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Cardiff. City in the UK, is the capital and largest city in Wales. It is located on the river Taff, at the mouth of the Bristol Channel.
Cardiff City in the UK, is the capital and largest city in Wales. It is located on the river Taff, at the mouth of the Bristol Channel.
Today Cardiff is not only a city of culture and art, but also sports, fine dining and excellent shopping and boutiques, making it the ideal destination for both traveling as a couple, as well as more family trips.
Science in Cardiff. • The main universities • And nowsomethingmoreaboutspecific universities in Cardiff. Five major Professorship high reputationin Cardiff are: * University Of Wales * The OpenUniversityinWales * Cardiff University * UwickUniversity * University of GlamorganThe largest of these universities isthelastthree on the list. Theyhave a verywiderange of education. Everyoneshouldfindsomething for everyone. In Cardiff, youcanstudymedicine, law, psychology, economics, business and many otherfields.Most universities organizetheso-calledOpenDaysduringwhichyoucanlearnmoreabouttheuniversity. Besides, youcan go to the Office of theInformation we receiveallthenecessaryinformation.To apply for admission to theuniversitymust be submitted min. applicationwiththematriculationcertificate. The procedure for admission to theuniversity, youcanfind out indetaillookingatthe universities. Tuitionfeesat British universities is an average of 2,000 per year. Of courseyoucanapply for a scholarshipthatcoversvirtuallythewhole of this sum. Studyinginthe UK lastthreeyears. Aftercompletingthreeyears of studyobtainedBachealortitle. Thisdegreeis a bachelor'sPolishcounterpart. To gettheequivalent of ourdegreeor Master Degreeyet to study an additionalyearinwhich to do research and writingwork.Itseems to me that to studyinthe UK becausetheeducation system hereis high, and thedegree of the most renowned universities in Cardiff has a high valueinthelabor market in Europe. Zachęcałabym Poles to studyeveniftheirEnglishlevelis not very high. While non-stop for studentswhospeakonlyEnglishcanquicklybrushupyourEnglish. In addition, boththeteacher and theotherstudentsareveryunderstandinginrelation to foreign students.Another plus of UK universities is a widerange of diverseactivities. The first twoyearsareusuallythe time inwhichisgoing to set thepath, but for subsequentyearsarelargelyfree to choosethesubjects and facultiesinaccordancewithourinterests. A reallyisplenty to choosefrom. For me, a verypleasantsurprise was alsotheopportunity to participateinvariousextra-curricularactivities. For sportsenthusiastsistheability to register for classessuch as yoga, sailing, kite-surfing, swimming to canoeing, volleyball, etc. However, proponents of a more • intellectual entertainment cansignup for one of the many researchgroups, for example, fans of theSpanishlanguageorthewheeldealingtheesoteric. Membership and participationinclassesusuallycost much. For example, theswimmingclubmembershipcard, and unlimitedswimmingatthepoolisonly 10 pounds per semester.AttheUniversity, youcanalsochoose to completeindividualcourses, afterwhichthecertificateisobtained. Rather than go for thethreeyears of study, youcansaveonlythoseitemsthat we areinterested and whichmay be usefulintheirwork. On thispageyoucanfindjustsuchoptionalactivitiesorganized by Cardiff University.
Cardiff Castle - is one of the most important places and cultural heart - the historic and Wales. The castle is situated on a picturesque hill, and its history dates back to the mid-century Cardiff due to the close proximity of the sea was an important strategic point for the Romans. For many centuries the castle hit in the hands of various owners, representing warring clans together. In the years 1867 - 1881 the castle was completely rebuilt to a design by William Burges. Created the splendid gothic and stylized interior of the towers, with its gilding, stained glass, marble and paintings. Each room of this iconic building is finished according to the theme. You'll find room Mediterranean-style gardens, and in the style of Italian or Arabic. The focal point of the castle dating from the twelfth century Norman tower, from where a spectacular view of the city. A part of the castle includes a number of towers, including the Clock Tower, Tank Tower and Guest Tower. Last Castle is a place where happy are organized rock concerts.
Monuments and culture • MonumentsCardiff history dates back to the Roman period, but it is one of the youngest capitals of Europe. The combination of the old style with modern buildings gives an amazing impression. The main monument of the city is Cardiff Castle, built on the ruins of a Roman fort, were residing in the city earned the Marquess of Bute. Other interesting places are: Chair Liandaff of the eleventh century, the castle Castle Coch, built for the third Marquis of Bute, who was the richest man in the world, as well as numerous museums and art galleries. The city is also a lot of green spaces and parks. One of them is Bute Park.CastleBeautiful historic building at the University of CardiffOne of the central points of the castle is the twelfth-century Norman tower, which offers a magnificent view of the city. The castle consists of a number of towers, Clock Tower, Tank Tower, Guest Tower, Herbert Beauchamp Tower and Tower. In the castle, we find plenty of stunning apartments: Smoking Room, Chaucer chamber, the chamber Arabic, bedroom Bute'a Lord and many others. With the invention of artists and hosts each of them has its own original character. There is no doubt that Burges artistic talent manifested itself in this magnificent project with full force. In recent years, the castle became a popular venue for rock concerts. It is here performed even artists such as Tom Jones and Stereophonics.CultureThe city has four universities and other educational institutions. Cardiff classified at a high level in the sport. In addition, it is a city with a rich tourist and cultural. It is included in the 10 most attractive UK. The city hosts a number of music events, concerts and festivals, the largest of these is the Cardiff Big Weekend Festival, falling in the summer. Other important festivals are the Sparks in the Park, the Great British Cheese Festival and many others. The city is also booming club life, which is mainly concentrated in the city center. There are many pubs, clubs and bars.
National Museum National Museum - the construction of this monumental building lasted from 1912 to 1992. Among the exhibits of the museum are items from various fields of human life, together they form a picture of the history and culture of the country. You can see where archaeological collections related to botany, zoology, geology, art and utility. The ground floor and first floor of a multimedia exhibition arranged Wales Evolution (Evolution of Wales). In addition, there are also collections of natural and archaeological finds. The museum has 15 galleries with a variety of artistic collections. In the galleries from 1 to 10 are related to the work of Welsh art, in galleries 11 - 12 gathered primarily sculptures, including a copy of Rodin's Kiss.
One of the central points of the castle is the twelfth-century Norman tower, which offers a magnificent view of the city. The castle consists of a number of towers, Clock Tower, Tank Tower, Guest Tower, Herbert Tower and the Beauchamp Tower. In the castle you will find plenty of stunning apartments: Smoking Room, Chaucer chamber, the chamber Arabic, bedroom Lord Bute'a and more. With the invention of the creators and hosts, each of which has its own original character. There is no doubt that Burges artistic talent manifested itself in this grand project with full force. In recent years, the castle became a popular venue for rock concerts. It is here performed even by artists such as Tom Jones and Stereophonics.
Bands. • Manic Street Preachers • Catatonia • Bullet For My Valentine • Funeral For A Friend • Lostprophets • The Automatic • Skindred • Gorky's Zygotic Mynci • Los Campesinos! • Kids in Glass Houses • The Blackout • Dom Kane • Connor Fogel • The Hot Puppies • Pagan Wanderer Lu • Feeder • McLusky • The Loves
Music of Cardiff • The music of Cardiff has been dominated mainly by rock music since the early 1990s with later trends developing towards more extreme styles of the genre such as heavy metal and metalcore music. • A number of rock music performers have begun their careers in Cardiff, from bands like Manic Street Preachers, Super Furry Animals, Stereophonics and Feeder to bands like Lostprophets, Kids in Glass Houses and Funeral for a Friend, as well as McLusky, The Loves, Los Campesinos!, The School (Uk), We're No Heroes and Brave Captain who dominate Cardiff's music scene today.[1] In 2006 The Independent described the Cardiff music scene as "more vibrant and alive than ever", with more promoters, venues and bands than ever before, often based on the styles of the scene's more famous products such as Stereophonics.[2] • Cardiff is home to the world's oldest record shop, Spillers Records, which was established in 1894, and was situated in The Hayes area of the city centre before relocating to the nearby Morgan Arcade in 2010.[3] • A study by the Performing Rights Society revealed that Cardiff is the second most musical city in the UK based upon the number of bands having their origins in each UK city.[
Technology. • Matthew Bevan1976—Hacker and computer consultant, arrested in 1996 for hacking into secure US government networks under the handle "Kuji".Born in Cardiff • Brian David Josephson1940—Physicist, professor, won the Nobel Prize in Physicsin 1973 for the prediction of the Josephson effect.
Sports fans should not miss the world famous Millennium Stadium, where the Welsh team are playing their football and rugby, and which is organized FA Cup final.