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The Agriculture Survey Part 1 November 21, 2004. The Agriculture Survey. The Agriculture survey done to build up a data base for Agriculture in Iraq . It is the only source of information after the war. It is a unique source for policy making and testing hypothesis.
The Agriculture Survey Part 1 November21, 2004
The Agriculture Survey The Agriculture survey done to build up a data base for Agriculture in Iraq . It is the only source of information after the war. It is a unique source for policy making and testing hypothesis. It shows the great opportunities to invest in agriculture.
70% of farm land is state owned. Farming characterized by large input subsidies. Low productivity (30% of possible productivity according to Mosul study). Significant salinity and calcinate problems stem from water quality issues on irrigated land. Overview
Land Suitable for Mountains الجبال Cultivation 8.04 % الأرض الصالحة للزراعة 24.68 % Desert الصحارى Pasture المراعي 41.90 % 14.88 % Forest الغابات % 2.58 Rivers And Lakes Swamp & Marshes الأنهار والبحيرات ( Ponds ) المستنقعات 3 . 37 % 4.54 % Land Resources 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
Rainfed الاراضي الديمية 29.33 % Irrigated الاراضي المروية % 70.67 Actually Cultivated Effected By 32.95% Salinity الاراضي الزراعية المتاثرة بالملوحة 67 . 0541 % District of Cultivated Land 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare 67% of the irrigated land is classified salt-affected soils, which require special agriculture management
Management: Salt Affected Soils Recommendation : 1.Reduce soil salinity through construction of drainage systems to lower high water tables and allow leaching of salts. 2.Improve productivity of land through: A) Addition of organic matter source to improve soil structure . B) Addition of balanced fertilizers, including N, P, K and micronutrients (Zn and Fe). C) Ensure the practice of deep plowing to break the clay hardpan and the practice of land leveling and smoothing. D) Follow crop rotation.
Rocky ( Gravels & Small Fragments ) الحصى - الصخرية Sandy Loam الرملية 5 . 00 % 12 . 50 % Silt clay + Silt Clay Loam الطينية الصلصال + الطينية 17.50 , % Clay Loam الطينية 20 . 00 % Loam + Silt Loam الصاصال + الطينية 37 . 50 % Soil Quality of Land 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
PRIVATELY OWNED, 31% PUBLICLY OWNED, 69% LAND TENURE ملكية الاراض 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
Waqif Land 0 . 08 % 0.66 % الوقف Distributed ( MOA ) الموزعة 32 . 39 % Rented ( MOA ) المؤجرة 66 . 87 % Land Area Publicly Owned Other اخرى 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
Land Suitable for Cultivation 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
Waqif Land 0 . 08 % 0.66 % الوقف Distributed ( MOA ) الموزعة 32 . 39 % Rented ( MOA ) المؤجرة 66 . 87 % Land Area Publicly Owned Other اخرى 1 Donum=2.5 Hectare
Sunflowers , 39709.6 Cotton, 115511 Rice, Paddy, Regular , 200869 Sorghum , 39187 Maize , 580531.4 Wheat , 2134199.2 Barley , 1149859.6 Crop Production
Production of Crops Grain Production Per (1000 Ton)
Cabbages 22713 Green Beans , Carrots 30979 163827 Melon , 20986 Beans, String , 74390 Cauliflowers , 45059 Iraqi Squash , 60282 Beans, Broad , 11032 157400 Round Squash (intl) , Cover Squash , 90425 Cucumber , 480331 Beet , 23090 Eggplant , 527512 Green Pepper , 79909 Onions , 182445 Lettuce , 169172 Okra , 344266 Tomatoes , 1400328 Potato , 774638 Water Melon , 586338 Production of Crops
Buffalo جاموس 119882 اغنام Sheep 9805128 ماعز Goat 1547275 ابقار 1864515 Cattle ثيران Oxen 201525 Fish 2934000 سمك Egg ( 100 Egg ) بيض 4735000 Livestock Resource Chicken دجاج 65703699
250000 Beef 200000 Sheep Meat Goat Meat 150000 Chicken Meat Camel Meat 100000 Buffalo Meat 50000 0 Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Meat Production Meat Production ( One Ton )
Utilization of Fertilizer & Tractors Quantity Of Fertilizer ( Kg / Hectare )
Average Use of Fertilizer: International Comparison Quantity Fertilizer ( Kg/ Hectare):
Average Using of Tractors: International Comparison Numbers of Tractors (1000 Hectare)
Remarks • Suggestions for Increasing Agricultural Productivity: • Rainfed : • Apply balanced fertilization ( N,P,K and Zn, Fe) . • Practice modern mechanization for soil preparation. • Implement of supplementary irrigation for semi-rainfed areas to ensure the proper level of moisture required for wheat and barley crops. • Lower Jezira Region: • Implement of water harvest techniques to where water is the most limiting facture to improve barley fodder productivity. • Apply of balanced fertilization. • Gypsiferous Soils ( in Jazira, Salihadian, Anbar and Al-Tamim Area): • Use sprinkler irrigation instead of furrow irrigation for Wheat, Barley, Corn, sunflower. • Use drip irrigation for vegetable crops ( Tomato, Cucumber, Eggplant and Watermelon) • Implement needed fustigation practice. • Irrigated Area in Mesopotamian Plain: • Use sprinkler irrigation instead of traditional ( surface ) method. • Apply recommended fertilizers ( Macro. And Micronutrients). • Follow crops rotations. • Add of organic matter source to improve soil structure. • Ensure practice of deep plowing, land leveling, and smoothing.