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INFLUENCE OF ATMOSPHERIC TELECONNECTION PATTERNS ON PRECIPITATION AND UPWELLING. M. Gómez- Gesteira 1 *, M. deCastro 1 , I. Alvarez 1 , M.N. Lorenzo 1 , A.J.C. Crespo and J.J Taboada 2 1 Grupo de Física de la Atmósfera y del Océano, Universidad de Vigo, Ourense, Spain 2 METEOGALICIA

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  1. INFLUENCE OF ATMOSPHERIC TELECONNECTION PATTERNS ON PRECIPITATION ANDUPWELLING M. Gómez- Gesteira1*, M. deCastro1, I. Alvarez1, M.N. Lorenzo1, A.J.C. Crespo and J.J Taboada2 1Grupo de Física de la Atmósfera y del Océano, Universidad de Vigo, Ourense, Spain 2METEOGALICIA * E-mail: mggesteira@uvigo.es

  2. Galicia 351 352 350 Iberian Peninsula Ekman Transport Miño River 44 N Area under Scope  43.5 N  43 N Ekman Transport Ekman Transport Ekman Transport Ekman Transport Ekman Transport 42.5 N Miño River 42 N

  3. Precipitation and Miño River discharge M. deCastro et al., Climate Research 32 (2006) Frieira 

  4. Mean monthly flow (Miño River) (Data from October 1970 to September 2005)

  5. C.C.=0.88 Normalized precipitation DJF (blue) y and river discharge (red) (Data from 1976 to 1997)

  6. Lead (months) Correlation between modes and river discharge

  7. Evolution of the correlation between modes and river discharge Running period (22 years)

  8. Variability of Upwelling Conditions Data 1966- 2005 Zonal Ekman transport In Western Iberian Peninsula: UI = -Qx Qx < 0 upwelling favorable Qx > 0 upwelling unfavorable

  9. Upwelling Conditions Days per month under upwelling favorable conditions

  10. Atmospheric patterns vs Qx during the wet season(NDJF) M. deCastro et al., Jornal Marine Systems 72 (2008) Correlation between atmospheric modes and Qx from 1966 to 2005. *** significance level > 95%

  11. EA Pattern Evolution EA > 0 associated to southerly winds at Galician shelf Qx Anomaly Evolution Positive values from 1983 on, which result in upwelling unfavorable conditions

  12. SLP composites

  13. Atmospheric patterns vs summer UISST M. deCastro et al., Climate Research 36 (2008)

  14. Atmospheric patterns vs UISST

  15. Summary: • Precipitation/river discharge depend on several indices (NAO, SCAND, EA/WR, EA) • The dependences is not stationary • Winter upwelling in Galician region depends on EA • Winter upwelling tends to decrease during the last decades • Summer upwelling depends on EA and NAO along the Western Iberian Coast • Dependence on NAO decreases northward

  16. Thanks!!!

  17. DJF average DJF average NAO with a positive phase Dry winter in Galicia EA with a positive phase Above- average precipitation during winter in Galicia NAO and EA . Map of Correlations with precipitation departures

  18. Correlación Modos vs. Precipitación DEF coeficientes invernales de correlación de los distintos índices de teleconexión y la precipitación de las estaciones situadas (Octubre 1976 - Septiembre 1997)

  19. Correlación Modos vs. Precipitación Variación interanual de los modos promediados a DEF (línea roja) y las precipitaciones (línea azul) (Octubre 1976-Septiembre 1997)

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