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Annie and Pam’s Scavenger Hunt Spectacular

By: Annie and Pam . Annie and Pam’s Scavenger Hunt Spectacular . A help wanted sign Ad for community Cultural even Ad using propaganda to sell Ad using celebrity to sell Ad that has a twitter symbol on it Ad that has a facebook symbol on it

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Annie and Pam’s Scavenger Hunt Spectacular

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Annie and Pam Annie and Pam’s Scavenger Hunt Spectacular

  2. A help wanted sign Ad for community Cultural even Ad using propaganda to sell Ad using celebrity to sell Ad that has a twitter symbol on it Ad that has a facebook symbol on it Newspaper ad that has a poorly written headline

  3. A poorly done website A poorly done billboard A radio ad using a musical image An editorial Inverted Pyramid A TV commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNeEVkhTutY A political Article http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/11/budget-deal-suggests-social-issues-backseat-2012/

  4. Press Release on a new product/service http://www.imaging-resource.com/NEWS/1293839656.html • A cartoon about advertising/service • An article that contains graph chart http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/10/business/mutfund/10active.html?ref=mutfund • Sample of alliteration Functional... Fashionable... Formidable... Fila – Advertising Slogan • A headline that is more than 10 words http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/12/health/research/12scan.html?ref=health

  5. A picture that catches your eye • A sign that doesn’t really make sense • A Restaurant logo • Who’s the #1 internet researched person today? Pia Toscano

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