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La tierra y el desplazamiento forzoso

La caleta de Mancuso. Hallan caleta de Mancuso en MonteraEn el lugar, las autoridades encontraron cuatro maletas llenas de documentos en los que estaban los nombres de varios de los socios y testaferros del paramilitar desmovilizado, y en qu negocios ilegales estaban involucrados con l.[]El t

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La tierra y el desplazamiento forzoso

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    1. La tierra y el desplazamiento forzoso Ana Mara Ibez Universidad de los Andes Internal conflicts may entail large asset losses for groups of the civil population. The main victims of internal conflicts is the civil population who is attacked by armed groups in order to expand territorial control, to weaken the support for the opponent or seize valuable assets. Asset losses may compromise present and future welfare by restricting income generation opportunities and limiting severely risk-sharing mechanisms. If assets losses are not recouped, due to imperfect credit markets or low incomes, households victims of conflict may fall into poverty traps difficult to overcome. Conflicts may thus leave a legacy of structural poverty which may in turn compromise peace efforts. The broad purpose of this paper is to explore this issues focusing on a particular group of victims of the colombian conflict: the displaced population in Colombia. As a consequence of the long-standing internal conflict in Colombia, more than 3 million persons have been forced to migrate to seek refuge from violence. Figure that is equivalent to near 7% of the Colombian Population. Internal conflicts may entail large asset losses for groups of the civil population. The main victims of internal conflicts is the civil population who is attacked by armed groups in order to expand territorial control, to weaken the support for the opponent or seize valuable assets. Asset losses may compromise present and future welfare by restricting income generation opportunities and limiting severely risk-sharing mechanisms. If assets losses are not recouped, due to imperfect credit markets or low incomes, households victims of conflict may fall into poverty traps difficult to overcome. Conflicts may thus leave a legacy of structural poverty which may in turn compromise peace efforts. The broad purpose of this paper is to explore this issues focusing on a particular group of victims of the colombian conflict: the displaced population in Colombia. As a consequence of the long-standing internal conflict in Colombia, more than 3 million persons have been forced to migrate to seek refuge from violence. Figure that is equivalent to near 7% of the Colombian Population.

    2. La caleta de Mancuso Now lets move on discussing the objectives of the paperNow lets move on discussing the objectives of the paper

    3. Estructura de la presentacin Apropiacin de tierras: una estrategia de los grupos armados La dbil proteccin a los derechos de propiedad: una causa? Cules son las consecuencias econmicas y sociales? Las prdidas de la poblacin desplazada Las ineficiencias de la inversin agrcola The outline of the presentation is as follows. First, I will briefly describe the objectives of the paper. Then, I will explain why civil conflict analyze further why civil conflict entail large assets losses on the civil population and why this may create poverty traps difficult to overcome. Thirdly, I will present briefly the data we employed, show some interesting graphs about assets losses for the displaced population and discuss the econometric results. Lastly, I will conclude. The outline of the presentation is as follows. First, I will briefly describe the objectives of the paper. Then, I will explain why civil conflict analyze further why civil conflict entail large assets losses on the civil population and why this may create poverty traps difficult to overcome. Thirdly, I will present briefly the data we employed, show some interesting graphs about assets losses for the displaced population and discuss the econometric results. Lastly, I will conclude.

    4. Una estrategia de guerra de los grupos armados Grupos armados al margen de la ley buscan expandir control y hegemona territorial El territorio es importante para llevar a cabo actividades ilcitas Produccin de cultivos ilcitos Corredores de armas y drogas La tierra puede ser valiosa para explotacin econmica Recursos mineros Cultivos agroindustriales Construccin futura de infraestructura Acumulacin de tierras valiosas: botn de guerra As I mentioned in the beginning, the broad purpose of the paper is to explore how internal conflicts produce large asset losses for groups of the civil population and whether these assets losses may push households to structural poverty. To achieve this broad objective, we examine the impact of conflict on households asset holdings, we explore the process and evaluate the magnitude of assets losses caused by internal conflict, investigate the process of asset accumulation after the shock and discuss whether losses produce by conflict may create poverty traps As I mentioned in the beginning, the broad purpose of the paper is to explore how internal conflicts produce large asset losses for groups of the civil population and whether these assets losses may push households to structural poverty. To achieve this broad objective, we examine the impact of conflict on households asset holdings, we explore the process and evaluate the magnitude of assets losses caused by internal conflict, investigate the process of asset accumulation after the shock and discuss whether losses produce by conflict may create poverty traps

    5. La expulsin de poblacin: una estrategia de control del territorio Para lograr los objetivos anteriores, los grupos armados expulsan a la poblacin civil. La expulsin de poblacin civil es una estrategia de guerra que Facilita el control territorial Debilita el apoyo al oponente Libera tierras valiosas para la explotacin o la apropiacin ilegal La expulsin se logra con ataques a la poblacin: amenazas de muerte, homicidios selectivos, masacres, agresiones sexuales, reclutamiento forzoso But asset losses from civil war not only restricted to physical assets, such as land and housing, as is usually envisioned. Here I present a taxonomical description of asset losses for the forcefully displaced. First, as the displaced population has to leave hastily, location-specific physical assets, like land, are usually abandoned, seized by armed groups or sold at extremely low prices. More importantly so, these assets are not usually recuperate upon return as many had unclear property rights, were sold legally or are under control of armed groups. Second, forced displacement and conflict also produces losses of human capital. On the one hand, the displaced population usually come from rural areas, were dedicated to agricultural activities, and arrive to urban areas where their labor skills are not valued. Thus, returns from location-specific human capital diminishes. On the other hand, the violence events preceding displacement end up sometime in death, migration or abduction of family members; generally, the main breadwinner is victim of this attacks. Third, social capital is greatly affected by forced displacement. Distance and infrequent contact weakens social networks and participation in formal organizations is less common and concentrated on charity organizations, which provide support , but are not effective to spur productive activities. Lastly, financial capital drops significantly. Disruption of social networks implies a large reduction in informal credits. Also, access to formal credits is restricted as displaced persons lack collateral and personal references.But asset losses from civil war not only restricted to physical assets, such as land and housing, as is usually envisioned. Here I present a taxonomical description of asset losses for the forcefully displaced. First, as the displaced population has to leave hastily, location-specific physical assets, like land, are usually abandoned, seized by armed groups or sold at extremely low prices. More importantly so, these assets are not usually recuperate upon return as many had unclear property rights, were sold legally or are under control of armed groups. Second, forced displacement and conflict also produces losses of human capital. On the one hand, the displaced population usually come from rural areas, were dedicated to agricultural activities, and arrive to urban areas where their labor skills are not valued. Thus, returns from location-specific human capital diminishes. On the other hand, the violence events preceding displacement end up sometime in death, migration or abduction of family members; generally, the main breadwinner is victim of this attacks. Third, social capital is greatly affected by forced displacement. Distance and infrequent contact weakens social networks and participation in formal organizations is less common and concentrated on charity organizations, which provide support , but are not effective to spur productive activities. Lastly, financial capital drops significantly. Disruption of social networks implies a large reduction in informal credits. Also, access to formal credits is restricted as displaced persons lack collateral and personal references.

    6. Hoy, hay un poco ms de 3.5 millones de personas desplazadas: el segundo en el mundo despus de Sudn, 7.8% de la poblacin colombiana y 1.5 veces Barranquilla What is the impact of all these asset losses? Evidently, household income drops significantly as returns from physical assets disappear or are lower, unemployment rates are high, dependency rates increase and households are credit constrained. Moreover, informal and formal risk-sharing mechanisms are destroyed: access to formal and informal credits is restricted, reducing consumption is not an option as consumption is at subsistence levels and social networks are weakened. Both of the above, imply that recovering from the asset shock and accumulating new assets is hardly an option for most households. To complement drops in income and accumulate new assets, households have to resort to costly strategies such as school interruption and child labor, which increases present income, but implies significant reductions in future income. Low incomes, small assets holdings, impossibility to protect against shocks and the adoption of costly strategies, lock households into low income trajectories and leaping to high income trajectories is extremely difficult. This pushes households into poverty traps difficult to overcome. What is the impact of all these asset losses? Evidently, household income drops significantly as returns from physical assets disappear or are lower, unemployment rates are high, dependency rates increase and households are credit constrained. Moreover, informal and formal risk-sharing mechanisms are destroyed: access to formal and informal credits is restricted, reducing consumption is not an option as consumption is at subsistence levels and social networks are weakened. Both of the above, imply that recovering from the asset shock and accumulating new assets is hardly an option for most households. To complement drops in income and accumulate new assets, households have to resort to costly strategies such as school interruption and child labor, which increases present income, but implies significant reductions in future income. Low incomes, small assets holdings, impossibility to protect against shocks and the adoption of costly strategies, lock households into low income trajectories and leaping to high income trajectories is extremely difficult. This pushes households into poverty traps difficult to overcome.

    7. Y la victimizacin de los desplazados es dramtica

    8. La informalidad en la propiedad de la tierra es elevada en Colombia The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities. The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities.

    9. Y la informalidad de la propiedad es predominante en pequeos propietarios de bajos ingreso Asset losses of the displaced population are substantial. Average loss per household is US$7.037 and the net present value of foregone agricultural revenue per household is US$15.787. The aggregated figures of land abandoned is 1.5 million hectares, which amounts to 2.5 the land distributed by agrarian reform programs in Colombia. The graph presents the quantile distribution for asset recovery after displacement. We can distinguish 4 groups for asset recovery: the first quartile contains households who had a higher economic status before displacement, faced higher asset losses, were victims with a higher probability of direct attacks from armed groups and are facing the worst conditions in destination municipalities. The second group is similar to the first one, yet victimization is less frequent and employment rates are higher. The third quantile is the most vulnerable group economic status before displacement was extremely slow, less households beneficiaries of income generation programs and a frequent loss of the main breadwinner, high dependency ratios and the highest unemployment. The fourth quantile, the only one with positive recovery of assets, are frequent beneficiaries of income generation programs, have a higher control of assets in hometown, have been settled for longer, access to credits, more membership in formal organizations, mostly headed by males and less unemployment. Asset losses of the displaced population are substantial. Average loss per household is US$7.037 and the net present value of foregone agricultural revenue per household is US$15.787. The aggregated figures of land abandoned is 1.5 million hectares, which amounts to 2.5 the land distributed by agrarian reform programs in Colombia. The graph presents the quantile distribution for asset recovery after displacement. We can distinguish 4 groups for asset recovery: the first quartile contains households who had a higher economic status before displacement, faced higher asset losses, were victims with a higher probability of direct attacks from armed groups and are facing the worst conditions in destination municipalities. The second group is similar to the first one, yet victimization is less frequent and employment rates are higher. The third quantile is the most vulnerable group economic status before displacement was extremely slow, less households beneficiaries of income generation programs and a frequent loss of the main breadwinner, high dependency ratios and the highest unemployment. The fourth quantile, the only one with positive recovery of assets, are frequent beneficiaries of income generation programs, have a higher control of assets in hometown, have been settled for longer, access to credits, more membership in formal organizations, mostly headed by males and less unemployment.

    10. Describir lo de los cuatro grupos de persoans Describir lo de los cuatro grupos de persoans

    11. El conflicto sucede con mayor frecuencia en los muncipios con ms informalidad en la tenencia de la tierra Income generation programs: opportunities to generate income by providing training, seed capital, microcredits and contacts to have access to better jobs: Participation in formal organizations: support to access assistance programs, contacts to find jobs, assistance during first months of settlement, housing and insurance against shocks. Income generation programs: opportunities to generate income by providing training, seed capital, microcredits and contacts to have access to better jobs: Participation in formal organizations: support to access assistance programs, contacts to find jobs, assistance during first months of settlement, housing and insurance against shocks.

    12. Por qu en Colombia hay una alta informalidad en la tenencia de la tierra? Titulacin de tierras baldas: La poltica de tierras de principios del siglo XX promova la apropiacin de terrenos baldos para ampliar la frontera agrcola. La colonizacin de tierras y la legislacin de principios de siglos an perduran Grupos de pobladores que ocupan terrenos baldos, no poseen ttulos de propiedad y estn localizados en zonas con baja presencia estatal y con una vocacin diferente a la agrcola Incentivos a la informalidad: Prohibicin reciente de fragmentar la tierra por debajo de una unidad agrcola familiar Prohibicin de vender o arrendar las tierras adjudicadas por reforma agraria Procesos de titulacin y registro de tierras en Colombia son dispendiosos e implican altos costos de transaccin para los pequeos propietarios Ms del 10% del valor de la tierra. The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities. The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities.

    13. Pese a lo anterior, el principal mecanismo de asignacin de tierras en Colombia es la asignacin de baldos Time of settlement: no impact on asset recovery. Differently than migrants, time is not an ally. Intramunicipal displacement: closeness to hometown is not effective to protect assets or extract rents. Reactive displacement: direct attacks, higher loss of assets, and traumatic events. Time of settlement: no impact on asset recovery. Differently than migrants, time is not an ally. Intramunicipal displacement: closeness to hometown is not effective to protect assets or extract rents. Reactive displacement: direct attacks, higher loss of assets, and traumatic events.

    14. Las consecuencias de la usurpacin de tierras de la poblacin desplazada inflige un alto costo para sus vctimas

    15. Pero las consecuencias del despojo de tierras no slo afecta a la poblacin desplazada El total de hectreas prdidas en Colombia como consecuencia del desplazamiento forzoso asciende a 1.7 millones de hectreas. Esto equivale a 2.8 veces lo que se ha repartido en programas de reforma agraria entre 1993 y 2002. La contrarreforma agraria ha sido ms efectiva que los programas estatales de reforma agraria La prdida agregada de activos y tierras corresponde al 3% del PIB Debido al lucro cesante en la produccin agropecuaria, se pierde un 3.5% del PIB agrcola anual The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities. The data we use was collected by us, Universidad de los Andes, and the Catholic Church. We applied surveys to 2,322 displaced households located in 48 municipalities and 21 departments. In order to evaluate the impact of income generation programs, the sample is composed of two subsamples. A treatment group representative of beneficiaries of income generation programs composed by 769 households. The control group, representative of the Colombian displaced population, is composed by 1553 households. The questionnaire collects information about all stages of the migration process, household characteristics, conditions in destination municipalities and retrospectives questions about conditions in origin municipalities.

    16. Las consecuencias de bienestar para la poblacin desplazada son dramticas

    17. Las condiciones de la poblacin desplazada son aun peores que las de la poblacin pobre e indigente urbana Las tasas de desempleo son mayores La asistencia escolar y el acceso a servicios pblicos son bastante menores 94.4% de la poblacin pobre est por debajo de la lnea de pobreza y 71.6% por debajo de la lnea de indigencia 42.2% de la poblacin indigente es poblacin desplazada Y la situacin no mejora con el tiempo

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