues: Strength of phase transition (Higgs sector) Bubble dynamics (expansion rate) Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT) EDMs: many-body physics & QCD
CPV phases Parameters in Lnew Bubble & PT dynamics Departure from equilibrium • Earliest work: QM scattering & stat mech • New developments: non-equilibrium QFT Systematic Baryogenesis Goal: Derive dependence of YB on parameters Lnew systematically (controlled approximations)
Assumptions: LI Evolution is adiabatic Spectrum is non-degenerate Density is zero Evolution is non-adiabatic: vwall > 0 -> decoherence Spectrum is degenerate: T > 0 -> Quasiparticles mix Density is non-zero Quantum Transport & Baryogenesis Electroweak Baryogenesis Particle Propagation: Beyond familiar (Peskin) QFT
Fast, but not too fast Work to lowest, non-trivial order in e’s Error is O (e) ~ 0.1 ed =vw (k / w ) << 1 Hot, but not too hot Cirigliano, Lee, R-M ep = Gp / w << 1 Dense, but not too dense em = m / T << 1 Systematically derive transport eq’s from Lnew Evolution is non-adiabatic: vwall > 0 -> decoherence Spectrum is degenerate: T > 0 -> Quasiparticles mix Density is non-zero Competing Dynamics CPV Ch eq Cirigliano, Lee,Tulin, R-M Quantum Transport & Baryogenesis Electroweak Baryogenesis Scale Hierarchy:
GY >> other rates? (No) • Majorana fermions ? (densities decouple) • Particle-sparticle eq? • Density indep thermal widths? = + Expand in ed,p,m CP violating sources + From S-D Equations: Chiral Relaxation • SCPV • GM , GH , GY … Approximations Producing nL = 0 Strong sphalerons Riotto, Carena et al, R-M et al, Konstandin et al • Neglect O(e3) terms • Others under scrutiny • SCPV • GM , GH , GY , GSS … + R-M, Chung, Tulin, Garbrecht, Lee, Cirigliano R-M et al Objectives: • Determine param dep of SCPV and all Gs and not just that of SCPV • Develop general methods for any model with new CPV • Quantify theor uncertainties Currents Links CP violation in Higgs and baryon sectors Quantum Transport Equations
M1 0 -mZ cosb sinqW mZ cosb cosqW T ~TEW : scattering of H,W from background field MN = ~ ~ T ~ TEW mZ sinb sinqW M2 -mZ sinb sinqW 0 CPV 0 -m -mZ cosb sinqW mZ cosb cosqW -m T << TEW : mixing of H,W to c+, c0 mZ sinb sinqW -mZ sinb sinqW 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ M2 MC = m Illustrative Study: MSSM Chargino Mass Matrix Neutralino Mass Matrix Resonant CPV: M1,2 ~ m
T ~ TEW Future de dn dA Cirigliano, Lee, Tulin, R-M Resonant Non-resonant EDMs & Baryogenesis
Dominant in nuclei & atoms EDMs in SUSY One-loop EDM: q, l, n… Chromo-EDM: q, n…
Decouple in large limit Dominant in nuclei & atoms Two-loop EDM only: no chromo-EDM Weinberg: small matrix el’s EDMs in SUSY One-loop EDM: q, l, n… Chromo-EDM: q, n…
Baryogenesis | sin fm | > 0.02 | de , dn | > 10-28 e-cm Mc < 1 TeV LEP II Exclusion Two loop de Cirigliano, Profumo, R-M SUGRA: M2 ~ 2M1 AMSB: M1 ~ 3M2 EDM constraints & SUSY CPV
baryogenesis Prospective dn LHC reach LEP II excl Present de Baryogenesis: EDMs & Colliders Cirigliano, Profumo, R-M
Summary • EW baryogenesis remains a viable and testable mechanism for producing the observed baryon asymmetry • Extensions of the Higgs sector of the SM can readily yield a strong 1st order EWPT, and these extensions can be probed at LHC and ILC • We’ve made progress in computing YB systematically, but challenges remain: no one’s (yet) perfect ! • EDM searches provide our most powerful probe of new EW CPV needed for YB