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Details of the can-spam act

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE CAN-SPAM ACT By Chris Jordan www.massemailservices.net www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  2. Understanding “Spam” as per can spam act • Spam can be viewed as the unwanted emails that are received by the consumers who has not subscribed for them nor is interested in them. • Nevertheless, the term “unwanted” does not define spam aptly, as the perception of “unwanted” may be different for different people. • So, it becomes important to understand the spamming rules and “Can Spam” act for anyone who does email marketing. www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  3. The provisions of The Can-Spam act: The email message cannot contain misleading or false content in the header. • This is what the header looks like and it should be legitimate enough. www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  4. 2. The email message cannot have a misleading subject line. • Research and use good and legitimate subject lines www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  5. 3. The sender address must be functioning. • Take steps to ensure that the sender address must be valid and active www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  6. 4. The emails for commercial purposes must include the physical address of the sender. www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  7. 5. All unsubscribe requests must be implemented within 10 business days. www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  8. 6. Any advertising message which is unsolicited must clearly give the opportunity to decline further emails to the recipient. www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

  9. Presented By Chris Jordan www.massemailservices.net Phone – 773 455 6676 Email – sales@massemailservices.net Working Hours – 9:00AM To 6:00PM (EST US) www.massemailservices.net Phone- 773-455-6676 Email-sales@massemailservices.net

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