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BIO 100 Entire Course<br>For more course tutorials visit<br>www.uophelp.com<br><br><br>BIO 100 Assignment: The Scientific Method<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Exercise: UNESCO Research<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Living Organisms<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Assignment: PopEcoLab<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Assignment: DemographyLab<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Final Project: UNESCO Paper<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Theories of Biology<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Assignment: Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Plants vs. Animals<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 2 Discussion Questions<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Basic Processes<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Patterns of Evolution<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 6 Discussion Questions<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Origin of Life<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: UNESCO Research Outline<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 CheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 8 Discussion Questions<br> <br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Assignment: Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity Paper<br> <br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 5 Assignment: Human System Presentation PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance<br> <br> <br>BIO 100 Capstone CheckPoint<br>
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 Entire Course BIO 100 CheckPoint UNESCO Research Outline • BIO 100 Assignment: The Scientific Method • BIO 100 Exercise: UNESCO Research • BIO 100 CheckPoint: Living Organisms • BIO 100 Assignment: PopEcoLab • BIO 100 Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration • BIO 100 Assignment: DemographyLab • CheckPoint: UNESCO Research Outline Resources: Appendix A and Developing an Outline Web site Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]· Review the Developing an Outline Web site at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/general/gl_outlin.html Follow the instructions when developing your outline for the final project. Approach this project from the
bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 CheckPoint Theories of Biology BIO 100 CheckPoint Plants vs. Animals • CheckPoint: Theories of Biology Resource: Ch. 1 in Bioinquiry Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] Review Ch. 1 pp. 10-11) of the text. Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: In your own words, summarize each of the major theories of biology. Choose one theory and provide an example of how this theory relates to the news today. Use at least one outside reference in addition to your text. • CheckPoint: Plants vs. Animals Resources: Plants vs. Animals activity and the Plant and Animal Cells exercise Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]Review the Plants vs. Animals activity at http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/pruitt/0471473219/bioinquiries/ch04/Flash/p0439_b.htm and familiarize yourself with the different structures of plant and animal cells.
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 CheckPoint Patterns of Evolution BIO 100 CheckPoint Origin of Life • CheckPoint: Patterns of Evolution Resources: Appendix B and Ch. 2 of Bioinquiry Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] Review Ch. 2 of the text. Refer to Appendix B under Week Six, for more information on the different types of evolution. Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following:o Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Are humans subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other organisms? Why or why not? • Origin of Life Resource: Ch. 9 of Bioinquiry Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum] Read Ch. 9, section 9.1, How Did Life Originate?· Research a theory about the origin of life on Earth other than the one summarized under Piecing It Together on p. 247 of the text. Use the following key words and Web sites to assist you with
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 CheckPoint Mitosis and Meiosis BIO 100 CheckPoint Living Organisms • CheckPoint: Mitosis and Meiosis Resources: Ch. 5 of Bioinquiry and student companion Web site Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]· Review section 5.1 of Bioinquiry and the videos entitled “Chromosomes,” “Chromosome Replication,” “Mitosis,” and “Meiosis” at http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/pruitt/0471473219/bioinquiries/ch05/bioinquiry_section_5_1.html· Post a 200- to 300-word response explaining why the process of mitosis and meiosis are both important to a living organism. When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meiosis? What would happen if meiosis did not occur? • CheckPoint: Living Organisms Resource: Appendix C Due Date: Day 3 [post to the Individual forum] Use the table in Appendix C and fill in the missing characteristics that make up a living organism. Post Appendix C as an attachment
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 CheckPoint Ecology and Population Growth BIO 100 CheckPoint Basic Processes • Resource: Ch. 5 of Understanding Psychology • Write a 200- to 300-word editorial for your local newspaper summarizing Skinner’s research and contributions to psychology. You should focus on the following: • Operant conditioning • Punishment • Reinforcement • Superstitious behaviorCheckPoint: Ecology and Population Growth Resources: Ch. 15 of Bioinquiry and Appendix B Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum] Review Ch. 15 of Bioinquiry. Use the Web sites posted in Appendix B • CheckPoint: Basic Processes Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum] Select one basic physiological process from the following list:o Acquire and process nutrientso Get rid of wasteo Reproductiono Obtain information about and respond to external environmento Movement Write a 200- to 300-word
bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 Capstone CheckPoint BIO 100 Assignment The Scientific Method • Capstone CheckPointYou have read about Earth’s numerous ecosystems and the biological diversity that inhabits them. Unfortunately, many of these habitats and the species that inhabit them are under threat from human encroachment through agricultural activities such as logging, pollution, or war. Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum] Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following questions:o What role, if any, do you think people should play in preserving those regions threatened by human encroachment?o How should the interests of competing • Assignment: The Scientific Method Resources: Appendix D and Scientific Method Web site Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum] Review Appendix D. Open the Scientific Method Web site at http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/sci_meth.htm Follow the instructions at the bottom of the Web page to
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial BIO 100 Assignment Scientific Taxonomy and Earths Biodiversity Paper BIO 100 Assignment PopEcoLab • Assignment: Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity Paper Resource: University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Web site Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] Go to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Web site at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/index.html Review the information under the topics Mammals, Insects, Birds, and Echinoderms. Select two mammals, two insects, two birds, and two echinoderms to research. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following points: • Assignment: PopEcoLab Resources: Appendix P, Appendix Q: PopEcoLab Report, and PopEcoLab Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] Print Appendix P to easily complete the lab. Disable your pop-up blocker. Access PopEcoLab at http://www.biologylabsonline.com/axia/PopEcoLab/ Read PopEcoLab background information. Complete the PopEcoLab by
bio 100 aSHCourse Tutorial BIO 100 Assignment Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration BIO 100 Assignment Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt • Assignment: Photosynthesis and Cellular RespirationEnergy acquisition is essential for all life. Whether the organism is classified as plant or animal, single-celled or multi-cellular, the exchange of energy and the formation of products consist of a series of chemical reactions that occur at the cellular level. Resources: Ch. 10 and pp. 422-436 in Bioinquiry, Appendix F, and the student companion Web site Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] Review the following activities:o Section 10.4: How Do Organisms Acquire Energy? • Assignment: Pearson Lab Scavenger Hunt Resource: Appendix E Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum] Answer all the questions in Appendix E. Post Appendix E as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
Bio 100 ASH Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com